Lectric XP

Look at this bike, we are SO lucky to have bought a Lectric when you see what some of the competition is selling.
PRIDE 20” Fat Tire Electric Foldable Bicycle!Worst Unboxing:Riding it on soft sand and saltwater
Funny, he trashes out an already trashed out bike just to make a video. As soon as I saw the rust, I would have sent it back without the work of assembling it. https://electricbikereview.com/forums/threads/lectric-xp.28319/
Just came across a very similar ebike on Amazon, $999, in stock and free shipping, arriving between Sept 16 and 23rd.
Could probably order this and have it before my Aug 6th order, but I won't.
It looks like another competitor has entered the market at the same price. I sure hope Lectric gets the shipping and more so communication on track. I think with winter coming, orders are going to slow down and hopefully they will get caught up and be running like a professional company. No doubt it is a quality product!
So today was a very interesting day, I charged my battery fully and got everything ready to go and my bike would not work!!! Thanks to Snokid on p31 and Hovtech on p35 I managed to figure out that 2 of the 20 settings were off. The important one was #20 which is the "communication agreement" which I had somehow set to 1 and the default is 0. This was giving me a E-030 code and nothing except the display would work. After I figured this out I had another code, E-008 which turned out to be the wheel diameter. With this code everything worked except for the odo. I had changed this setting over to 22.2" as per the measurement posted by Bxg on p11 but it seemed to create a problem since I had also changed to kms instead of miles but it all worked out okay when I changed everything back to default and then changed one thing at a time and followed Darceman's advice on p31 to press both the up and down arrows to back out of the settings menu which saves your settings. After this I finally got to start my ride but 12 kms into the ride my pedal fell off! I could not put the pedal back on since threads were damaged so used throttle only to get back home, love that option! I re-tapped the threads and tightened it up using Loktite this time (on both pedals, the other one was still tight) and checked it a few times during my ride and it has stayed tight so far. After all of this my ride went pretty good but I will have to adjust the derailleur since the shifting is wonky and it sometimes shifts by itself or I have to go up and down a couple of times to find the gear I want. After a while I just stopped shifting and used the PAS settings and the throttle and had no trouble at all. The brakes now work better so I think they just needed to bed in a bit, maybe there was some crap from the factory that was interfering with how they are supposed to work? I had planned to ride until my battery died but only made it to 36kms when I ran out of time and had to quit. (this does not include my earlier 12kms, the 36 kms was starting out with a fresh battery) During this ride I used the throttle almost exclusively for starting and used mostly level 1&2 for the first part of the ride but went up to level 5 on some hills. When I saw that I was running out of time faster than I was running out of battery I started to use level 3 and after I got home I still had 4 bars left. Not very scientific for distance but if enough of us post our mileage we can get a pretty good idea of what to expect from these bikes. Other things I did today was install my mirror and add white reflective tape over the Lectric branding, both for side safety and to make the bike look a little less like an electric bike. One of the features that I like about this bike is the hidden battery since it is too easy to rip off a battery that is in the open on your frame, it also makes it look more like a folding bike and maybe not so much like an electric bike so maybe it won't be such a target for theft? One can always hope and dream! I also put 1/2" closed cell foam on the end of my battery which stopped the rattling on my bike. I tried to use the plastic piece from the packing box like Darceman did but couldn't get it into the frame with the battery, maybe our frames are a fraction of an inch different in size? The next things I added were my water bottle holder from Dollerama and my panniers. These panniers are tall enough to hold our battery and are completely waterproof as they are made of rubber and are built like the dry bags you use for kayaking or canoeing. These are the Rhinowalk 25L bags from Amazon and at $55 bucks are quite the steal (in my humble opinion). One other thing, my paint seems to be very poor quality and easily chips off whenever something hits it or even when I am locking it up with my rubber coated lock. Has anyone else noticed this?
Thanks for the detail in your report. I'll know where to look if I run into similar problems when my bikes arrive. Interesting panniers. Did you get the ones from Lectric and just choose to use these?
Hello everyone! I just posted a brief overview/review on youtube of the XP. If you want to check it out I would appreciate it. Just so you know I am a filmmaker and definitely NOT a reviewer 😂. Just wanted to have a little bit of fun shooting something different. Thanks in advance!

Very nice video. I notice we have different taillights, yours is nicer 😊 . I guess it is what is available at that time of manufacturing. It not a big deal, I added a flashing one for safety anyhow. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FDVSVDX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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So today was a very interesting day, I charged my battery fully and got everything ready to go and my bike would not work!!! Thanks to Snokid on p31 and Hovtech on p35 I managed to figure out that 2 of the 20 settings were off. The important one was #20 which is the "communication agreement" which I had somehow set to 1 and the default is 0. This was giving me a E-030 code and nothing except the display would work. After I figured this out I had another code, E-008 which turned out to be the wheel diameter. With this code everything worked except for the odo. I had changed this setting over to 22.2" as per the measurement posted by Bxg on p11 but it seemed to create a problem since I had also changed to kms instead of miles but it all worked out okay when I changed everything back to default and then changed one thing at a time and followed Darceman's advice on p31 to press both the up and down arrows to back out of the settings menu which saves your settings. After this I finally got to start my ride but 12 kms into the ride my pedal fell off! I could not put the pedal back on since threads were damaged so used throttle only to get back home, love that option! I re-tapped the threads and tightened it up using Loktite this time (on both pedals, the other one was still tight) and checked it a few times during my ride and it has stayed tight so far. After all of this my ride went pretty good but I will have to adjust the derailleur since the shifting is wonky and it sometimes shifts by itself or I have to go up and down a couple of times to find the gear I want. After a while I just stopped shifting and used the PAS settings and the throttle and had no trouble at all. The brakes now work better so I think they just needed to bed in a bit, maybe there was some crap from the factory that was interfering with how they are supposed to work? I had planned to ride until my battery died but only made it to 36kms when I ran out of time and had to quit. (this does not include my earlier 12kms, the 36 kms was starting out with a fresh battery) During this ride I used the throttle almost exclusively for starting and used mostly level 1&2 for the first part of the ride but went up to level 5 on some hills. When I saw that I was running out of time faster than I was running out of battery I started to use level 3 and after I got home I still had 4 bars left. Not very scientific for distance but if enough of us post our mileage we can get a pretty good idea of what to expect from these bikes. Other things I did today was install my mirror and add white reflective tape over the Lectric branding, both for side safety and to make the bike look a little less like an electric bike. One of the features that I like about this bike is the hidden battery since it is too easy to rip off a battery that is in the open on your frame, it also makes it look more like a folding bike and maybe not so much like an electric bike so maybe it won't be such a target for theft? One can always hope and dream! I also put 1/2" closed cell foam on the end of my battery which stopped the rattling on my bike. I tried to use the plastic piece from the packing box like Darceman did but couldn't get it into the frame with the battery, maybe our frames are a fraction of an inch different in size? The next things I added were my water bottle holder from Dollerama and my panniers. These panniers are tall enough to hold our battery and are completely waterproof as they are made of rubber and are built like the dry bags you use for kayaking or canoeing. These are the Rhinowalk 25L bags from Amazon and at $55 bucks are quite the steal (in my humble opinion). One other thing, my paint seems to be very poor quality and easily chips off whenever something hits it or even when I am locking it up with my rubber coated lock. Has anyone else noticed this?
Thanks for all the info. Dont mind the trolls. You had a lot of issues and one of your remedies may help someone else.
Hello everyone! I just posted a brief overview/review on youtube of the XP. If you want to check it out I would appreciate it. Just so you know I am a filmmaker and definitely NOT a reviewer 😂. Just wanted to have a little bit of fun shooting something different. Thanks in advance!

Very nice XP eye-candy. Good review, pro-quality video work.
Very nice - thanks. I have been wavering over the weekend about looking into other options and cancelling my XP order, but these beauty shots whetted my appetite again. Back to patient waiting....
From my experience they are worth the wait. Watching videos of other bikes in the same price range, no comparison. If someone wanted to add a few hundred $$ they could get a comparable bike without the back logs of orders due to price. Right now the Lectric is not an impulse item....pay full retail and walk out the door with it. That one was $2,195 at a local bike shop and they are now out of business, there went the support I would have paid for.
How hard it would be to change the chainring on XP to 54 or 56T.
With 56T chainring and 11-28t freewheel one could hit that 28mph with no problem I think.
Thought I'd start a new thread for ride and range reports, so that as people get and ride their XPs they can report their experiences there and make it easier to view these reports.

From my experience they are worth the wait. Watching videos of other bikes in the same price range, no comparison. If someone wanted to add a few hundred $$ they could get a comparable bike without the back logs of orders due to price. Right now the Lectric is not an impulse item....pay full retail and walk out the door with it. That one was $2,195 at a local bike shop and they are now out of business, there went the support I would have paid for.
I'm stickin' it out! 👍
Thanks for the detail in your report. I'll know where to look if I run into similar problems when my bikes arrive. Interesting panniers. Did you get the ones from Lectric and just choose to use these?
I did receive the free panniers from Lectric but didn't like them, these are much better as they are heavier duty, more secure on the bike, you can remove them in seconds, and they are waterproof which is really needed when one lives on the "wet coast" i.e. anywhere from Oregon to southern B.C.
Thanks for all the info. Dont mind the trolls. You had a lot of issues and one of your remedies may help someone else.
On another forum I am on we have a retired college professor that writes the most boring text books to answer a simple question. I would much rather read Kimbo's informative post any day of the week. At least he had something intelligent to report, and thank you for sharing.
Hey this is exciting, like a football game. First one side pulls into the lead and then the other.

In an effort to swing the momentum back I'd just like to say... I like paragraphs. My eyeballs work hard enough and need a break now and then.
I have sore eyes reading this..... kept getting lost
Yikes!!! I actually agree with you, this should have been split into 3 messages, 1 for problems, 1 for changes or bling, and 1 for trip/mileage. So I apologize for the long post...I've never done posting before and there is a learning curve to anything. I think Poorplayer has the right direction and as we grow we will have different threads to make it easier to find info when we need it. The problem with electric bikes is that it's not if they will break down it's a question of when and then how! Even though this bike is a great deal and I like mine the truth is we are dealing with a generic frame that is used by other sellers and bargain bin parts so we have a good chance to have many faults to work out. Can anyone help me with how to post videos from YouTube? We probably need a how-to section as well.
So today was a very interesting day, I charged my battery fully and got everything ready to go and my bike would not work!!! Thanks to Snokid on p31 and Hovtech on p35 I managed to figure out that 2 of the 20 settings were off. The important one was #20 which is the "communication agreement" which I had somehow set to 1 and the default is 0. This was giving me a E-030 code and nothing except the display would work. After I figured this out I had another code, E-008 which turned out to be the wheel diameter. With this code everything worked except for the odo. I had changed this setting over to 22.2" as per the measurement posted by Bxg on p11 but it seemed to create a problem since I had also changed to kms instead of miles but it all worked out okay when I changed everything back to default and then changed one thing at a time and followed Darceman's advice on p31 to press both the up and down arrows to back out of the settings menu which saves your settings. After this I finally got to start my ride but 12 kms into the ride my pedal fell off! I could not put the pedal back on since threads were damaged so used throttle only to get back home, love that option! I re-tapped the threads and tightened it up using Loktite this time (on both pedals, the other one was still tight) and checked it a few times during my ride and it has stayed tight so far.

I did the same thing the day after I got my bike (messed up the settings especially P20). Here's some things to know: 1) when you enter the settings mode by pushing both arrows, you will sometimes inadvertently change the current setting when releasing the arrows. 2) I assumed that every time you enter setting mode, it started at P01. Not so, it will come back to where you left it last . This may reset after power down, but if you go in and out of setting mode, it remembers where you were. So I would reenter setting mode and inadvertently change a random setting. For this reason I always return to P01 (backlight) before exiting setting mode because that one wont screw anything up if accidentally changed.
I hope it is that easy. It sounds like you found it since it started to go into the dropout.
THANK YOU! I got it! Two set of eyes are better than one. (tip don't take pictures when bike is upright, then tune it upside down to work on it) Once I turned the torque washer tabs down instead of up, large screwdiver between the frame and gears/frame and brake hub, I was able to walk it down using a rubber mallet, 1/8 of an inch until it seated. Thank all of you for the links and tips, they did help!! Square rod is the large screwdriver


  • 2019-09-09 10.53.33.jpg
    2019-09-09 10.53.33.jpg
    163 KB · Views: 584
Can anyone help me with how to post videos from YouTube? We probably need a how-to section as well.

Under every YouTube video there is a "Share" button, usually to the right side and just over the "Subscribe" button. Click on that, and you will get a popup box. One choice is to "Copy Link." So copy the link, and then when you write your reply post, simply paste the link into your reply. The software in the forum takes care of the rest. Like this:
