Known Issues & Problems with Orbea Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

That's amazing, there's no way I'd be able to ride that hard now, much less at 83. There's got to be something wrong with your bike, there's no way it should turn itself on when the motor is off, not should it change power levels by itself unless you're using the app, have a HR monitor connected and changed the settings to increase power based on your heart rate.
I don't have a smartphone so all controls are just through the Iwoc button on the top tube. So far it hasn't changed the power levels on its own.
I don't have a smartphone so all controls are just through the Iwoc button on the top tube. So far it hasn't changed the power levels on its own.
Hi Grandad, I’ve just joined to see if anyone has had the issues I’ve been having and you seemed to have had some of the same. I’ve had my gain d30 since May last year with no issues other than the dragging feeling. But then in November when I switched on, the pink light came on and started flashing. To cut a very long story short, I’ve had a new motor and battery, which didn’t solve the problem, next a new iWoc switch and charging switch but still the problem persists. Every now and then the pink light flashes when I switch on and the motor doesn’t work. Switching on and off mostly rectifies this but I’m losing confidence in riding long distances. It also switches on when, like you, I’m riding down a bumpy hill. I tend only to use the electric when riding up hills, switching on and off when necessary, but it was implied by the dealer that I shouldn’t be doing this. Does anyone else ride like this? How have you got on with your problems?
Hi Sharonw
The dealers had my bike for 3 weeks during which it passed all the routine electronics tests so they contacted Orbea who said this was a new problem to them and they had no idea what was happening. A new iWoc switch was fitted but it still switches off going down some hills. I have identified 22mph as the speed that triggers this. Everything else works perfectly.

It's not a major problem - my concern is that it may develop into something more serious. The dealer is aware of this and will help if this should happen.

Talking to a club member who has a better specced Gain he said he has the same problem, just hasn't bothered to do anything about it.
Hi Sharonw
The dealers had my bike for 3 weeks during which it passed all the routine electronics tests so they contacted Orbea who said this was a new problem to them and they had no idea what was happening. A new iWoc switch was fitted but it still switches off going down some hills. I have identified 22mph as the speed that triggers this. Everything else works perfectly.

It's not a major problem - my concern is that it may develop into something more serious. The dealer is aware of this and will help if this should happen.

Talking to a club member who has a better specced Gain he said he has the same problem, just hasn't bothered to do anything about it.
Interesting! You’ve not experienced the flashing pink light and error code 24 (motor connection error)? Did your dealer say anything about switching the motor on and off during your rides?
I too have experienced the pink flashing on numerous occasions. Turning it off and on usually fixed it and often came back after a ride when I plugged in to charge. The issue did not start until I got my Extender Battery.

Orbea US decided to change out my charge port. Unfortunately, before the part arrived and they could make the repair I had a pretty severe crash hitting a large rock while going down a hill at about 50kph. Had to to some other repairs to the bike and to me. (Partial tear in rotator cuff.)

Have had all the repairs done but have not yet been able to ride the bike to see if the pink light issue is gone. I'll keep you posted but it will be early February before I can test it out.
I too have experienced the pink flashing on numerous occasions. Turning it off and on usually fixed it and often came back after a ride when I plugged in to charge. The issue did not start until I got my Extender Battery.

Orbea US decided to change out my charge port. Unfortunately, before the part arrived and they could make the repair I had a pretty severe crash hitting a large rock while going down a hill at about 50kph. Had to to some other repairs to the bike and to me. (Partial tear in rotator cuff.)

Have had all the repairs done but have not yet been able to ride the bike to see if the pink light issue is gone. I'll keep you posted but it will be early February before I can test it out.
Sounds nasty, hope your recovery is going well.

I’ve left my bike with the bike shop until they can get in touch with the Orbea rep again now Christmas is over. They have been brilliant so far, even getting a free extender out of Orbea for me for all the trouble, which I haven’t used yet. However, I was a little frustrated when the shop guy said it might be because I switch it on and off during a ride, as when I was looking to buy the bike, everyone I spoke to about these bikes never said that they shouldn’t be ridden like this.

Do you leave the electric on all through your rides? I’ll keep you posted!
Sounds nasty, hope your recovery is going well.

I’ve left my bike with the bike shop until they can get in touch with the Orbea rep again now Christmas is over. They have been brilliant so far, even getting a free extender out of Orbea for me for all the trouble, which I haven’t used yet. However, I was a little frustrated when the shop guy said it might be because I switch it on and off during a ride, as when I was looking to buy the bike, everyone I spoke to about these bikes never said that they shouldn’t be ridden like this.

Do you leave the electric on all through your rides? I’ll keep you posted!
Thx, everything healing. Road rash is almost gone. Shoulder getting stronger. It's been 8 weeks and probably would be riding by now but we went home to Canada for Xmas and going back to Arizona first of February.

No I too switch it on and off. As I mentioned it all started when I started using the extender. That's great about them giving you the extender. I got mine so I could do longer 100km + rides. Longest I did without extender was about 115 km & 1200 metres. It was bone dry when I got back.
Keep mine on all the time. If I don't need assistance I scroll through levels and back to '0'
I hadn’t thought of doing that! I think I just think by switching it off altogether I’ll save the battery.

Having said that, I’ve never used more than 45%, that was on a 60 mile ride. We plan to do some touring this year though, so I just want to get this issue sorted out.
Thx, everything healing. Road rash is almost gone. Shoulder getting stronger. It's been 8 weeks and probably would be riding by now but we went home to Canada for Xmas and going back to Arizona first of February.

No I too switch it on and off. As I mentioned it all started when I started using the extender. That's great about them giving you the extender. I got mine so I could do longer 100km + rides. Longest I did without extender was about 115 km & 1200 metres. It was bone dry when I got back.
Hi there again. After testing my bike, speaking to the Orbea rep at length and then checking all the other bikes with this system in their shop, the final conclusion was that the bike should be switched on at the start of the ride and left on all the while. If no assistance is required, the button should be scrolled through for ‘no assistance,’ as others have said they do. Apparently, it isn’t designed to be switched on and off throughout the ride, but nobody ever told me that, either when I was looking to buy or when I actually bought the bike. Neither does it say on any of the Orbea documentation.
The upshot of this is that Orbea are now changing their documents to make this apparent, the shop and rep now know this for future reference and I can ride my bike again!
It was a long process to discover this, with all of the electrical parts being changed and surprising that Orbea didn’t know that this was the result of switching the system on and off during a ride, but I guess it’s a learning curve for us all with something that it relatively new.
Of course, your problem may be something different altogether. The error code that showed on my app was 24 (motor connection issue).
Let me know how you get on!
Very interesting - will try leaving it on throughout the ride. Will this create any drag?
I asked the guy in the shop who was doing all the testing about drag when in the no assistance mode and he said not, but admitted he was concentrating more on the pink light issue rather than anything else. I guess it’s something that will have to be tried, but I hope it doesn’t cause drag.
He also said that leaving it switched on all the time would only have a minimal effect on the battery level, which was a concern of mine - running the battery down while not taking advantage of the assistance.
When I asked about it switching itself on when hurtling downhill, I think he’d forgotten about that, so couldn’t answer. To be honest, if everything else works ok now, I can cope with that issue!
As I said, I think it’s as much a learning curve for them as much as us!
I asked the guy in the shop who was doing all the testing about drag when in the no assistance mode and he said not, but admitted he was concentrating more on the pink light issue rather than anything else. I guess it’s something that will have to be tried, but I hope it doesn’t cause drag.
He also said that leaving it switched on all the time would only have a minimal effect on the battery level, which was a concern of mine - running the battery down while not taking advantage of the assistance.
When I asked about it switching itself on when hurtling downhill, I think he’d forgotten about that, so couldn’t answer. To be honest, if everything else works ok now, I can cope with that issue!
As I said, I think it’s as much a learning curve for them as much as us!
Please help me. I'm missing something here. I have been doing as you were. Switching on and off as needed. (As advertised.) Off going down hills, on going up etc. Where do I find. this no assist mode if not in the off position? To my knowledge I only have on... Assist 1/green, Assist 2/orange and Assist 3/red. No assist is turned off. 🤔
Please help me. I'm missing something here. I have been doing as you were. Switching on and off as needed. (As advertised.) Off going down hills, on going up etc. Where do I find. this no assist mode if not in the off position? To my knowledge I only have on... Assist 1/green, Assist 2/orange and Assist 3/red. No assist is turned off. 🤔
I too hadn’t really appreciated there was a no assistance mode. If you switch on and then go through them, green, orange, red, the next one it goes to is white, before then going back to green at the next press. This is the no assist mode.
I too hadn’t really appreciated there was a no assistance mode. If you switch on and then go through them, green, orange, red, the next one it goes to is white, before then going back to green at the next press. This is the no assist mode.
OK. Will have to try that. Always thought that just brought me back to A1. When I initially turn it on it flashes green and goes to white which I have always considered that I have between 75-100% power. Hmmm. I also do not recall seeing any ebikemotion /Orbea instructions to that effect.

You are absolutely right about it being a learning curve for everybody. As my bike was the first one sold by my LBS, I would suggest my knowledge from the year I had to research on the internet to delivery made me more knowledgeable than they were. Everything they get now is coming from Orbea.
If you use the app on your phone the assistance level is indicated on the bottom left of the screen. When the bike is switched on the initial level is 1 - white light if charged over 75%. Scroll through level 2, then 3 then 0, then 1 again, and so on. I haven't noticed any drag, but I need to use assistance level 1 most of the time anyway, and it is only on long flats or downhills, or a with favourable wind that I will use the 0 setting.