Known Issues & Problems with Lectric eBikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

I don't know if anyone has had this problem, it started two days ago on my Lectric XP. The locking clasp that prevents the bike from folding keeps opening while I am riding. It opens and then snags the bottom of my pants leg. I put in around 900 miles on the bike so far and now it is starting to do this. I had to resort to duct taping the clasp to the frame to prevent it from coming loose.
Never mind, just found out from lectric that the latching pin is adjustable. I just raised the pin with a allen key inserted in a hole underneath the pin and raised it up a little. The clasp now closes and stays closed . Problem solved.
Never mind, just found out from lectric that the latching pin is adjustable. I just raised the pin with a allen key inserted in a hole underneath the pin and raised it up a little. The clasp now closes and stays closed . Problem solved.
Good news for you, another reason to choose to buy from a company that you can contact when you have a problem as compared to buying online.
Good news for you, another reason to choose to buy from a company that you can contact when you have a problem as compared to buying online.
I think this would still be considered buying online..But...their service and after service is excellent.
I think this would still be considered buying online..But...their service and after service is excellent.
Yeah, I meant online as in Aliexpress, Amazon, Ebay, or even Walmart as compared to Lectric, Bolton, Rad, Voltbike or any other "online seller" that has a brick and mortar building, some integrity and a help line for problems. If you are a good tinkerer and have access to electronic parts you can have some fun with random bikes but most of us are better with someone we can call when we have a problem or question.
I was wondering if anyone has had this issue. I have had my bike for almost a month and have put about 80 miles on it riding several times a week. Overall the experience has been great and the pedal assist really helps with the hills here in CT. During my ride this morning I was pedaling along and came to a hill and all of a sudden the PAS didn't work and the bike seemed to be struggling. I noticed that error code E009 was flashing. I tried the throttle with no success and tried pedaling again and then throttle again and then it seemed to kick in and work. I cut my ride short and was heading back home when it happened again and error code E007 was flashing. I pulled over to the side of the road and shut off the controller hoping it would reset. After a few minutes I turned the controller back on and it seemed fine so I rode home. When I neared my house I had the same issue when on a hill but the error codes weren't flashing. Could my controller be going bad?
Both of my brake cables were not seated properly when the bike arrived, fwiw.

If this is becoming a more common occurrence in the end of line QC is not being improved then they should include something in the manual to give the user the heads up to check the brake cables to ensure they're fully seated.
Received my lectric xp bike yesterday and the chain is falling off. Looked at the bike to diagnose the issue and believe it’s the chainring that is warped. Am I on the right path with the issue? Suggestions on how to fix?

My new XP had a failed battery after the first 13 miles (and if that isn't enough), the derailleur hanger was bent and the brakes were not adjusted right. One was too tight and rubbing where you couldn't spin the wheel freely, and the other was too loose where the handle touched the hand grip when applied. In short, the bike in my opinion has very very poor quality control and it sure appears the assemblers are just pushing these bikes out the door as fast as possible. I stand by that.
My new XP had a failed battery after the first 13 miles (and if that isn't enough), the derailleur hanger was bent and the brakes were not adjusted right. One was too tight and rubbing where you couldn't spin the wheel freely, and the other was too loose where the handle touched the hand grip when applied. In short, the bike in my opinion has very very poor quality control and it sure appears the assemblers are just pushing these bikes out the door as fast as possible. I stand by that.
When did you receive your bike?
I ordered mine on May 27th and it arrived July3rd as advertised. My rear brakes need adjustment and other than that the bike has performed like a rockstar. Accessories arriving daily courtesy of Amazon!
Green Belt.jpg
Congratulations, interesting location for your coffee holder.

Its actually my water holder. The holder I ordered is too big for the small bottles that we buy at the grocery store, so I broke out the stainless tee prize from the golf club. It's all part of my new weight loss routine. Up by 5am. On the road to the golf course at 615. Hit 30 or 40 wedge shots then take a 10 mile trek home. So far I have gained 3 lbs. People say I should pedal more...
I ordered mine on May 27th and it arrived July3rd as advertised. My rear brakes need adjustment and other than that the bike has performed like a rockstar. Accessories arriving daily courtesy of Amazon!View attachment 59004
I like your rear bag. By the way what is the patch doing on the frame? Is it to keep the latch secured or anything else????