Known Issues & Problems with Lectric eBikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

Losing top-end speed by raising the wheel size higher is expected. I don't understand why you are having to raise it so high to dial in the odometer. That should be just a matter of a few decimal points to dial it in, Not having to go up to a 25inch tire size. To me that would point more to a sensor issue. I am not a bike expert though.
It is what it is. 25" was suggested to me by CS & it does get the odometer reading close. the 25" wheel size is roughly a 25% greater circumference than the 20" wheel so I'd expect a 25% increase in the odometer reading but it actually increased by about 35% & the speedo decreased by about 15%. In a mechanical system changing the wheel size would make a proportional changes in the odometer & speedo. But this is electronics & it's a matter of how the firmware is written, or at least that's the only rational that I can come up with.
This isn't necessarily a problem specific to the Lectric XP, but check the rim tape.

I had my tires off today and the tape on my front rim wasn't covering three spokes. They were quite sharp and I'm sure they would e caused a leak if I hadn't taken care of it. The back rim was fine.

I wrapped the rim with duct tape. It's not ideal, it will get the job done.
Is the XP capable of being placed in the 7th speed? I'm having a problem having it shift to 7th speed. I know the adjustments must be off or the derailleur is bent. If it needs adjusting, what screw should be adjusted first, the H or L screw. Alignment of the chain takes on a strange angle when the chain is manually placed on the 7th speed teeth of the cassette. The angle is fairly extreme is why I ask. I would've thought that this would have at least been adjusted before the bike was shipped. The box the bicycle was shipped in didn't appear to have any damage to the area where the derailleur was located, but you know how shipping company employees handle boxes sometimes. I am new to adjusting derailleurs and this is why I ask. Thanks for any and all help.
Is the XP capable of being placed in the 7th speed? I'm having a problem having it shift to 7th speed. ...
--- Thanks for any and all help.

Not sure if this is your cause, members have been reporting that the derailleur guard was bent in and needs to be bent back out a bit.
Lectric is sending me a new battery next week sometime. They think a cell is dead in my battery since I only get about 10 miles to a full charge. PAS 3 mostly peddling even paved road battery dies after 9-10 miles and it could be less since the display may be inaccurate as far as speed, mile etc.
I think they used the cheapest LG battery cells and that's why you see so much battery sag. Looking at the battery it looks like 13s4p configuration. Leaves one cell they could use . LG M26 2600mAh which is good for low amp applications , under 10A. 4 batteries in parallel will get 40A max. Controller is limited at 18A max so when you need a lot power and battery is full the bar will drop to 50% . When battery is at 75% and with full power the bar can drop even to 10%.
I would have to open the battery to confirm all of this.
Thanks for this, you know a lot about batteries! Are you able to source a replacement battery for the bike that would have better specs than what came with it?
Mine is also set to 40v and locked. Just fyi, He wasn't necessarily wrong. P15 is supposed to be low voltage cut off. Which I personally feel 40v is a tad to low. What you are experiencing sounds like something is binding which is causing power surging which is causing the display to freak out.
My guess as to why lectric pre sets the voltage cutoff at 40v is because it will increase range if battery doesnt shut off until getting that low. Eventually it will lead to premature battery failure but by then everyone will have gushed about the bikes range being long. And they will sell more bikes. To bad they didnt put in the correct wheel size(22.5) because people are getting underestimated milage range dooohhh
Lectric is sending me a new battery next week sometime. They think a cell is dead in my battery since I only get about 10 miles to a full charge. PAS 3 mostly peddling even paved road battery dies after 9-10 miles and it could be less since the display may be inaccurate as far as speed, mile etc.
Do they want the bad battery sent back? Because, if not, I bet you could get it repaired cheaper than a new one. Then you'd have two. Batteries+Bulbs has a repair service. If not, I'll take it.
Nope, I'm wrong about lots of stuff and will fully admit it when I am wrong. I am an expert in certain parts of technology though, that doesn't make me flawless, I can still make mistakes but they are going to be far less than the stuff im not technical at. Just you and nobody else has actually given a real reason for locking settings other than so it doesn't annoy lectric to get calls. Which is not a valid excuse at all. Why put walk mode in there, there are going to be lots of people that accidentally start it. Oh, thats right because lectric probably won't get a call on that. If only they could have done something like oh, I don't know, Added a sheet of paper with the settings on it, they wouldn't get slammed with calls either. Please, give me valid reasons besides them having to field calls or people on forums having to give advice. The only setting that they should have locked was voltage, and not even locked it just given it a minimum voltage so you can't over-discharge the battery and cause it to catch on fire. Its the only real damaging setting to the bike itself. Every other setting can just easily be reset. So again, show me real valid reasons for locking the settings.

The reason is most certainly liability increase = potential lawsuits. Not "annoyance increase" reasons.
The fact is, the more customization you give an uncontrolled variable (customer), the greater the liability for the company.
Their lawyer probably told them the risks and they made a calculated decision.
The reason is most certainly liability increase = potential lawsuits. Not "annoyance increase" reasons.
The fact is, the more customization you give an uncontrolled variable (customer), the greater the liability for the company.
Their lawyer probably told them the risks and they made a calculated decision.
Oh no you shouldn't have said .. your gonna regret it... RE: See old posts...LOL
Oh no you shouldn't have said .. your gonna regret it... RE: See old posts...LOL

There is a difference between debating and being an ass. I think most of us can see which side you are leaning on.
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Doomsday - I wish you would dial it down a little. People who are confrontational online exhibit zero courage and zero character.
Doomsday - I wish you would dial down the nastiness a little. People who are confrontational online exhibit zero courage and zero character.

I dial down the nastiness?

Lets see....

Doomsday - I wish you would dial down the nastiness a little. People who are confrontational online exhibit zero courage and zero character.

I dial down the nastiness? I hadnt said anything about anything then
Oh no you shouldn't have said .. your gonna regret it... RE: See old posts...LOL

And this was called for?

Speak to me when you actually have a case. I did nothing wrong here.