Yes, I have stated on multiple occasions how easy it is to accidentally change a setting on not realize it. That is NOT grounds to lock the bike. Again, If you have a sheet of paper with the defaults, you can easily see if you changed something. That corrects 99% of the issues right there and you can still adjust your settings of your bike for how you want it to ride. Yet you and a few others keep harping on this is why the settings should be locked. Why is that? Why should the settings be locked? Why would any company in their right mind lock settings like tire size and cruise control and speedo adjust? That's exactly what a bicycle computer is for. The only setting in there that could possibly cause any harm is the low voltage cutoff. which btw, Yours being at 38.5 could have actually damaged the battery. It's a darn good thing you had the ability to change that. Frankly even at 40v its questionable as to it could slowly cause damage and thats where they are locked right now with no chance of changing it. Interesting a company locks the low voltage just on the edge. Guess what will probably happen. Lots of folks will ride it to cut off, cause let's face it, most dont care. They will do it over and over again, the battery slowly gets less and less miles, Oh a new battery from us fixes that. The company makes even more money.
Conspiracy theory? Absolutely, but there is truth in that statement as well. Companies do it all the time. But according to you, we should all be riding locked bikes so the company doesn't get bothered with customer questions or god forbid someone comes to a forum and asks for help.