Known Issues & Problems with Giant Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

RabH, I would still probably get it checked out. Intermittent problems like that don't just disappear, it may be something that will reappear and you want to make sure you get it resolved while under warranty to avoid any out of pocket expenses. Even if nothing is found at least you will have documentation that shows a reported issue to protect you in the future.

RabH, I would still probably get it checked out. Intermittent problems like that don't just disappear, it may be something that will reappear and you want to make sure you get it resolved while under warranty to avoid any out of pocket expenses. Even if nothing is found at least you will have documentation that shows a reported issue to protect you in the future.

I know what you mean Will but I still have 15 months warranty so I will wait and see if the problems return, I can always get it checked out at my next service!
Now the power switch has started working again, everything is back to the way it should be! I cancelled my appointment on Saturday, I hope the problems don't return...

A few hours in the sunshine after you finish washing will do wonders as well. Glad it all worked out.
My 2017 Giant Quick E+ has an issue with not powering off ? it happened 2 months ago as well and at the time Giant store said it was a code issue on the battery and bring it in a swap the battery with new coded one
Has any one else had this issue?
Hi I have just bought this bike 2019 version, it has done this twice since Friday!
@Gavin sorry to hear you are going through this. Suggest bringing it back to your dealer and having them troubleshoot the problem for you. This forum is great for getting assistance and has a great community if support is required.

good luck,

Hi Guy's
I bought a Giant Trance E+1 pro 2019 back in october last year, love the bike, so much fun.
Last sunday I was out with the guy's as per usual, no rain but muddy. Got back and as usual cleaned my bike exactly as shown in the Giant video of how to clean your ebike. Next morning I noticed the ridecontrol one led's were lit and the bike was on. I simply thought i must have left it on? However, these things are supposed to turn off after a certain length of inactivity! So I turned the bike off, and 2 seconds later the bike turned itself on again!
I pulled the battery next and cleaned the contact points and checked for any pooling water anywhere but nothing.
I then inserted the battery and the bike turns itself on.
Sometimes it turns on but the ridecontrol one remote is unresponsive, but mostly it works fine once the battery is inserted, apart from the fact that it turns itself on!
It is still happening after 3 days in the kitchen (wife not happy about bike living in our kitchen/dining room lol ) I had hoped it was a little moisture and would sort itself after a day or two in the warm dry house environment.
But....... No, still happening.
So I will be taking it back to the Giant store to see whats what.

Has anyone else had this issue and managed to cure it? Or did the store cure it and how long did it take? What did they do?

Any help would be great.

Hi Guy's
I bought a Giant Trance E+1 pro 2019 back in october last year, love the bike, so much fun.
Last sunday I was out with the guy's as per usual, no rain but muddy. Got back and as usual cleaned my bike exactly as shown in the Giant video of how to clean your ebike. Next morning I noticed the ridecontrol one led's were lit and the bike was on. I simply thought i must have left it on? However, these things are supposed to turn off after a certain length of inactivity! So I turned the bike off, and 2 seconds later the bike turned itself on again!
I pulled the battery next and cleaned the contact points and checked for any pooling water anywhere but nothing.
I then inserted the battery and the bike turns itself on.
Sometimes it turns on but the ridecontrol one remote is unresponsive, but mostly it works fine once the battery is inserted, apart from the fact that it turns itself on!
It is still happening after 3 days in the kitchen (wife not happy about bike living in our kitchen/dining room lol ) I had hoped it was a little moisture and would sort itself after a day or two in the warm dry house environment.
But....... No, still happening.
So I will be taking it back to the Giant store to see whats what.

Has anyone else had this issue and managed to cure it? Or did the store cure it and how long did it take? What did they do?

Any help would be great.

Sorry to hear about your problem, I had a similar problem with my Road E+1 pro and it was very frustrating! I suspect moisture was the cuplrit as it did clear itself after several days! I'm not familiar with your model but I assume there will be a bullet connecter just below the display, I would try disconnecting it and use a hair dryer on a lowish setting to try and clear any moisture that may be present! Maybe leave it disconnected overnight to let it dry thoroughly, good luck.
Sorry to hear about your problem, I had a similar problem with my Road E+1 pro and it was very frustrating! I suspect moisture was the cuplrit as it did clear itself after several days! I'm not familiar with your model but I assume there will be a bullet connecter just below the display, I would try disconnecting it and use a hair dryer on a lowish setting to try and clear any moisture that may be present! Maybe leave it disconnected overnight to let it dry thoroughly, good luck.
Hey dude
Thanks for the reply, unfortunately the Ridecontrol One unit doesn't have a bullet connection, not on mine at least. Its a pretty well sealed unit and I can only see 3 small screws holding the entire thing together. As it's in warranty I'm a little reluctant to take it apart.
I'm still waiting to hear from the giant store to see what they say. It will obviously need to go back to them so they can see if they can find the issue. Hopefully its a quick easy fix(fingers crossed).
I've no doubt that it will get resolved by the store, its just a ballache lol.
I'll keep updating as I know more.

Hey dude
Thanks for the reply, unfortunately the Ridecontrol One unit doesn't have a bullet connection, not on mine at least. Its a pretty well sealed unit and I can only see 3 small screws holding the entire thing together. As it's in warranty I'm a little reluctant to take it apart.
I'm still waiting to hear from the giant store to see what they say. It will obviously need to go back to them so they can see if they can find the issue. Hopefully its a quick easy fix(fingers crossed).
I've no doubt that it will get resolved by the store, its just a ballache lol.
I'll keep updating as I know more.

Ah I see, sounds very different! I hope it will be easily fixed and you will have many trouble free rides in the future.
Hey dude
Thanks for the reply, unfortunately the Ridecontrol One unit doesn't have a bullet connection, not on mine at least. Its a pretty well sealed unit and I can only see 3 small screws holding the entire thing together. As it's in warranty I'm a little reluctant to take it apart.
I'm still waiting to hear from the giant store to see what they say. It will obviously need to go back to them so they can see if they can find the issue. Hopefully its a quick easy fix(fingers crossed).
I've no doubt that it will get resolved by the store, its just a ballache lol.
I'll keep updating as I know more.


Hi I have just bought this bike 2019 version, it has done this twice since Friday!

I bought mine last saturday, 2019 Giant Trance e+2, took it out on Sunday... started switching itself on?? any luck with sorting it out? what has Giant had to say? taken it back to my supplier who said it was a huge problem with the Full E+ but said mine was there first issue with the 2019 bikes...which i doubt.

I really like the bike but wondering if I should persist with it or change to something else... maybe a turbo levo?
I have a Giant Trance e+1, and its doing the same thing. Turns on when I plug in the battery, sometimes all of the lights on the Ride Control are illuminated and in this state the bike will not operate. Other times the ride control operates as normal and so does the bike, however when I try to turn it off with the power button, the power light flashes a few time as normal, it turns off but within a second its back on again. Started occuring after I washed my bike. I disconnected all the electrical connectors to the motor, blow dried them and reistalled, it didn't fix the problem. Currently working with my dealer to fix the problem. This is my third problem with the bike, first was it was turning off by itself, next was a motor failure (internal stripped gear, I think) and now I have the 'won't turn off' issue....starting to think new bike time?
I have a Giant Trance e+1, and its doing the same thing. Turns on when I plug in the battery, sometimes all of the lights on the Ride Control are illuminated and in this state the bike will not operate. Other times the ride control operates as normal and so does the bike, however when I try to turn it off with the power button, the power light flashes a few time as normal, it turns off but within a second its back on again. Started occuring after I washed my bike. I disconnected all the electrical connectors to the motor, blow dried them and reistalled, it didn't fix the problem. Currently working with my dealer to fix the problem. This is my third problem with the bike, first was it was turning off by itself, next was a motor failure (internal stripped gear, I think) and now I have the 'won't turn off' issue....starting to think new bike time?
After three days in the garage, the problem has disappeard. On advice from Giant, my dealer requested I bring the bike in for a check (they were going to check the controller), however, now that it is working again, they say its pretty hard to fault find so they have recommended I only bring it in when the problem recurrs. I personally think its the handlebar controller letting in water, as I have already checked all the other connectors and dried them with no affect on the problem, also the contoller has the electrics for turning on and off. Perhaps the controller rubber buttons have tear in the rubber below the surface from a fall that is letting in water, althought they don't look like they have been stressed? ....might give the controller (and nothing else) a good soaking and see if it recurres.
After three days in the garage, the problem has disappeard. On advice from Giant, my dealer requested I bring the bike in for a check (they were going to check the controller), however, now that it is working again, they say its pretty hard to fault find so they have recommended I only bring it in when the problem recurrs. I personally think its the handlebar controller letting in water, as I have already checked all the other connectors and dried them with no affect on the problem, also the contoller has the electrics for turning on and off. Perhaps the controller rubber buttons have tear in the rubber below the surface from a fall that is letting in water, althought they don't look like they have been stressed? ....might give the controller (and nothing else) a good soaking and see if it recurres.
You seem to be in the same boat as me, my problem cleared after a few days also and luckily (even after a very wet ride last weekend) my problem hasn't recurred! I hope you get lucky also, it might be better not to soak things and wait and see if the problem returns! Good luck with whatever you decide.
I've had an etrance+2 for 5-6 weeks. LBS changed the controller last week due to turning its self on, it lasted 2-3 days and then seemed to work OK but they changed it anyway. Day one of new switch same thing, sorted after a couple hours and today done it again. Seems there's a quite a few reporting this fault, hoping it'll sort its self by tm for my weekend in the Lake District.

I've been watching this thread because I have similar problems with random electrical faults with an Explore E+1. It has been in to the workshop twice now since October.

Moisture appeared as condensation in the Evo display a week after purchase but it was running ok, then a month later the bike developed faults with the ride control (spontaneous running, unable to switch off or change mode) after a couple of wet days on a camping trip and a couple of foggy, misty mornings. Drying out at home cured the problem but as a precaution Giant replaced the display and mode switch.

About 2 weeks ago the problem returned without any real provocation and drying out has not had any effect.

Today Giant have told the dealer that the problem is moisture and there is a problem with the display. They have been testing a new system without a display and this has survived 6 days under water. I have opted to have the new system fitted but I will lose the ability to display range, speed etc. I will have a mode indicator only...battery level will have to be checked by using the LEDs on the battery itself.

I use the bike for commuting and because I now know my range over various terrains the loss of real time range estimation is not a tended to over-estimate range whatever the terrain anyway, possibly relating to my riding style. On 'normal' I get 30-40miles from a 500 battery not 50-60...admittedly during winter - might be better come warmer weather.

I have 2 Giant E-bikes and the ride seems to be smoother, more immediate, torquey and more FUN than other makes I have tried. Hopefully Giant have/are sorting out the problem and at least they have been honest and up front with me, which is why I am sticking with them...fingers crossed,

Ciao buddies
What's the estimate on the motor lifespan? I just brought my Dirt-E2 into the shop to look at the motor because the crank feels a teensy bit gritty. They're suggesting I replace the motor. It's not even 3 years old.
What's the estimate on the motor lifespan? I just brought my Dirt-E2 into the shop to look at the motor because the crank feels a teensy bit gritty. They're suggesting I replace the motor. It's not even 3 years old.

You can get the bearings replaced at performance line If you send your motor to them. it sounds like some of the bearings need replacing.

Im sending mine at the end of march. Even though mine is ok it would be good to have it looked at and have the driveshaft and internals cleaned and regreased.