KATHMANDU HYBRID PRO 625 - Smartphone Hub Upgrade


New Member
I use my bike mostly for exploring vs commuting. I ordered the Smartphone Hub several months ago but because of availability only got it recently and got it installed. First there is not much information available on how to install it with respect to what has to be removed. In the end it's pretty simple. I had seen somewhere where you need to remove the crank on the left side of the bike which I did but once all disassembled I am pretty sure that was not required as removing the bottom cover provided the required access. Removal of the battery is required, after that it was easy to fish the wire and I just routed the way the previous Intuvia wire had run.

I like the way this is integrated into both the bike and other services.

- Prior to a ride you can plan your route on Komoot which is not a site I was familiar with prior to this upgrade. But it's nice as it has allowed me to discover new paths and when while planning will try to keep you on bike routes or quieter streets. Komoot does offer a subscription but you can use it free for a single region which looks to be by province/state. In the COBI App you simply select the Komoot route and follow along.

- During a ride the COBI App pulls heartbeat information from your Apple Watch and displays. It also pulls Cadence and Power from the Bosch Bike and displays this as well.

- At the end of a Ride, COBI updates Komoot with actual route so you can ride it again, but if you use Strava it can add your ride with all the detail including heartbeat, cadence and power. And it updates Apples own fitness dashboard with your ride.

My 105km real world ride.

- On the weekend I did a ride from Brantford, Ontario to Port Dover and return. I planned it using Komoot, you select your start and finish and Komoot will automatically plan your shortest route, then add waypoints you want included in your route and it adjusts accordingly. I initially did a one-way plan first and made sure I was on the Rail Trail, I then changed it to a return and it had be on a road on the way home, but as I got closer to Brantford it put me back on a bike trail, since this was shorter I decided to follow it.

- When fully charged the bike will say 130km in ECO Mode, as I knew this was going to be a long trip I didn't want to run out of power before the end so rode the first 75% of the ride in ECO. After that it appeared I would have sufficient power in TOUR, I starting using that. On my way out I averaged 24.5km/h while on the return it was closer to 30km/h, but by this time my knees and legs were burning. When I finished the bike said I could still do 16km in ECO. In the end the bike was in better shape that I was.

- On the update to the Apple fitness dashboard it reported I burn't 3000 calories and heart rate average was 120bpm.

I am impressed with how well put together the Smartphone COBI App works. Because I like to explore it allows me to plan my trips ahead of time which takes the second guessing out of the ride and I always know I am on the right track. The app does allow you to pick your destination and it will route you just like a car navigation if you don't have time to pre-plan. I would say if you're using your bike mostly as a daily commuter this might not make allot financial sense, but if you like to explore new routes and destinations this is a great product.