Just for fun...

thee night
You put a stress on "the" here. That's why "thee".

For instance, I pronounce "donkey" dawnkee, while people I know from New Jersey will say it dunkee (rhymes with monkey.)
I tried to "audialize" (like in "visualize") the NJ pronuciation you mentioned, and it sounded very "American" to me :) Although you said there was no single American English pronunciation.

My spoken English quality varies from bad to pretty decent; I speak English at my best when I am in the company of the native English speakers. Talking with Europeans (especially East Europeans) spoils my spoken English immediately. When in the best form, I speak totally accentless English, and it is hard to determine where I am from. When my English is poor, you'll start laughing at my -inG (with the hard G pronounced) :D

I think the rule is, before a word beginning with a vowel sound ( the end, the only, the ultimate, etc.), it's "thee", and before a word beginning with a consonant SOUND (the boys, the first, the one - sounds like "w"), it's "thuh".
That is what I was taught.
Christmas Shopping

A couple were in a busy shopping center
just before Christmas. The wife suddenly
noticed that her husband was missing
and as they had a lot to do, so she called
him on his cell.

The wife said "Where are you, you know
we have lots to do?"

He said "Do you remember the jewelers we
went into about 10 years ago, and you fell
in love with that diamond necklace?
We could not afford it at the time and I said
that one day I would get it for you?"

Little tears started to flow down her
cheek and she got all choked up...

"Yes, I do remember that store!" she

"Well I am in the bike shop right next door to that!"
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A tired cyclist stuck his thumb out for a lift. Nobody stopped for 3 hours. Finally, a guy in a sports car pulled over and offered him a ride, but the bike wouldn’t fit in the car. The driver got some rope out of the trunk and tied it to its bumper. He tied the other end to the bike and told the rider: “If I go too fast, ring your bell and I’ll slow down.”

Everything went well until another sports car blew past them. The driver forgot all about the cyclist and put his foot down. A short distance down the road, they hammered through a speed trap. The cop with the radar gun called ahead that he saw 2 sports cars flew past at over 150 mph. He then said: “…and you’re not going to believe this, but there’s a cyclist behind them ringing his bell to pass!”.
On Saturday morning, a roadie gets up early, as he has for so many Saturday morning rides, and softly slips out of the bedroom. He dresses quietly in the next room, so as not to wake his wife. He grabs his helmet and water bottle, then goes out to the garage to pump up the bike tires. As the garage door opens, he’s confronted by an icy, windswept rain.

He’s ridden before in these conditions. He doesn’t like it, but when it’s Saturday morning he never misses the ride. He ponders the dismal conditions and then retreats into the house to check Weather Channel. The forecast only sounds worse. This is one Saturday when he just can’t summon the determination. With a sigh, he slips off his shoes, quietly returns to the bedroom, undresses and slips back into bed.

There he cuddles up to his wife and whispers: “The weather out there is terrible.”

To which she sleepily replies: “Can you believe my husband went riding in that crap?”
On Saturday morning, a roadie gets up early, as he has for so many Saturday morning rides, and softly slips out of the bedroom. He dresses quietly in the next room, so as not to wake his wife. He grabs his helmet and water bottle, then goes out to the garage to pump up the bike tires. As the garage door opens, he’s confronted by an icy, windswept rain.

He’s ridden before in these conditions. He doesn’t like it, but when it’s Saturday morning he never misses the ride. He ponders the dismal conditions and then retreats into the house to check Weather Channel. The forecast only sounds worse. This is one Saturday when he just can’t summon the determination. With a sigh, he slips off his shoes, quietly returns to the bedroom, undresses and slips back into bed.

There he cuddles up to his wife and whispers: “The weather out there is terrible.”

To which she sleepily replies: “Can you believe my husband went riding in that crap?”
A very good 'un! :D
I wonder how Mark Meadows' pre-trial arguments stack against the Hatch Act.
Okay, It is interesting to see this stuff unfold, but I get the message.

I was reunited with my first and lost love today. My friends joked me about taking it to bed. I said that I would. It is a Motobecane Grand Record in perfect condition, all original but new tires, from 1979. It is exactly like this one.
I paid $350!
My local NPR affiliate has a highly refined system for selecting music. After they remove the sweet cream from the top, they will only play the sour dregs from the very bottom of the barrel.