Just for fun...

This is gonna give me nightmares. Bad enough our cat thinks my shop chair is a toilet.
Something like this could spray the whole shop.
That's RAD! They could have used my mean gray cat named Yarg, gray spelled backwards. She's fixed but acts just like a male cat. Marks territory like a male cat and is just flat-out mean, don't touch me.. So if Owlkitty needs a helper I have one!
Whenever I see a new thread where a new user is asking for an e-bike with (among others) these criteria:
  • Fat tyre
  • Folder
  • Throttle
  • Class 3 (throttle means it is not Class 3!)
  • Bafang (preferably > 1000 W)
  • Up to $2,000
I look at this picture from London UK...

...and then just Ignore the user :D There must be hundreds of them already!
"I lost my watch at a party once. An hour later I saw some guy stepping on it while he was harassing some woman at that party.

Infuriated, I immediately went over, and punched him out ~ breaking his nose.

No one does that to a woman, not on my watch."
A good one, Chez! :D

A circus director used to attend a nearby bar after the show was over. One night he spotted a frog wearing work overalls to enter the bar, jump and sit on the stool, ordering a beer, and leaving after the glass was empty. The bewildered director continued frequenting the bar, and each night the frog was in, too. On the third night, the circus man grabbed the frog and said:
-- What are you?!
-- A house painter -- explained the frog
-- I need you in my circus! -- the director shouted
-- Wait... -- said the frog -- Is the circus that big tent made of canvas?
-- Yes, it is!
-- So why would you need a decorator?!