Juiced Bikes Rip Current

This helps explain Juiced Bikes' low cost structure... So they keep little inventory which is dead money, esp for models that don't move. They do have retail sales in bike stores, just don't think it's a large part of their total business.

It seems to be working but they will be limited, cause most people, including me, want to buy a bike that's already built.

Juiced Bikes takes customers money and they don’t deliver the product for up to 5 months. I was told by a juiced online chat representative that from the time Juiced takes an order it takes 5 months to ship to a customer. So in the meantime they have the customers money.
Juiced needs to keep up with customers demands or they will fizzle out of business.
Folks, everyone calm down and stop jumping to conclusions that everyone who is a frustrated ebike buyer is a Troll.

Based on information about shipping on the first round of RipCurrent S bikes, a new design, pre-orders made before the March first production run were delayed by the batteries (which they have manufactured for them.) Here's what Tora Harris wrote on March 26, 2018:

"We apologize for the delay on getting the RipCurrent S's out. The bikes have arrived, but we had a delay on some of the 48V/19.2Ah and 52V/21Ah packs. Also the rear fender clip to stabilize the rear fender on the RCS has just arrived. Some CCS orders with 19.2Ah packs are also effected. At the moment all of the bikes from the first production as well as the battery packs which shipped separately have arrived. The Cycle Satiator which shipped from Canada have also arrived. We are now doing final inspections, GPS integration and installing the shipping software to the bike’s controller.

Bikes are already shipping and we expect to get ALL the March pre-orders out in the next 2 weeks.
We totally sold out of the first batch and nearly sold out of the next run already. Back at the factory, more bikes are being produced and we are cranking out the bikes as quickly as safely possible to catch up with demand. We have a LOT of units on order, but it takes time before those bikes make it through the pipe to be in stock and ready to go - especially at the high quality level we want them to be at.
This has been a somewhat challenging and complicated product, high performance, high demand, and with a very steep production ramp. This is on top of shipping the CrossCurrent S which have already ramped up and are now in a good stock position.
Things will be much smoother moving forward. Thank you for your patience. "

So bikes from the first batch are delivered and production on the second round started in late March. This makes delivery time at five WEEKS, not months @Lenny7118.

And concerning statements made that Juiced Bikes does not keep any inventory on hand @Joe Pah, that is incorrect. Please take a look at the image towards the bottom of their March 26 Update. There are a lot of bikes in that space and Tora indicates in the above quote that the CrossCurrent S is well stocked.

Tomorrow, when Juiced Bikes is open I will call them to verify about delivery times.
Folks, everyone calm down and stop jumping to conclusions that everyone who is a frustrated ebike buyer is a Troll.

Based on information about shipping on the first round of RipCurrent S bikes, a new design, pre-orders made before the March first production run were delayed by the batteries (which they have manufactured for them.) Here's what Tora Harris wrote on March 26, 2018:

"We apologize for the delay on getting the RipCurrent S's out. The bikes have arrived, but we had a delay on some of the 48V/19.2Ah and 52V/21Ah packs. Also the rear fender clip to stabilize the rear fender on the RCS has just arrived. Some CCS orders with 19.2Ah packs are also effected. At the moment all of the bikes from the first production as well as the battery packs which shipped separately have arrived. The Cycle Satiator which shipped from Canada have also arrived. We are now doing final inspections, GPS integration and installing the shipping software to the bike’s controller.

Bikes are already shipping and we expect to get ALL the March pre-orders out in the next 2 weeks.
We totally sold out of the first batch and nearly sold out of the next run already. Back at the factory, more bikes are being produced and we are cranking out the bikes as quickly as safely possible to catch up with demand. We have a LOT of units on order, but it takes time before those bikes make it through the pipe to be in stock and ready to go - especially at the high quality level we want them to be at.
This has been a somewhat challenging and complicated product, high performance, high demand, and with a very steep production ramp. This is on top of shipping the CrossCurrent S which have already ramped up and are now in a good stock position.
Things will be much smoother moving forward. Thank you for your patience. "

So bikes from the first batch are delivered and production on the second round started in late March. This makes delivery time at five WEEKS, not months @Lenny7118.

And concerning statements made that Juiced Bikes does not keep any inventory on hand @Joe Pah, that is incorrect. Please take a look at the image towards the bottom of their March 26 Update. There are a lot of bikes in that space and Tora indicates in the above quote that the CrossCurrent S is well stocked.

Tomorrow, when Juiced Bikes is open I will call them to verify about delivery times.
That would be great. I ordered a CCS in early March for April delivery, and its going to be at least mid-May before it gets shipped based on my last communication with Juiced. I understand the production and distribution challenges, but its going to be at least 2 months between the time I ordered and shipping. Just a little frustrating on this end.
My daily ritual on the Juiced website - select color, select frame size - aaaaaanddd its still out of stock. I don't trust the notification on their website, so I just visit it daily and hope for the best. My hope was to get the bike as a gift to myself for my mid-June B-day (the big 5-0) but that hope is rapidly diminishing as each day passes. Hoping that in a few more days those larger batteries are finally back in stock, and that free up this logjam of orders that they must be dealing with.
My daily ritual on the Juiced website - select color, select frame size - aaaaaanddd its still out of stock. I don't trust the notification on their website, so I just visit it daily and hope for the best. My hope was to get the bike as a gift to myself for my mid-June B-day (the big 5-0) but that hope is rapidly diminishing as each day passes. Hoping that in a few more days those larger batteries are finally back in stock, and that free up this logjam of orders that they must be dealing with.

Same here looking to get one but the summer will be half over with the way things are looking for the out of stock status and than will come another pre order ( not a in stock to buy and get shippping in a few days ) but a couple of months of waiting or delays.
My daily ritual on the Juiced website - select color, select frame size - aaaaaanddd its still out of stock. I don't trust the notification on their website, so I just visit it daily and hope for the best. My hope was to get the bike as a gift to myself for my mid-June B-day (the big 5-0) but that hope is rapidly diminishing as each day passes. Hoping that in a few more days those larger batteries are finally back in stock, and that free up this logjam of orders that they must be dealing with.

I totally agree with you. I’m hoping too but when I ask Juiced Bikes sales they always have a different excuse and answer. Not looking good. I don’t trust their web site notifications either and I told Juiced about it and they ignored my question to them about I never get the in stock notifications.
My daily ritual on the Juiced website - select color, select frame size - aaaaaanddd its still out of stock. I don't trust the notification on their website, so I just visit it daily and hope for the best. My hope was to get the bike as a gift to myself for my mid-June B-day (the big 5-0) but that hope is rapidly diminishing as each day passes. Hoping that in a few more days those larger batteries are finally back in stock, and that free up this logjam of orders that they must be dealing with.
If you really want one, my suggestion is to just bite the bullet and put in your pre-order. If you don't get a place in line, you are gonna wait til winter. I am with you on the suffering with the waiting part, but I am looking at a 2 month or more wait on a pre-order. Seems unlikely that Juiced is going to catch up enough that they are going to be in stock anytime soon.
Chris, a two month wait is really not too excessive for ebike production, especially for a brand that is this popular. I've dealt with some of the big name manufacturers having multi-month delays on production because of issues just like Juiced Bike's battery delay. Please be patient and be glad this company wants to QC product and do it right! That's to your benefit in the long run :)
If you really want one, my suggestion is to just bite the bullet and put in your pre-order.
Chris, the pre-order option isn't available on their site. Must be something to do with the 19a battery option that I am selecting (as it states clearly that it will be available in May) I actually HAD a mid-sized frame bike in my cart since Wednesday, as I wanted to see what other options were there once it was in my cart, and forgot to remove it from the cart. I'm guessing that there are probably a half a dozen others like me that accidentally added one to their cart and assumed it would be removed if not purchased within a short time period.

I'm also a bit shocked that we are into the second batch of orders being fulfilled and the info/videos/reviews on this bike from those buyers are very few and far between. Jesus H .. I know if I had one, I would be posting multiple ride videos and comments for any prospective buyers still thinking it over. I just got back in the saddle last April after taking off 15+ years from when I last rode, and I am very green to the hobby, and I thoroughly enjoy my old Trek 850 rigid for right now, but this RCS is a whole different level of riding than what I'm used to.

Edit: I'm with Ann on her point made - I am and will always be a big Juiced fan, and its unfortunate that I could not buy a Hyperfat last year when they were intro'd, but I've sung the praises of Tora and his work with Juiced from the get-go. It's Juiced or nothing for me at this point. When I saw the RCS come out (I call it the Hyperfat Jr), I felt it was a better fit for me on the 45m rail trail that I ride on a weekly basis. 38+ mph sounds like fun until you are on a narrow part of a busy rail trail, then it sounds like you are going to make enemies fast.
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If you really want one, my suggestion is to just bite the bullet and put in your pre-order. If you don't get a place in line, you are gonna wait til winter. I am with you on the suffering with the waiting part, but I am looking at a 2 month or more wait on a pre-order. Seems unlikely that Juiced is going to catch up enough that they are going to be in stock anytime soon.

I agree. I don’t think Juiced Bikes will catch up and by that time they do catch up , a new model may be coming out. Just a thought
If there's a silver lining in all this, it's for those that get their Juiced bike on a future shipment. If a major flaw is found in the first run, history has shown that @Tora Harris has been good to get it corrected by the next run. Wasn't that what happened with the spoke issue on the CCS? At work, we never install the x.0 version of new software. Instead we wait for the x.1 version and reap the benefits from the findings of others.
I agree. I don’t think Juiced Bikes will catch up and by that time they do catch up , a new model may be coming out. Just a thought
I disagree. Juiced has increased the size of manufacturing runs with each set of orders. They haven't caught up yet because their popularity continues to grow, but it's clear to me that they're putting the money into expansion as quickly as practical while also still improving QC.

What worries me is that some large company will see their success, buy them out, and @Tora Harris will no longer be at the helm.
What worries me is that some large company will see their success, buy them out, and @Tora Harris will no longer be at the helm.
So true. Especially since a new company only focused on the bottom line would probably be happy to obsolete bikes in the field with newer generations, leaving existing owners high and dry, unless they want to pay for a newer bike.
I'm looking at the ordering delay at this point as a positive, not necessarily a negative, for the reasons you guys mentioned. It also gives new owners time to post their thoughts/ruminations on their RCS. I'd be severely tempted to pony up additional $ for the Hyperfat if that became available, but I think it is in my best interest to forget that sport ride and settle for the safer for my needs RCS.

In the meantime, I will get my riding legs under me - I have 2 bikes that work just fine as they are. Doing my first sunset ride tomorrow from 6:30-8 and weather is calling for a 75°+ day.
Whoa! Tora's not going anywhere anytime soon :D

I just spoke with Rich at Juiced Bikes and he explained that they had an overwhelming request for the larger 19Ah battery on the RipCurrent first run and were delayed a bit fulfilling everyone's order. In general, it's about 24 days for a shipment to reach California after production and then 2 to 7 days to go through customs and over to the Juiced Bikes' location. After that orders are shipped out with the earliest orders processed first. Add to that 3-5 days for Ground shipping in the U.S. with approximately 5 days for the East Coast customers and you have almost 2 months for a new bike if it had to come from the Juiced Bikes plant in China. That's a pretty rational time frame.
Whoa! Tora's not going anywhere anytime soon :D
I hope not. But if he was made an offer he couldn't refuse ... What if IBM had offered Jobs and Wozniak $50 million back in 1979? Would they have sold Apple and moved on to something else? Maybe not, maybe so.
I got really excited a few minutes ago, as I performed my daily 'Click on my Rip Current S bookmark' to check availability .. OMG ... they are showing IN STOCK !!!

In red ..

In black ..

But ... not ... in brushed aluminum. Oh COME ON !!!! I am dying here. :rolleyes:

I did a group ride with 20+ riders last night, and on the way back it was every man for himself, and they told me that this one guy was obviously going to get back first, so I decided to see what the guy had in the tank. Note that I just started riding last Spring, so I hardly have great stamina or endurance, but I am young compared to most of the group I rode with, so I pushed as hard as I could last night and never could catch this guy. He was loaded up and ready to roll when I came panting back to the trailhead. I said to him - man, i just could not reel you in. He cracked a big grin and flipped up his travel bag to reveal a fat battery pack. I had been chasing an ebike all the way back !! I warned him ... it may take a few months, but I WILL get my revenge. Tora, help me out here, bud !!

When I was placing my order back in March, I found that RCS with Frame M in Red with 13aH might be available but Frame M with 19aH might not --

So check your size/color/BATTERY -- not just size/color.

Funny thing is I wanted mine in black - waited 3 days and pulled the trigger on brushed aluminum as Black in M or L with any battery still wasn't available and I didn't want to wait any longer.
As it turned out, had I waited even two more days I would have been pushed into the 2nd batch..

My reasoning for black was simple:
It's easy to get zip-ties that match and you will always need zipties -- Black zips on Black frame just seemed like it would look "cleaner".

Good luck on finding the combo you want.
Neil, I am firmly committed to the XL frame in Brushed Alum with the 19a at this point. It was quite clear to me that no RCS was available with that 19a battery until at the earliest May, so now that we are in May, I've been checking multiple times a day. I'm avoiding black since that would remind me on every ride of my missed opportunity on the Hyperfat, and the red is just a bit too flashy for my taste. In a pinch, I can spray paint my zip-ties, as I've got a nice semi-gloss rattle can of silver left over from my PC building days (back when everyone had a beige case and black/silver was beginning to be trendy).

It's all good .. I have an impatient spell every so often, but after I take possession of the RCS, I'm going to really hate retiring my vintage Trek 850, as it is just a bulletproof tank that always gets me where I want to go. My plan is to pay off the RCS and then convert the Trek to an ebike next year. My wife is going to kill me by the time I convert both of my existing bikes to ebikes in 2 years.