Japan A2B hybrid/24


New Member
Hello and thank you advance for any help you might be able to give!

I bought an A2B hybrid/24 in Tokyo. It has a speed limiter to 13 mph. It is a Japan regulation so they had to do it. My hope is it is a software setting I can override or hack. It is just way too slow.

Any ideas.

Very much appreciate any help that can be given!
Where is the controller? A2B hybrids I've seen have the controller built into the wheel hub motor. If it is modifying the controller for more speed will be Tough.

If the controller is mounted in the bike frame somewhere there's a lot you can do from modifying it to replacing with the American spec model

Post a picture!
Actually, most of the newer A2B's have a separate controller. Please post images, I think that I know what models these might be, but got to be sure. A2B may have a different controller that could be installed or possibly a programming change. Talk to the tech folks at A2B (here's an email link for them). They're probably all out at Interbike right now, so wait about 10 days and reach out to them. Our shop used to sell some of their earlier version 24V ebikes, that were branded Fast4ward which may be what you have; some of those models have been wrapped into the main A2B lineup.
Actually, most of the newer A2B's have a separate controller. Please post images, I think that I know what models these might be, but got to be sure. A2B may have a different controller that could be installed or possibly a programming change. Talk to the tech folks at A2B (here's an email link for them). They're probably all out at Interbike right now, so wait about 10 days and reach out to them. Our shop used to sell some of their earlier version 24V ebikes, that were branded Fast4ward which may be what you have; some of those models have been wrapped into the main A2B lineup.

Thank you!! I'm sorry but I'm new to all of this. Where would I find the controller and what does it look like? How would I identify it?

Thank you!!

What country are you currently living in? IF you're in Japan they won't help you make it illegal. If you're in a different country now and stuck with the Japanese spec speed they may help, wouldn't count on it.

You need to know the model year of the bike, then get the manual for the bike online and figure out where the controller is. Once you have actual information then modifying is the next step