Issues with the Turbo Creo SL (all variants)

How much do you weight ? Or are you a power rider ? As in 600-1000watts for a hard acceleration ?

I don't own the Creo, but need to know about your issue, as i am still considering it for purchase. For now the BMC ONE AMP Road is superior from my my research but the looks are better with Creo....

I’m at 280. ~800w or so accelerating in the saddle, about 1200-1300w for hard acceleration out of the saddle.

I’m quite enjoying the Creo, aside from it trying to kill me. I picked it over the SuperSix Evo Neo because it had the more powerful motor and better battery life. I had a Giant Road-E+1 Pro 2020 before. Power delivery felt really unnatural, and it was extremely heavy, around 45lbs. No broken spokes on that bike though, or on my SystemSix. And with the boost spacing, I can’t find replacement wheels that aren’t rare and expensive.
> I’m at 280. ~800w or so accelerating in the saddle, about 1200-1300w for hard acceleration out of the saddle.

280 lbs only you "naked"? And such a strong rider? This is far over the Creo limits, which is (at least here in Germany) 240 lbs. With clothing, shoes, bag, water you pass this by 50 lbs.
I think the frame can handle this, but not the default wheels. I'm exactly at the limit, 230 lbs just me, 240 ready to go and I already can feel the rear wheel soft and flexing at strong uphills or fast&rough downhills.

>Aside from the HEC1400 Spline wheels, any other options for aftermarket besides a custom wheelset?

The HEC 1400 110/148mm are good and much stronger than the default wheels but still not strong enough for 280-290 lbs driver+rest.
The rim is still very narrow with 19mm. I would ask a good wheelbuilder for custom wheels with 24-25mm inner wide which helps a lot for superstrong wheels. And 28/28 or 28/32 spokes and right and left side different spokes (I don't know the English expression for that technique...). The rare 12x110 dimension in the front is no problem for a good wheel builder, the can "mix" something for example out of different DT Swiss hubs.
My new wheels arrive monday... ;-)

I forgot the HGC 1400 with also 12x110 which have 24mm inner wide and seem to be the strongest DT swiss wheels in this class.
And the HG1800 Spline DB25 which seem to have a similar rim and weight limits, just alloy rim and a cheaper hub. The wheel set
starts here at 300 Euro, of course not very light, about 300g more than the HGC 1400 with carbon rims and DT240 hub. But I guess not much heavier than the default R470 DB set and surely much stronger.
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I guess you're right... ;-)
But due to my own weight I would say the default r470 db wheels or ok for riders up to 200 lbs. for gravel use, for road/asphalt maybe a few more.
280 lbs only you "naked"? And such a strong rider?...

Thanks for this, Jodi. Appreciate it. I weigh 245. I guess that would put me well over the weight limit all-in anyway. I bought the bike in person at an LBS. The guy who sold it to me is 6’4” and weighs 270. He rides Specialized (not that that means anything😂). He didn’t mention the wheels as a potential issue at all, or I’d have looked at a different eBike or swapped the wheels out at the onset.

My gripe is if I’m spending this kind of money on a bike, one that’s already heavyish (relative), I expect A) that it be specced with eBike specific wheels; or B) that I be told the wheels are trash + weight limit is X (I researched this bike and couldn’t expressly find weight limits on it). Before this bike I had a 44lb Giant Road-E+1 Pro...and I had no issues with broken spokes, or any components really. I didn’t expect this.

I will check out the HG1800 Spline as an alternative. I have ENVE wheels on my SystemSix. I’d like the Creo to be my everything bike, I don’t really need top-end wheels on it (I may change my mind later, but 🤷🏽‍♂️).

Thanks again, mate.

I think he meant he generates 280 watts, not that he weighs 280 lbs, but maybe I'm mistaken.

Spot on.
So you are at a similar weight like me, slightly more. Than the default Creo wheels are definitely not suited for you. My Creo is now one month old, so I know what to expect. Good that I already ordered better wheels...
Don't waste your time with complaining. I'm 25 years at this weight and had cheap or default wheels fine for years and some very soon with trouble/broken spokes even at expensive bikes. No brand or dealer ever looked at me and said "Oh, you may be a little bit over the weight limit, you should loose some weight/choose another bike or other wheels...". No one ever was even asking, what is my weight. A wheel builder does.

The creo as a racing bike with only 24 spokes may be also more sensitive, most of my other bikes had 32 spokes, some 36, some 28, few 24. The Giant you had also seems to have at least 28 spokes in the rear.
If you are not at on a weight weenie trip with your Creo the HG1800 should be a much better and cheap alternative than the R470DB!
jodi2 where did you order wheels from? Aside from getting custom wheels built I have not been able to find a set of aftermarket wheels for the bike.

DT Swiss HEC 1400 Spline 42mm and 62mm
DT Swiss HGC 1400 Spline 47mm
DT Swiss HG 1800 Spline 25mm

These are the ones I've found, all on Bike24.
DT Swiss is (really) a swiss brand and quite common here in Germany. All the new wheels with the still rare 12x110 front dimension are quite new, also here still not avalaible in all Shops with DT Swiss wheels. Maybe it takes a little bit longer outside Europe? Look for some DT Swiss dealers near you and ask them.
I did not order the new DT Swiss wheels, I ordered custom made from a good wheel builder.
Any mountain bike 29er boost 110mm front / 148mm rear wheelset will work, provided you use a 15x110mm adapter. The MTBtools 15x100mm adapter can be special ordered on eBay with the extra 10mm length. Basically, the world is your oyster. You may need a 6 bolt Shimano rotor with a magnet for some wheelsets.

I have an Industry Nine / Atomic carbon 29er wheelset for mine and a DT 27.5 wheelset to fit as well.
I was looking for adapters as well a month ago and did not found anything.
Yesterday I saw them in several german bike webshops, I'm not sure they are new there or if I was blind before:

I was also asking my wheel builder and hear clearly advised against that solution. Of course he also wanted to sell my new wheels but I had the impression, that new wheels with the wider hubs are really better.
As described in post #62 above Mrs e-levity and I switched from the Praxis Wave chainrings to conventional Narrow-Wide chainrings. We were not experiencing significant problems with chain drop, but wanted lower gearing and chose to go with tried-and-true NW rings. We just returned from our first ride with 42t and 44t NW rings and they seemed smoother and quieter than the Praxis 46t ring.

When you changed to NW chainring, I assume you had to replace the chain ring bolts also? Which NW chainring did you go with?
When you changed to NW chainring, I assume you had to replace the chain ring bolts also? Which NW chainring did you go with?
Yes, the OEM Praxis chainring is threaded with screws that attach directly so we had to buy standard chainring bolts.

We ordered 42t and 44t Founo narrow/wide 110 BCD chainrings on eBay for ~$20 each.

Measuring the thickness of the chainring and spider I settled on bolts with a 4.9mm extension (~$8/set):

So far, so good.
I have encountered two new problems with my Creo and I've updated my original post to add these:

4. Futureshock rocks

In our recent ride, during take off on an incline, the fork turned left while handlebar still points straight forward. Thankfully, I'm not in a downhill or something. After slightly tightening the bolts, there is a forward rocking motion every time I apply the front brake.

5. Dropper post seized

The X-Fusion dropper post no longer drops. I was told by my Specialized dealership that I am another one that has the X-Fusion problem wherein the cartridge is "wasted."

4 - You will need to tighten the headset retainer ring that is under the plastic flap cover. Your headset bearings are migrating in the cups causing the rocking.

Easypeasy -

5 - I prefer a nice carbon post to a dropper. The x-fusion is not known for being robust. There are rebuild options available. I also have an extra I could sell.
Rebuild video here -

4 - You will need to tighten the headset retainer ring that is under the plastic flap cover. Your headset bearings are migrating in the cups causing the rocking.

Easypeasy -

5 - I prefer a nice carbon post to a dropper. The x-fusion is not known for being robust. There are rebuild options available. I also have an extra I could sell.
Rebuild video here -
Wow, thanks so much for these information! Haven't been here regularly, apologies, if I missed your story.
My Creo is at the Specialized Elite store and they're fixing the dropper seat post, the Futureshock 2, and cabling (they said needs overhaul!). Also due for firmware update. Hoping for the best!