Issue finding tubes for my 26 Ancheer bike


New Member
I recently got a flat tire. I ended up patching it 4 times already. I commute to work and back. 7.5 miles is the distance.

I bought 2 tubes from the Ancheer website. For now I want to try & experiment different tubes. I noticed the schrader valve is long compared to the 2 schrader tubes I bought from Walmart (Slime & Goodyear)

I tried to install them but the schrader valve is too
Short and goes back in the hole when I inflate them. Are there any tubes you guys would recommend that’s thorn puncture proof? Im a new cyclist and still learning.

My tube size that came with my Ancheer bike is 26 “ 1.95 and the tubes I purchased from Walmart are 26” 1.9 - 2.3 & 26” 1.75 - 2.125”
The tubes


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I recently got a flat tire. I ended up patching it 4 times already. I commute to work and back. 7.5 miles is the distance.

I bought 2 tubes from the Ancheer website. For now I want to try & experiment different tubes. I noticed the schrader valve is long compared to the 2 schrader tubes I bought from Walmart (Slime & Goodyear)

I tried to install them but the schrader valve is too
Short and goes back in the hole when I inflate them. Are there any tubes you guys would recommend that’s thorn puncture proof? Im a new cyclist and still learning.

My tube size that came with my Ancheer bike is 26 “ 1.95 and the tubes I purchased from Walmart are 26” 1.9 - 2.3 & 26” 1.75 - 2.125”
You’ve got what you need. Your size falls in between.
What brand would you recommend ? I want to make sure I get good quality if I consider going tubeles

Get grounded and used to your bike before making modifications. You have the correct tubes.

i buy tubes from Amazon. Continental with steel Shraeder stems. Chances are the spokes or hole for the stem are cutting the tubes. Get a good fabric rim tape, also from Amazon.
Sorry linking didn’t work, just copy and paste.”+contine%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-4

Zefal or Velox cloth”+rim+tape%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-45
Get grounded and used to your bike before making modifications. You have the correct tubes.

i buy tubes from Amazon. Continental with steel Shraeder stems. Chances are the spokes or hole for the stem are cutting the tubes. Get a good fabric rim tape, also from Amazon.
Nice ! Should I purchase 1 or 2? I like to have extra things in case.
Good beginner ebike.
Upgrade to tubeless ready tires.
Your bike looks like something like our rental bikes.
Thank you I think I might consider that. It’s frustrating dealing with flat tires. What would you recommend ? 🙏✨😁. I’m willing to pay for good quality stuff.
Not to be rude, you couldn’t dirt the right size tube. Seriously. Step back. Sort what you have. Advice can come from posters with very limited experience. Go slow, learn as you go. Have fun! Ride! You’ve got all the time to sort improvements. See what other Ancheer riders here are doing. You don’t know us from Adam. Got ti the Ancheer thread.

I recently got a flat tire. I ended up patching it 4 times already. I commute to work and back. 7.5 miles is the distance.

I bought 2 tubes from the Ancheer website. For now I want to try & experiment different tubes. I noticed the schrader valve is long compared to the 2 schrader tubes I bought from Walmart (Slime & Goodyear)

I tried to install them but the schrader valve is too
Short and goes back in the hole when I inflate them. Are there any tubes you guys would recommend that’s thorn puncture proof? Im a new cyclist and still learning.

My tube size that came with my Ancheer bike is 26 “ 1.95 and the tubes I purchased from Walmart are 26” 1.9 - 2.3 & 26” 1.75 - 2.125”
You need 48mm valve. This is what I recommend. Then buy Slime and install in new tubes.
Look. Multiple flats tells us theres an issue. Slime isn’t going to solve spoke cuts or stem cuts. SOMETHING NEEDS TROUBLE SHOOTING !
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I've bought some extra length schrader valve tubes from ebay. Kenda. Worked fine.
I find slime plugs up the valve stem after a year or more, so you can't add any more air. Had to cut the stem with a diagonal cutter to get it off. Those were three slime brand tubes.
I buy mine from the local Ace hadware, and they are pre loaded with slime. No more flat tires, it must work to seal most holes i was getting from thorns and stickers.
Indianajo, I've also had Slime brand tubes that I bought, pre-filled with Slime, plug up the air valves, but I've been able to take the cores out with a core tool. After tossing out two cores, I ran out of spares, and then I resorted to cleaning the cores with water. Seems to dissolve dried slime, .
Seems like I had more trouble with trying to fill the tire than with getting flats. And I was still getting flats from rough spots on the rim wearing thru the top of the tubes, and SLime can't get there easily.
Might feel differently about SLime if I lived or rode around in thorn country, We don't.

Tom's advice on finding the problem is right. Beyond that, tubeless tires are not a panacea. If you want to switch to tubeless assuming your rims will work with tubeless, do it when you need to get new tires anyway. Definitely not worth spending money on as a cure for flats.

Rome has his opinion about Slime but others, including myself have had great luck with it. It doesn't have to be Slime, but some sort of sealant is a really good idea. There are 3 kinds of Slime. One for tubed tires, one for tubeless, and one for either. If you go with Slime get the right kind.
