Is it spring yet??

I'm an old guy with a new bike in the northeast US. Is it normal to be checking temperatures every day and be anxiously awaiting spring? Is this the way it's going to be?
Yup ... from an even older guy in the midwest with a 1 month old bike that I haven't been able (or willing) to ride through the snow, frost and unforgiving windy April cold.
it's spring here in southern California, and the trails are getting overgrown

I've posted only 112 miles up North this year, riding in the 40's and lower 50's. Chicago has only had two 60 degree days all year. Would normally have six rounds of golf in by now. None.

It's snowing right now. And the White Sox are playing the Tigers here this week? Yikes.

On the plus side, by not riding in the cold this year, no colds and no flu. Last year, I ran that e-bike too soon and got so sick....
@Kurt in CT my morning office commute yesterday (only my third time---but it marked 3 days in a row!) was 36 degrees; super proud of myself that I didn't cop out. Dug out my old balaclava and beefier gloves and slightly heavier jacket than my windbreaker... arrived at work (6.8 miles) with sweaty hair!
Springtime in NM means temps in upper 60s to low 80s, bright sunny skies, and TONS of wind from the west the way I ride home (along with dust, sand, and pollen). Normal is 8-15 mph pretty much everyday until May or early June, Extreme days are 20-25 mph with gust up to 30-40 mph (we were up to 50 mph gust on Monday).

I had to purchase Wynd motorcycle glasses to reduce the dust/dirt I was getting in my eyes riding home (I purchased clear for night and polarized for day). I don't ride when the wind is +20 mph because I can barely get into double-digits mph in PAS 3 or 4 out on my 6.5 mile ride home +500 feet up in elevation.
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@Kurt in CT my morning office commute yesterday (only my third time---but it marked 3 days in a row!) was 36 degrees; super proud of myself that I didn't cop out. Dug out my old balaclava and beefier gloves and slightly heavier jacket than my windbreaker... arrived at work (6.8 miles) with sweaty hair!
Love it Chris. I guess if you're dressed right, anything can be done. I mean, the entire skiing industry is based on going fast in the very cold air, right? For some reason though, when you're going 20 miles an hour on a bike in 30 degrees, it seems damn cold on the face. So Cal is looking pretty good to me about now!
Springtime in NM means temps in upper 60s to low 80s, bright sunny skies, and TONS of wind from the west the way I ride home (along with dust, sand, and pollen). Normal is 8-15 mph pretty much everyday until May or early June, Extreme days are 20-25 mph with gust up to 30-40 mph (we were up to 50 mph gust on Monday).

I had to get use Wynd motorcycle glasses to reduce the dust/dirt I was getting in my eyes riding home (I purchased clear for night and polarized for day). I don't ride when the wind is +20 mph because I can barely get into double-digits mph in PAS 3 or 4 out on my 6.5 mile ride home +500 feet up in elevation.
Interesting Mr G! Enjoy hearing the different climate conditions. Serious wind. Sounds beautiful though.
Here in the city, mother nature has been throwing in an occasional bicycle day as a tease, while inundating us with stretches of winter temperatures and precipitation. HEY LADY, it's about time to commence with SPRING, don't ya think!
The winter temps can get in the teens and 20s at 5:30am when I work commute in the morning. Dressing in layers, cover all exposed skin, using ski googles to help with fogging, and using any gear that keeps the cold wind cutting through me seems to work pretty well. I'm still a little chilly when starting out; but, warm up under a 1/2 mile of pedaling. I really like using Bar Mitts on really cold mornings. I can use my thinner late fall full finger gloves with Bar Mitts and still feel the controls by feel to adjust by ebike. I've tried thick winter riding gloves and my finger tips still got too cold when I arrived at work.

The only other thing I don't like about spring/fall work commuting is the temps can be in the 20s/30s in the morning and 50s/60s or even 70s/80s by afternoon. I have to pack 2X the gear to account for the range of temps and weather changes (commuter backpack and panniers are needed sometimes). Once got caught in a hail storm last spring about a mile from home and that really stings on an ebike at +15 mph. I always check the weather a few hours before I leave work to see what I'm in for later.
Here in the city, mother nature has been throwing in an occasional bicycle day as a tease, while inundating us with stretches of winter temperatures and precipitation. HEY LADY, it's about time to commence with SPRING, don't ya think!
Hey Elliot, it’s mother nature here. Get off my back! :)

( killing myself here ... OK. Back to my life )
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Hey mother nature, if you rode an E-bike, instead of riding the wind, you'd have more energy to climatically change the season for good.

Stay healthy, mom, try to ignore the global warming for now or a least until the human race gets its act together.
It is somewhere between rainy snow and snowy rain this morning.

While I generally agree with the Finns that there is no inappropriate weather, only inappropriate clothing, I find it grossly uncomfortable to ride in a dry suit while wearing a snorkel.

Also, I never figured out how to keep my rear derailleur from icing up and becoming completely useless on snowy rides.
Kinda a crazy year in Utah. I commuted more on my bike in January and February, than I did in March due to the weather. Snow seems to be done in the valley now, so its just avoiding the rainy days here. I can hardly wait for my ebike to arrive. While I still enjoy the commute on my road bike, the ebike will definitely shorten my 30 mile commute.
I'm an old guy with a new bike in the northeast US. Is it normal to be checking temperatures every day and be anxiously awaiting spring? Is this the way it's going to be?
Hey Kurt, the short answer is... YES! Lol. I started riding last year at this time, waited 2 months.. bought a second bike so I could have company on the trail. Spent just about every free dry hour last summer on the North County Trail. Since the fall I have been preening and tweaking my bikes. Feverishly watching the forecast... just finished a custom build and was out riding it in 60 mile per hour wind 2 days ago...
Spring can’t come soon enough for me and oh yeah, by the way... welcome to the club
Hey Kurt, the short answer is... YES! Lol. I started riding last year at this time, waited 2 months.. bought a second bike so I could have company on the trail. Spent just about every free dry hour last summer on the North County Trail. Since the fall I have been preening and tweaking my bikes. Feverishly watching the forecast... just finished a custom build and was out riding it in 60 mile per hour wind 2 days ago...
Spring can’t come soon enough for me and oh yeah, by the way... welcome to the club
Thanks Joe. Seems to be a wonderful club to be part of! I can tell there's a lot of very cool people here that write in participate in this activity. Anybody that's pro electric and environment, and loves the outdoors is OK by me!

It was 48 here today, so I took a little ride. Wonderful. I'm not a commuter so it's all recreation for me.
Whereabouts are you Kurt? I am in Mahopac New York. We seem to be close enough to be experiencing the same weather.