Is it spring yet??

If 68 deg F and 18-45 mph winds is spring, then we were there Thursday & Friday. No biking those days. Rained all day Sat, then stopped at 50 deg F and 15 mph wind Sunday evening. Biked 9 miles that evening, against the wind all the way out, then it turned half way back and against the wind the last 3 miles. Spring!
Today it was 34 deg and snowed/sleeted all day, so no spring today.
We just had electricity restored after just over 24 hours of power outage due to the weekend ice storm. This is a few weeks past a year anniversary of going 6 days without power in March of 2017. I've managed about 8 commuting days so far in 2018 and each time I get a couple of days commuting and feel like I'm getting my lungs and legs back, we get hit with another winter storm or otherwise crappy weather that sets me back.

We were just out for dinner due to not having electricity and were watching the snow flurries while wondering "what happened to spring?" I used to say my tolerance level for cold weather commuting was 32F. But a couple of mornings this year I just didn't want to wait anymore and commuted with temps around 22-25F. I just doubled up on the glove liners, added an extra layer (still no balaclava) and I was fine at those temps.
I choose to cling to that believe that spring will come to the US north country before July. I hear it happens every year.
Weird day here. Poured buckets early and 40°F. Then by mid afternoon it cleared and got up to 58. So I hopped on my mtn ebike with the knobby tires and explored near a couple of typically small brooks that were raging. Gorgeous. My point is that my new hobby allows me to go places in nature I never was going to before.
No. It is not F’ ing spring yet. My apologies Ann and Court. I live in NY. I went out for my first Trailride on Saturday at 3:40 in shorts and a T-shirt. By 5 PM I was freezing to death. The temperature dropped 10° in one hour. And since then it has been just horrible here. The 10 day forecast is for more of this misery. I am seriously considering moving to Yuma Arizona. Enough! As the last decent President said.
No. It is not F’ ing spring yet. My apologies Ann and Court. I live in NY. I went out for my first Trailride on Saturday at 3:40 in shorts and a T-shirt. By 5 PM I was freezing to death. The temperature dropped 10° in one hour. And since then it has been just horrible here. The 10 day forecast is for more of this misery. I am seriously considering moving to Yuma Arizona. Enough! As the last decent President said.
Joe, I was at an outdoor wedding in Tarrytown overlooking the Hudson river on Saturday at 5 PM. I can attest to the amazing change in temperatures literally during the ceremony. The winds blew and that cold front came flying in fast. Actually quite an interesting phenomena.
I also had riden earlier in the day, btw, when it was beautiful. (I'm no fool). What a difference!
Had a thin blanket of snow here yesterday in the city with temps in the mid to low 30s. Hope we can get out of this spring cold snap and move quickly into comfortable riding weather. I am in dire need of some test rides waiting at nearby dealers as well. Running out of patience. Arrrgghh...
I'm right in between you two in Brewster! And I agree, the weather needs to get itself sorted out!

Well City, we may just have to schedule a meeting. In particular, I’m looking for some beautiful off-road terrain (or at least not busy pavement) to explore with my new bike . Open to suggestions.
Brewster of course is quite close.
Joe suggested a trail earlier which sound interesting...
I have Huntington state park near me in CT) that I plan to try (if the damn weather ever turns).
Hey Kurt, I was out on the NCT on Saturday and while it was nice to be outside for awhile and give my new girl a twist.. the forest is still incredibly barren for this time of year. It is sooo beautiful in the deep summer with all of the associated sweet smells of everything growing and such. Aaah but to dream for now
Hey Kurt, I was out on the NCT on Saturday and while it was nice to be outside for awhile and give my new girl a twist.. the forest is still incredibly barren for this time of year. It is sooo beautiful in the deep summer with all of the associated sweet smells of everything growing and such. Aaah but to dream for now
I hear ya Joe. keep those thoughts coming. If its a reasonable drive, I'm game.
It goes on and on for many miles. Lots of bench stops, changing elevations, in the woods, wide open etc. everyone loves it. It used to be an old railway.
No! It ain't spring yet! I guess I won't be riding tomorrow. NWS just issued a Winter Storm Warning for my area in east central Iowa ... freezing rain, sleet, snow, poor visibility! Really? April 18? It is frustrating.