Interbike 2014 Coverage

I actually care, somewhat...i was just seeing your pleas for feedback and nobody responding I wanted to help you out. :)
Much appreciated!:cool:
You're right...3 jobs and simply surviving is one heck of a lot more important than anything we'll ever talk about up here. Being a little older, I suppose I feel somewhat responsible for not being more vocal earlier in my life when public land grabbing was more obvious and should have been stood up to.
Much appreciated!:cool:
You're right...3 jobs and simply surviving is one heck of a lot more important than anything we'll ever talk about up here. Being a little older, I suppose I feel somewhat responsible for not being more vocal earlier in my life when public land grabbing was more obvious and should have been stood up to.

Your involvement and enthusiasm is really great.
Being vocal is important but most people on this forum are pro E-bikes. Here is a good forum for you:

Unless one sees the value of E-bikes, either by riding one or reading personal testimonials, people will continue to carry different opinions.
I'm Mainecommuter, by the way
figured that was obvious

... Funny that the Felt is talked about as a hunting bike yet they have a fly rod strapped to the side.
I don't think that they liked this guy insisting that we'll be riding with their kids or sitting beside their flesh and blood in court before too long.. ... yet you know something(?)
Even though these guys disagree with each other (some obviously see the writing on the wall and the value of working together)...they are willing to discuss the issue with each other instead of running away from was purposely done this week at InterBike.
Last edited: the way, the link to those framing us as "the enemy" is fixed on post #66.

I'll boil it down to this:
I don't care what anyone else is saying on a forum.
I 'do' care if it is directly affecting my ability to ride what I have payed good money for already...and I'm not talking about an ebike.
Your involvement and enthusiasm is really great.

All I am is a veteran of past efforts to divide the riding community in a different sport (single track motorcyclists vs 'the world'). The motives are the same:
Leadership: If I'm not continually an arse just as these guys are..I'll probably not only lose my tax-written-off (cough) 'job' but they'll definitely be after me next.
Riders: Pretty simple. Public lands are mine and mine only. If time marches on and my kids/grandkids ride something else..screw 'em. This 'principle' will always be more important to me than spending that time with them or creating a trail legacy together for my grandkid's kids.
Eco-nuts: Play one side against the other to ensure that as few enthusiasts (of all kinds) as possible ever access public lands.
Manufacturers: Again, pretty simple. Never stick up for your customers in any fight that would (in the end) unite the riding community and shame those destroying it into oblivion (which applies to all other goods sold here in the U.S. as well unless you are manufacturing Bibles). Market changes mean lost revenue (or bankruptcy) for those adverse to risk.

If none of this involved my tax money or what folks 'used' to care about in terms of legacy/passing something down...I honestly wouldn't give a rip. :(
(Ebike of the Year announcement)
Gary Fisher wagging his finger at the biking community with: "...take it from me...this will 'eclipse' MTBing.." (probably the
best thing to happen all year in terms of a public endorsement by anybody of note).
I don't know what kind of time or 'live motion' sequences the other nominees in different categories had in terms of showing the audience (briefly) what the bikes were all about..but not allowing even 3 seconds of each bike in motion made at least this part of the ceremony seem 'bush league' at best.
Not much of a surprise as to the winner considering that their was (purposely) only one category 'allowed' and the bikes nominated. Congratulations to those who are trailblazing the sport despite needing this type of introduction to 'calm the masses'. :rolleyes:
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Anyone recognize the guy in this video around 1:35? what an awesome show! Again, so great to see the new products (reviews are now being posted... website format has been updated and performance optimized). Shout out again to @Chandlee EBS, @Chris Nolte and @Ravi Kempaiah who all hung out at the event.

I think they also caught me at 2:48 in this one and I think I saw some drones being used for footage as well, super smooth shots. I'll have to learn some of this stuff :D
