Interbike 2014 Coverage


Staff member
Hey guys, I wanted to discuss show details and get feedback on what I should be looking out for this year at the Interbike show in Las Vegas.
  • Outdoor Demo Day goes from September 8-9 (Bootleg Canyon, Las Vegas)
  • Interbike goes from September 10-12 (Mandalay Bay Convention Center)
Last year I did as many reviews as possible while randomly covering other stuff that seemed interesting. I realize it's still a ways off and am hoping to cover stuff like the FlyKly, Copenhagen Wheel, Stromer ST2 etc. during my East Coast visit later this year. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts :)

The official Interbike website is up and it looks like they will be doing the Interbike By Invitation program again. The idea being that bike shops around the country can bring a few of their "best customers" (trend setters and thought leaders) to the show to take pictures and get the inside scoop. Last year it didn't seem like very many people actually got in this way, did any of you?
Ooh. See if you can't sit on the Selle Anatomica seat and tell us what you think of it! I watched the video on this site about it, and it's appealing. I say this, of course, a mere two months after I spent $105 on a VO Saddle, Model 8. *sigh*
So wait Court!!Did I just read that you will be offering a few of your loyal EBR website followers an invite to interbike next year? That's awesome. I can meet the legends like Ravi and Dave. Maybe I can even manage to ride my new Carbon there. Sounds like fun. Oh wait, sometimes I read something and just think what I want to. Don't tell me that just happened again??
Ha! Well, I'm not exactly a bike shop so I'm not sure I get to bring guests? Definitely planning on going myself, if someone wants to help film and hang out maybe I can get a staff pass and you can come with :D
Court, if you get a chance please ride the Izip E3 Peak again. I am wondering if the drive is more responsive now that the bike is in full production and in shops. It comes in at a very attractive price point for a midrive mountain bike, if all the bugs are worked out.
Hey Dave, guess which bike I rode again when visiting Currie? Yeah, and I shot better video and spent more time exploring the drive system. Updated video review coming soon. If you don't see me post by the end of this week just ping this thread to remind me. I feel like they've worked out a lot of kinks and the system is much smoother.

I was very impressed that it uses speed, cadence and torque sensors to offer a smooth ride. That said, I still preferred the Bosch systems I tried. They seem more responsive but they don't offer throttle. During this test I realized the Peak cuts out throttle at seven miles per hour (unless you're pedaling, then it continues to 20mph), for throttle only it's really just there to get you going and it works great. I kind of wish you could just use the throttle like normal up to 20mph and ongoing.
Court, thanks for the update. Very interesting about the throttle on the Peak, I didn't know that. Funny, now that I have been riding my Carbon I hardly ever use the throttle, and when I do, it is usually to just get going! I agree though, would be best if it didn't cut out. Look forward to the updated video review.
Hey Dave, guess which bike I rode again when visiting Currie? Yeah, and I shot better video and spent more time exploring the drive system. Updated video review coming soon. If you don't see me post by the end of this week just ping this thread to remind me. I feel like they've worked out a lot of kinks and the system is much smoother.

I was very impressed that it uses speed, cadence and torque sensors to offer a smooth ride. That said, I still preferred the Bosch systems I tried. They seem more responsive but they don't offer throttle. During this test I realized the Peak cuts out throttle at seven miles per hour (unless you're pedaling, then it continues to 20mph), for throttle only it's really just there to get you going and it works great. I kind of wish you could just use the throttle like normal up to 20mph and ongoing.
Court - Just an FYI, the throttle works as long as you are pedaling up to 20 mph. If your not pedaling at all, as you mention, only up to 6 mph. More info here on page 12...
Hope that helps!
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Really great that you're so active on here Larry. I really respect your dedication and passion for the ebike industry.

Dave - We have the Peak at the shop if you want to take the 5 hour ride down and try it out. Just give me a shout if you want to head down.
Chris, thanks for the invite. I am thinking about a mountain Ebike for the summer. The Peak looks interesting and the Haibike Xduro FX also looks very good. It may be worth while to wait until the Haibikes are avialable for test rides, and make the trip.
Yeah I agree Dave, it's probably best to wait till the Haibike's come in. I'll be sure to keep you and the forum posted when they come in.
Really great that you're so active on here Larry. I really respect your dedication and passion for the ebike industry.

Dave - We have the Peak at the shop if you want to take the 5 hour ride down and try it out. Just give me a shout if you want to head down.
Thanks Chris. That is nice of you to say. Its really a great time for the electric bike category as the technology has never before been so exciting and ready for prime time! Thanks for what your doing, as well and keep up the great work in the forum.
I agree with Chris. Very few top executives show this level of involvement and passion.
After witnessing Larry's contribution here, I went on a marathon spree of watching every video about Currie's bikes on YouTube :)

Ebike industry is at a very interesting time where the technology and peoeple's interest are converging. Leveraging their experience and dealer network, they could easily flood the market with top-quality ebikes and create a huge market presence. I hope what happened to Nokia doesn't happen here. Nokia and Microsoft had an excellent advantage when it came to mobile phone business but they were a little slow in certain domains and Apple/Samsung/HTC etc simply took over the whole thing. In that sense, Haibike introduction is a true game changer because it complements a very niche segment Currie was missing.

Although ebike industry is picking up, it is nowhere near EU or Asian markets. I believe the lack of infrastructure here in US is one thing. But it would be interesting to hear what steps Currie is envisaging to push the market further..!
Okay guys! Interbike starts next week and I'm excited to check out the new bikes and get our questions answered directly from reps, CEO's and manufacturers. Let me know what's on your mind and reach out if you'll be attending the show so we can connect.

Also, I realize I've been amiss on the forums lately. that's due in part to some website updates (exciting stuff on the way) time with Grandparents and my Sister's wedding. I do check in and am just a click away if you need help or spot an issue. my goal is to keep this space clean, safe and constructive and your help goes a long way. Don't hesitate to contact me for help or send a private message here by clicking my icon to the left and then "Start a Conversation" :D
I guess USA availability dates of the Haibike Fat Six, KTM's plans to sell in the US and Scott's plans to sell in the US would be good to know.
I would also like to know who will become (list please?) the 'all in' type manufacturers committing to the American market. These are the people we should be supporting with our purchases while ignoring the rest (not to say that you shouldn't do otherwise; yet the immature market reasoning is obvious).
I would also offer that if a manufacturer is not willing to publicly support his customers presently willing to stick their necks out here at the grassroots level to expand the market for them in terms of access issues...that list should become a lot shorter.
Two huge gatherings of the most important players in the sport (in one month) here in the United States...and not a word of how the uncleansed electric powered masses will be affected/how we can become proactive after the first gathering effectively buried the ebike community in nothing but stall-the-momentum nonsense.

Did anybody come to any consensus in Vegas regarding our ebike-related rights or who exactly would PUBLICLY be leading the fight for same in 2014...or did everybody simply 'party'?
Unfortunately, in the USA, ebike and a lot of transportation related rights are controlled at the state, not national level. So national organizing for a particular issue is a tough nut to crack. In Arizona, I can ride my ebike anywhere a leg powered bike can go. Not so in some other states.