Instead of banning certain members...

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I don't have a problem with foul language, I use it all the time, but I don't aim it at people in writing on an open public forum. If I did post a video with swearing in it - - and I don't recall which one you are talking about - - it was still not cussing out someone here on the forum. To use a 5€ term, "ad hominem" attacks are what gets threads shut down.
But you see the thing is when you inferred that I was illiterate for the use foul language you made no mention of the thread being shut down but were beating the moral high ground drum while at the same time lobbing insults. Hypocritical..I know.
So trying to alter the narrative now seems like a bit of trying to saving face.

And my foul language was directed at both the poster and their post as the comment I was replying to basically stated.."I'm getting mine now and to hell with future generations".
So your attempt at another $5 comment isn't as clever as you think.

So to close.... I come across many of your posts and they just about all peak at around .99 cents. So when you happen to go big on the one post with foul language, I found it to be a bit of camouflage especially when considering your comments about my post. So please stop calling me out and implying that I am intimidated by your vocabulary. I made it clear then that that was not the case and that it was all about when and why you decided to wield it.
Terrific analysis of the "following the science" nonsense by health officials who have no evidence at all

Thinking some other countries need to step up their game.. Money Laundering is a big business

Just another Opinion .. Take it for what its worth..

Another funny... Hey we started a war and we need to cover our losses.. please send money every month..

Let’s not forget scammer ZELENSKY who is now asking for $7 BILLION / Month to account for ‘economic’ losses.

Wish we had this kind of money given for the wall so we can protect our borders... Wonder why they didnt? No kick backs?


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Anything regarding politics or religion is a highly controversial topic. The issue is that the threads do not stay on topic for long. It begins that way then one person makes responds with their opinion or beliefs, others chime in to refute that information and the thread begins to quickly go south. This forum was created to talk mainly about electric bikes. There are plenty of other forums and platforms to talk about politics. We do our best to keep EBR a safe place where the members treat each other with kindness and respect. When bringing up controversial topics members are passionate about their beliefs. The subject turns ugly quickly. That is not what we want from EBR. If a thread begins to require a ton of moderating where there are many posts deleted and the thread begins to not make sense, it is likely to be shut down. This doesn't happen often in general, as I try to be as lenient as possible while trying to keep the values of EBR, but threads that do get shut down are usually about politics, religion, or posts being exchanged between members who don't let up.
I avoid off topic posts that include politics or religion. With both of those subjects people usually have very strong beliefs so it's unlikely that one will see the other's opinion as acceptable. The best case scenario is they agree to disagree and remain polite about it. Worst case scenario is someone takes it personal and the feelings between those people get carried into the rest of the forums. It's just a nightmare for the mods to keep it civil and from my experience in other forums the mods usually have to take a side so it's whoever is closest to what they believe in. There's just no positive and all negative so I stay away. Of course this isn't my webpage so not my choice as to what goes on but just saying what I do to make less stress in my life

I would rather debate stuff like why would you want to go over 20 MPH on a multi use trail or maybe helmet wearing. People also have strong opinions on this but it's not life and death so they're not going to hate me at the end of the day if I tell them wearing a helmet is the only sane choice 🤣
I hadnt noticed anyone was rude in most of these threads that are off topic. Most posts are just opinions anyway.. None of you guys are right or wrong.. they are opinions. So no point in getting upset..

Herd mentality isnt good for anyone.. Germany had it at one time..
Danish study preprint in The Lancet says mRNA vaccines exerted no influence on all-cause mortality in healthy people.
Pretty good article here:

"So how is it that mRNAs had no effect on all-cause mortality but protect against fatal COVID? Well, either they don’t really protect against COVID, or the nominal benefit is washed away by the mortality from adverse events. For example, among the Pfizer trials, there were two deaths in the control group and one in the trial group. Typically, we wouldn’t draw conclusions from such low numbers to suggest the shots work against fatal COVID. On the other hand, researchers found nine cardiovascular deaths among the trial group but only six among the placebo group and 14 “non accident, non-covid deaths” among the trial group but only 11 among the placebo group."

" In many other countries, people want to blame the excess deaths in 2021 on Delta, not the vaccine. However, in New Zealand there is nowhere to escape the obvious fact that there were basically no COVID deaths until 2022. Yet New Zealand experienced excess deaths in the latter half of 2021.

Keep in mind that nearly everyone in New Zealand is jabbed with Pfizer’s mRNA shot, which lends credence to the findings of the Danish study that the mRNAs don’t seem to protect against all-cause mortality and seem to be associated with a higher risk of non-COVID deaths."

Here is the Reuters false presentation of "fact checking", dishonestly done by attacking the weak claims of some people who went too far:

Of course, in highly vaccinated Ontario we see the resultant case rate in the boostered MORE THAN TWICE that of the unvaccinated.


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Interesting article... All the things that were known before everyone made money off the fear was thrown out the window...

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