I joined the Optibike clan today!


Well-Known Member
I ordered the Opitibike Allroad today. Delivery is late next week. I will post some details after I make a few commutes. I plan on starting 11.5 miles each way. This trip is a real challenge for me on my Giant Cypress. I am very anxious to see if I can arrive at work without needing a second shower???
Hey french:
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I took delivery of a Pioneer Allroad a few months ago, and I must say, it has truly rocked my world.
I was worried about the steep hill right behind my house. This bike not only climbs it but I don't even have to drop down to the smallest chainring to do so.
It wasn't an inexpensive purchase for me, but I am so glad I went with my gut and voted for the Allroad with my wallet.
I've never looked back. I'm sure you will be super pleased.
Nice to have you onboard.
Thought I would share a video. This was a ride in Augusta Kansas during our last snow melt. Got muddy and had fun.

Remember this is a 320 lb man...thats why I don't travel very fast...and lots of breathing hard...

Sweet. Your bike sounds just like mine. I gather you've got some studded snows on that puppy.
I mounted a pair of studded Hakkapeliittas on my Allroad aka The Grey Ghost.
It looks like you've got a little less snow in Kansas than we do in the quiet corner of Connecticut, but my road is cleaner than yours.
I just got back from riding to church. First time in three weeks that I rode there and back on my bike, cuz' I dropped it on the ice three weeks ago and got a small compression fracture of one of my vertebra.
Spring is coming though. I can't wait to see crocuses.
Happy Trails.
I don't have studded tires...probably should. I have gone down twice so far. My buddy told me it is always funny when a fat guy falls...lol and I still call him a friend.
Grey Ghost...lol nice I have been calling mine Opie.
Did you add fenders? My back looks like a mud trail after a ride. My bike was supposed to come with fenders...Jim Turner is working on that now.
I am ordering a Burley Travoy tailer to carry all my junk on the commute... 14.9 miles each way. It will be interesting to see how the trailer effects the bike???
I am also going to change handle bars to a 3" riser bar. I need to sit up a bit.
Hi Grench:
With regard to fenders, I installed a pair of Soda Pop fenders from Portland Design Works. They don't have as much coverage as might be nice, but they were cheap and very stylish. Since they're made from recycled soda bottles, they have a modest environmental footprint too.
Here's a picture of the Grey Ghost when I got home from church:


As you can see, the fenders aren't full coverage, but they keep me (and the bike) a mite cleaner.
That's quite a commute you've got. Mine is just a tick over five miles each way. The best thing is I see more cows than cars, and the cagers in these here parts are very deferential to a man on a whip.
Sweet bird of youth. Wowzer: two drops already. (Since I am as old as dirt, I have to assiduously avoid falls.) I figure three weeks ago, when I cracked my vertebra, the big guy was looking after me cuz' I was riding in to church. (A broken shoulder would have really sucked.)
Can the Pioneer Allroad be easily fitted with fenders and a rear rack, that is are there brazzons(sp?) in place ? Thanks
Mike it would be easy to mount rack and fenders. There are braze ons and threaded holes for a rack. I can send pics if you want. I have not mounted a rack I use a Burley Travoy trailer. I will put fenders on this weekend...still trying to decide which ones I want.

The picture above has fenders and a rack...
Mike it would be easy to mount rack and fenders. There are braze ons and threaded holes for a rack. I can send pics if you want. I have not mounted a rack I use a Burley Travoy trailer. I will put fenders on this weekend...still trying to decide which ones I want.

The picture above has fenders and a rack...

Thanks Grench

I look forward to trying one soon. In my 50's and looking to ride longer and further and level some hills, get some exercise and lose some weight, and this looks like the perfect bike....finally after a month of research. Didn't even consider mid drives until I spoke with Neal after completing the survey. Look forward to joining the Optibike clan soon. Thanks
Hi Mike:
Yeah I hope you end up choosing the Allroad. I gotta' say I am so glad I did.
I guess the price has gone up a couple hundred bucks since I got mine, but I would have happily paid the new price. It's a super machine that really inspires confidence.
The Allroad is a climbing fool. And as Grench already said, it has the braze-ons and such to make fitting fenders and a rack easy. If you scroll up to my last post in this thread (the one with the picture) and look closely, you can see that I have both installed on my Grey Ghost.
There is a local group of 'Gravel Grinder' road bike guys who ride every Saturday morning here in town. I decided to go yesterday and see if I could keep up with them for a bit. The email for the group said the ride was 30 miles long with speeds between 15-20mph. It was funny when I showed up. I could see the concern in thier eyes as the organizer explained to me this was not a mountain bike group - that group rode on Tuesday evenings. He wanted to know if I knew they rode at high speeds...lol I put the group at ease letting them know I did not expect them to wait for me and I would split off from the group if I was unable to keep up. Remember I am about 310lbs currently. These guys were in tights and clip in pedals and ready for a road race. Anyway we started out with me in the back...I didn't know - the leaders only stay in front for a while then they fall to the back and you move up in line. After the first shuffle the organizer was following me. He was impressed with the bike and asked me questions the entire rest of the time I rode with them. (I didn't want to talk I was trying to breath. :) I was able to stay with them for a little over 4 miles. My strategy was flawed...I started in level 3 thinking I would save my battery till the end. I let myself get winded...with plenty of battery left. I should have started in level 5 and run the battery down...not sure how far I would have stayed with the group?? I will find out Saturday after next...going to try it again.

Anyway here is the cyclemeter if your interested. I will video next ride with them. I split off just after split #4.

Good group of guys who ride...electric bikes let you into new groups...my friends don't ride early Saturday mornings.
There is a local group of 'Gravel Grinder' road bike guys who ride every Saturday morning here in town. I decided to go yesterday and see if I could keep up with them for a bit. The email for the group said the ride was 30 miles long with speeds between 15-20mph. It was funny when I showed up. I could see the concern in thier eyes as the organizer explained to me this was not a mountain bike group - that group rode on Tuesday evenings. He wanted to know if I knew they rode at high speeds...lol I put the group at ease letting them know I did not expect them to wait for me and I would split off from the group if I was unable to keep up. Remember I am about 310lbs currently. These guys were in tights and clip in pedals and ready for a road race. Anyway we started out with me in the back...I didn't know - the leaders only stay in front for a while then they fall to the back and you move up in line. After the first shuffle the organizer was following me. He was impressed with the bike and asked me questions the entire rest of the time I rode with them. (I didn't want to talk I was trying to breath. :) I was able to stay with them for a little over 4 miles. My strategy was flawed...I started in level 3 thinking I would save my battery till the end. I let myself get winded...with plenty of battery left. I should have started in level 5 and run the battery down...not sure how far I would have stayed with the group?? I will find out Saturday after next...going to try it again.

Anyway here is the cyclemeter if your interested. I will video next ride with them. I split off just after split #4.

Good group of guys who ride...electric bikes let you into new groups...my friends don't ride early Saturday mornings.

You got lucky! Fair to say that E bikes will NOT be welcomed in many, if not most, spandex groups. ;)
Yeah Shea, some of us poor wretches live in parts of the country that get seasons, including Winter with—on occasion—snow a**hole-deep. I commute to work as much as I can (even in Winter) here in the quiet corner of Connecticut, so the Bar Mits have totally rocked my world. Brambor is a Maine-iac, so he knows of what I speak. I've ridden the Grey Ghost in temps as low as 12ºF over the Winter. Studded Hakkapelliitas and Bar Mits ftw.
The snow is all gone, but I can't wait 'til I see my first crocuses and daffodils. It's been an extremely long Winter here in New England.
I still have them on my fat bike. The woods are full of snow. I fatbiked behind my house today and did not get very far before I got stuck in deep soft snow.
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There have been several big guys looking for ebike recommendations. Here is a 7 mile commute on my Allroad pulling 37lbs on my Burley Travoy trailer. The majority of the ride is level 3 through sidewalks, roads, and bike path here in Wichita KS. I kicked it up to level 4 towards the end of the ride to show you can maintain 20+ mph. My top speed was 28+. At this battery level and pace (up and down) the battery will make a 10 mile each way (20 Mile) commute. I usually charge the battery at night, ride to work and back to my drop off point on a single charge. The trip in the video was on 7 miles of the regular 10. I was late and had to move my drop off point a little closer to work. Below is a cycle meter of the same trip if you would like to compare. The gps and the cycle meter confirm the speeds. This bike does well for me. What I lack in height (5'10") I make up for with circumference (315lbs). I tried to stay out of the video but you get to see my shape at the end...sorry for that :) If you are over 6'1" I would suggest the bofeili sport (link below- Rob the owner is a nice guy), same motor with 27.5" tires. This bike is cheaper shipped to the US than the Optibike as some others have been arguing. I chose to do business withe Optibike people because they are a USA company (I KNOW They do not build this bike) and offer a stateside warranty. I had a few customer survive issue in the beginning but Optibike made it right. Support the USA when you can...My grandpa always said that! lol

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Ride Time: 32:02
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 6.90 miles
Average: 12.92 mph
Fastest Speed: 28.57 mph
Ascent: 76
Descent: 75
Calories: 737
I made my first 20 mile commute...YAHoooo! I don't know why the cycle meter is recording 35mph...the highest I saw on the display was 30mph on a 75' drop??? I pedaled on level 3 PDA only no throttle. I had one bar left on the battery gauge. Either way I made the trip...Fat Man accomplishment!


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