Hydra Video (Review) Request


Active Member
I know some people have their Hydras but I was hoping to see someone do a video review (posted to YouTube) by now? Anyone? Bueller?

To all who shared photos...THANK YOU! Those were cool to see. But this is the Sasquatch of eMTBs...often photographed but never video'd.

Thanks in advance!
I'm an amateur at making videos but I wanted to make a solid attempt at creating a review for the community since there is currently no videos. Hopefully this summer will bring me a new Hydra. 🤟
I’m not much of a videographer I made these three posted here.

Hydra Video sorry it’s not a link it’s just the title​

As I get better i’ll try to make a review
Don't sell your efforts short Acme. It's a heck of a contribution to be able to see what the Hydra is capable of.

Others are welcome to top your Hollywood abilities. ....but none have yet. :)

@dunksalot these are great to show some of what the Hydra could do.