How to start on a steep hill

@Johnny :) Not so hard to miss....this AM I see I misspelled your name - sorry. Plus I should have put the @ before your name and it would have sent a notice to your email. Thanks for answering.

I'm in the Bay Area - North Bay. I haven't felt like Park Service personnel were focusing on us while riding other than with personal interest. Yesterday I watched a Bolton youtube video that touched on CA state rules on ebike riding. In it it was stated that any trail a MTB can ride an ebike can ride. I'll see if I can round it up and link it.
@Johnny :) Not so hard to miss....this AM I see I misspelled your name - sorry. Plus I should have put the @ before your name and it would have sent a notice to your email. Thanks for answering.

I'm in the Bay Area - North Bay. I haven't felt like Park Service personnel were focusing on us while riding other than with personal interest. Yesterday I watched a Bolton youtube video that touched on CA state rules on ebike riding. In it it was stated that any trail a MTB can ride an ebike can ride. I'll see if I can round it up and link it.

Maybe I was unlucky. I don't doubt that state rules do not prohibit riding of ebikes but it may still be up to the local authority in the end.
@Johnny , @Merle Nelson is almost correct. The California law states where any analog bike is allowed, a Class 1 is allowed. There are ADA folks requesting this get extended to Class 2 (throttle) and IMHO it makes sense. The forum has posts on this. So if this happens to you, and you have a Class 1 bike, video the event with your phone and then escalate it. The person that blocked your access is wrong….
State law is state wide….

WW bikes start at Class 3+ (throttle) and jump to Moped or Motorcycle very quickly……
State Parks rule according to the speaker. Not rules for all of the state. I think I'll find the relevant rule in writing and have a small copy of it laminated. Maybe also the federal info where ebikes are designated "bikes".
@Johnny , @Merle Nelson is almost correct. The California law states where any analog bike is allowed, a Class 1 is allowed. There are ADA folks requesting this get extended to Class 2 (throttle) and IMHO it makes sense. The forum has posts on this. So if this happens to you, and you have a Class 1 bike, video the event with your phone and then escalate it. The person that blocked your access is wrong….
State law is state wide….
Ahh. So state law, not just State Parks rule.
@Merle Nelson - There are many threads on these topics so this is not the best place for this discussion. Here is one VERY passionate person as an example….

Thread 'Statement Regarding Potential CPSC Ebike Law Preemption of 3-class Legislation'

Edit- and as of 2021….
@Johnny , @Merle Nelson is almost correct. The California law states where any analog bike is allowed, a Class 1 is allowed. There are ADA folks requesting this get extended to Class 2 (throttle) and IMHO it makes sense. The forum has posts on this. So if this happens to you, and you have a Class 1 bike, video the event with your phone and then escalate it. The person that blocked your access is wrong….
State law is state wide….

WW bikes start at Class 3+ (throttle) and jump to Moped or Motorcycle very quickly……

Unfortunately that law has a twist,

"Class 1 and Class 2 electric bicycles may be allowed as long as they're not specifically called out as prohibited."

So if I understand it right the local authority can prohibit it.
Hmmmmm.... I try not to stir the poop but,....

Acme your use of the words "abrupt", "twitchy", "pushing had (hard?)" do not fit with the description I see Pushkar give on youtube of the Archon X1 controller or other users descriptions I read of its use.

I know little about it first hand but suspect the controller needs to have its parameters adjusted and that you are expecting far too little from it.
I'm not familiar with the Archon tuning so I didn't bring this up before. With the stock Ultra controller you can limit torque vs. motor speed so it "kicks in" more gradually when taking off from a start--which sounds like it may help the OP. I would assume the Archon has similar settings that can be tweaked in a similar manor, but I don't know enough about it to know how.

I did watch some of the video on tuning it and I also suspect the philosophy of using less torque sensing/more cadence sensing at higher assist modes may not be the best choice for offroad riding of steep hills. The stock Ultra controller uses the same torque sensing for all modes--it just limits the power to a different level for each assist mode. I'm pretty sure that is an easy change to make with the Archon.

But the issue described is usually the most noticeable when taking off in a gear too high for the hill, so definitely try that first. :)
Not yet. I’m a Mac guy and I have to corral one of my friends to do it on his computer.
I just cleaned out my office and I think I threw away my programming cable by mistake so I have to get another one from Pushkar😔
How is anyone feathering their throttle? I have a restricted throttle and it’s still very jumpy. Pretty useless to use starting from a stop as in there’s no feathering to the acceleration.
There was another tbread about a Halls sensor that could be added but you have to disassemble and solder it in. you could buy a $200 model aftermarket from some suppliers that is smooth.
I am seriously considering just removing mine as it makes the bike illegal to ride most places and it’s only gonna take one time I get pulled over To get a ticket or worse. I hardly ever use it. I think I’m going to put it in my backpack so if for some reason something breaks and I need it I can put it back on.
Does anyone have links to the smooth throttles for sale? I would be interested in that although have not had problems using the throttle to start my archon bike on a dirt/gravel hill

mine does not seem to be overly touchy compared to some bikes I have owned but i would pay money for all my bikes to have a super smooth controlled throttle
there is definitely a need for that product