How to de-restrict a UK Vado

No electronic chip will defeat the latest Mastermind
This website advertises Peartune for Specialized 2.0/2.1/2.2 motors, including Tero. If it works, seems like a good option particularly for the US Class 1 Levo/Tero- but should it also be good for the UK Vado's as well? Prob not needed for US 2022 Vado.
This website advertises Peartune for Specialized 2.0/2.1/2.2 motors, including Tero. If it works, seems like a good option particularly for the US Class 1 Levo/Tero- but should it also be good for the UK Vado's as well? Prob not needed for US 2022 Vado.
Uh, I don't know how Mr Hruska could handle the encrypted data stream of Mastermind. If I were interested in a new Spec e-bike, I would write to Ms. Hruska a couple of questions for sure.
oops forgot the link:

From the video, it looks relatively simple to do
oops forgot the link:

From the video, it looks relatively simple to do
This is a very good news. Meaning only the Bluetooth data are encrypted there.
I have Creo SL and I use the Peartune. There are 2 different versions of this, which is always on an switched. The difference comes with being able to switch it on and off. If you have the handlebar remote to change the power setting such as the one for the Levo SL, it has a walk button and this is used to turn the Peartune on and off. The always on version, is not switchable. I used the switched version with the remote as in the UK, that is a good idea. The Peartune does read the speed correctly, but does occasionally throw up an error message on the Garmin headunit, but the is easily dismissed and does not stop power. It also does not play well if using the external battery. Other than that, the Peartune is excellent
I have Creo SL and I use the Peartune. There are 2 different versions of this, which is always on an switched. The difference comes with being able to switch it on and off. If you have the handlebar remote to change the power setting such as the one for the Levo SL, it has a walk button and this is used to turn the Peartune on and off. The always on version, is not switchable. I used the switched version with the remote as in the UK, that is a good idea. The Peartune does read the speed correctly, but does occasionally throw up an error message on the Garmin headunit, but the is easily dismissed and does not stop power. It also does not play well if using the external battery. Other than that, the Peartune is excellent
I use a PearTune on Vado SL, and I think I made a thread on it once. The point is, I am not sure whether the MasterMind TCD-w and/or TCU still allow derestriction with PearTune. It seems it is possible (posts above).
I'm very interested in this thread because I have a Tero 5.0 coming. I think it's ridiculous they restricted it to 20mph. I've been looking at the PearTune 3.0 on eBay, but I'm hoping to find someone who has already tried it with a Tero.
Update: The PearTune 3.0 does work with the Tero 5.0.

See post #44.

So I received my Tero 5.0 and the PearTune 3.0 today. I installed the PearTune and it doesn't work. My bike immediately thinks it's going 30mph and then I get an error. The error says it's a speed sensor error.
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Not good.
I can only guess MasterMind e-bikes have been protected against derestricting them.
Could you write to them? Do you know the direct e-mail address to the PearTune company? (I know it).