Nice bikes ...which one do you favor the most? They are both much too clean. How many miles have you put on them?My wife came up with the name of Red Queen for my Frey CC. Seems fitting given my undying devotion to the bike.
For my Luna X1 I decided to go with Dark Diva. Dark was the obvious choice for first name given the matte carbon finish, but wasn't sure about last name, until I noticed the saddle that came with the bike was a WTB Deva. Dark Diva it would be. My wife approved.
Those were taken new in the front / back yard. I favor the Red Queen for all around city use and gravel paths. 750 miles since May. The Dark Diva goes with me on hikes to cut down logging road approaches. 20 pounds lighter and can fit in the back of the SUV. Not many miles but will need a sponge bath soon.
Now need to work out a new name for my new Intrigue X E+3ROGER
Red Older Guy's Electric Ride
2020 Giant Fathom E +1 Pro
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"Shall we go for a ride and maybe a beverage?"
"Roger that!"
Triguette (tree-get) perhaps?Now need to work out a new name for my new Intrigue X E+3
Who enjoys it more when you burst out of the garage and ride sans saddle?? You or Brandon?I should name mine Brandon. That way every time I burst out of the garage this coming spring I can yell “Let’s Go Brandon!” ….
Your lady likes to ride the horn on the way to the luxury hotel while I understand you prefer the tail.... who pedals? The dog?Bruce’s Bikes in The Castro released their 2022 bike today.
They named it the GionniRocket …
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That should be the worst that ever happens, take care.Well "John Wayne" and I crashed and burnt yesterday,
no damage done, just a little mud in the eye, wet pants from falling thru a ice covered mud hole.
Now, I can go and enjoy it, it's gotten dirty and slight scratches.....LOL