How did you name your e-bike?

I had a hard time to give a name to my satin-grey Turbo Vado. A friend of mine suggested Knight Rider. Nice name but too long. I decided on Śmigacz (English: Zoomer) because it lets me zoom around the neighbourhood :)

The other one, the Lovelec Diadem was easier to get a name. Pity the pun is untranslatable to English. Lovelec is for Love-Electric. I gave the e-bike the name of Lowelek and it is a deep pun in Polish. "Rowerek" means "a kid's bike, a small bike" and it is pronounced the children way, before a Polish kid can pronounce our famous rolling r's :D So, Lowelek is a kid's bike as pronounced by a little child!


I named my e-bike and no other bikes. I have owned 3 dozen plus sailboats and most of the big ones had names most smaller ones did not. Some I sold before I painted the name.
My Vado renamed again! This time to "Apollo 13" :D

My close friend, a hater of e-bikes went on an agitated discussion with me, related to torque wrenches. His words were:

-- A bicycle is not the Apollo 13. The regular hex wrenches are well designed, and I tighten the bolts in my bike by the feel. If anyone wants to spend their money on expensive tools, let them do it.

My answer was:
-- Sorry Jerzy but my Vado is the Apollo 13 indeed 🤣
My Vado renamed again! This time to "Apollo 13"
My answer was:
-- Sorry Jerzy but my Vado is the Apollo 13 indeed 🤣
Why, your Vado is a great disaster? The Apollo 13 had a big explosion and they rode home in the Lunar Excursion module. Sort of the Titanic of space. The crew made it to Cape Canaveral in the row boat of space.
My first e bike I should have named Edsel. Named after the car with electric shift that would change to random gears as you turned the steering wheel. 55 mph, turn the wheel, right into park! Pretty ugly car too, grill like a 1932 Ford V8 roadster to make Edsel Ford happy, body style like a shoebox with chrome ornaments. V8 logo taillights didn't help any.
So the bike that should have been named Edsel I converted a Huffy Savannah with geared hub motor, 30" struts on the front to control the torque & also hold up the 18 lb 17.5 AH battery. 7 miles from the summer camp where I did the conversion on a very safe very hilly road, the electricity quits. I ride 14 miles unpowered to my home in town. Have to push that bike up some hills, it only has 10 speeds and 5 of them are too fast. At home eureka, the battery is measuring 11 volts. Bad battery.
Get my money back from Amazon, order a 18 lb battery from e-bay. Same shape as the other one. Ride 7 miles out towards the summer camp, the electricity quits. Pedal myself out 18 miles, on the flatter Hwy 3, measure the battery, 51 volts. ?? Maybe the controller or motor is bad? Symptom, the display goes blank and power stops. No codes or low battery alarm or anything. So another day I ride that bike out towards nothing much but big hills, and at the bottom of onehill the power quits again. I have to push the bike up 3 hills that time to get it back to summer camp. At summer camp, battery reads 52 v. ??
So I catch a ride to town with a church friend, and ride out in my new cargo bike, shown left. All pedal power at that time. Take the battery off the Huffy, strap it to the front basket of the cargo bike, take it to town for analysis. That is the famous 5.7 hour trip to town, with 25 mph headwinds all the way, 96 degrees in the shade, and that battery sitting like a barn door in the front basket of the bike. 144 bpm all the way, it was horrible.
At home, 3 months of thought. Finally decide to load the battery with 10 ohms (5 amp load) and read the voltage, see if it holds up for 3 hours. Bingo, immediately the voltage collapses to 7. 2nd bad battery!
So I leave the Huffy "Edsel" out at the summer camp, and next year repurpose it as a pedal only bike for riding home if the cargo bike blows a crank or chain or some other unrepairable. Works as long as there is no electric shift.
Why, your Vado is a great disaster? The Apollo 13 had a big explosion and they rode home in the Lunar Excursion module. Sort of the Titanic of space.
(I knew before somebody would say that!)
My friend chose a wrong example; he should have said "a bicycle is not the rocket science" :) Yet, if we really think of it... The older BLOKS display in my Vado hangs approximately twice on a 50-60 km ride, thrice on a 50-miler and four times on a metric century. I know how to reset the display, it is just a nuisance. Waiting for the display being replaced by the newer one.

Still, I do not need the LEM to return home 🤣
So here is my story (with kudos to @Stefan Mikes for directing me to this thread:

When I was debating about color for my Turbo Vado 4.0, many were 'directing me' (read: pushing me toward :)) Crimson Red. I think that the Crimson is a really nice color, as is the Carbon. However, the Dove Gray caught my eye.

I mentioned on here that I was an architect and the Dove Gray (a non-metallic light gray) with the black accents/fenders/accessories looked very 'Bauhaus' to me.

I then decided to order the Dove Gray and aptly named 'Gropius'. :)
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Not that I had any choice @MAPC but my bargain Vado 5.0 was metallic gray. When I entered the store and saw the bike, I fell in love with it. The Vados look far better in real life than they do in the marketing pictures. Apart from the joke with "Apollo 13", I like to call my Vado the Grizzle.
I called it ”Green Meany” once cuz it looks dark, green and mean.
Hey gang:
This is Yo-Yo Ma. Because way too many things in common. 😁

Wonderfully tuned, precise, has a knack for music and is of Asian descent.


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I am surprised there are not more female riders here chiming in! We typically give everything names!

My sturdy workhorse, a Gazelle NL, is called Large Marge named after Marge Simpson from the TV Sitcom, the Simpsons. The bike is blue like the character’s distinctive beehive. She’s a mix of fun, form and function. I use her to commute to work, run errands and weekend excursions!


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I am surprised there are not more female riders here chiming in! We typically give everything names!

My sturdy workhorse, a Gazelle NL, is called Large Marge named after Marge Simpson from the TV Sitcom, the Simpsons. The bike is blue like the character’s distinctive beehive. She’s a mix of fun, form and function. I use her to commute to work, run errands and weekend excursions!
Named my Liv Intrigue “Hubley” due to it’s rusty brown color. My Valle sport I just call ‘Blue’... a good steady ’ol steed. 🚴‍♀️
Named my Liv Intrigue “Hubley” due to it’s rusty brown color. My Valle sport I just call ‘Blue’... a good steady ’ol steed. 🚴‍♀️
Anna give us some more pics of the Mars Chameleon paint job on your cool bike please. I know that it is hard to get the awesome finish to show up in pics but if you take enough pics in different lighting you will get a few gems.
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Anna give us some more pics of the Mars Chameleon paint job on your cool bike please. I know that it is hard to get the awesome finish to show up in pics but if you take enough pics in different lighting you will get a few gems.
Just got in from an evening ride... short but climbed over 1400 feet in the first few miles. (Yes, highest assist but still feels like an accomplishment.)😁I should have taken a few pictures... next time. 🚴‍♀️
Just got in from an evening ride... short but climbed over 1400 feet in the first few miles. (Yes, highest assist but still feels like an accomplishment.)😁I should have taken a few pictures... next time. 🚴‍♀️
Anna, it is off-topic but could you give some information on your battery consumption against distance and elevation gain? What assist mode are you using?
Anna, it is off-topic but could you give some information on your battery consumption against distance and elevation gain? What assist mode are you using?
I am so glad you asked this question! I started out tonight with 47% according to the ride one app when I turned the bike on. The ride Control itself said 2 bars or 40%. Once on my way, pushing hard in low gear at level 2 on minimal incline the app said 22 miles left. About 2 miles into my big climb in turbo the app abruptly switched to 11 miles left. 😲. There is definitely a delay on the app screen.... Flying down hill and now back in level 2 the screen read 21 miles left on the battery! I rode another five miles level 2 app said 19 miles left... then the last half mile straight up and after a delay the app says 7 miles left. 🤔. The battery is still sitting at 40% on the Control (2 bars).*** I believe when the app drops the battery life estimate when using turbo it is saying, “at this currant assist level, speed and your cadence this is how far you can expect to go before using up the battery.” I was not using smart assist...I like making my own selections.
In general, my typical 11.6 mile loop with a 946 foot elevation gain repeated 4 times gets me 45 plus miles easily on one charge. 🚴‍♀️
P.S. I prefer a wired in display! The Charge display on “Blue“ is honest.
I asked my question Anna because my 18 mile ride with 1800 ft elevation gain ate 2/3 from my 500 Wh battery...