High Ah Batteries

Steve Prehoda

New Member
I am researching a Pedego Platinum Intercepter for my first electric bike.
They want $400 to upgrade a 48v 10Ah battery to 48v 15Ah.

I see on Alibaba.com a 48v 26.1 Ah battery (w rear rack) for $515. Made with Samsung or Panasonic cells same as Pedego OEM batts.

This seems like a steal. Can anyone tell me if this would work?
Hello Steve. I'm a Pedego dealer, so I'm biased, but here are my thoughts.

First, one of the main reasons people choose Pedego is our reliability. Since the battery is arguably the most important part of an ebike, I highly recommend sticking with our batteries for the best experience. It's possible to custom wire a non-Pedego battery to a Pedego bike, but it likely won't fit in the stock location, and you really need to know about battery specs and BMS to select a pack that will work reliably and safely.

Regarding Alibaba, I understand it's primarily a wholesale site, so to get those prices, you need to buy in volume. Aliexpress is for retail.

I hear you can get great deals on Aliexpress, but you need to be careful that you buy from a reputable vendor. Some vendors will sell counterfeit or substandard cells. If you have a problem, a quality vendor should take care of you, but if you need to return something, shipping to China can be expensive. Again, if you have no experience at this, I don't recommend it.

The Platinum Interceptor is a great bike! If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me here or in the Pedego subforum.
I wouldn't do it because of what John said above, then again for an upgrade of just 5aH, $400 is ridiculous to say the least.
Given all of the stories of battery fires out there I'd be extremely hesitant to use anything but a battery sold by the same folks that sold you your bike in the first place. Yeah, you might save a few bucks but if you burn your garage down that will likely negate any savings.
NearLy every bike seller has their batteries built in China. The fear mongering has some good standing, but there are good resellers. The trick is sorting them. I can't post publically but if youd like a reliable source send a private message with your email and i'll link you.
I am researching a Pedego Platinum Intercepter for my first electric bike.
They want $400 to upgrade a 48v 10Ah battery to 48v 15Ah.

I see on Alibaba.com a 48v 26.1 Ah battery (w rear rack) for $515. Made with Samsung or Panasonic cells same as Pedego OEM batts.

This seems like a steal. Can anyone tell me if this would work?
The devil is in the details. What are the cells? What is the BMS.? Warranty? Shipping? Please be careful and compare apple to apples. But as Jazz wrote, $400 for 5Ah on face seems preditory. Maybe there a rational?
I am researching a Pedego Platinum Intercepter for my first electric bike.
They want $400 to upgrade a 48v 10Ah battery to 48v 15Ah.

I see on Alibaba.com a 48v 26.1 Ah battery (w rear rack) for $515. Made with Samsung or Panasonic cells same as Pedego OEM batts.

This seems like a steal. Can anyone tell me if this would work?
As noted, Alibaba is wholesale. Alexpress is retail, and is a gamble. 15 days return policy, you'll negotiate with seller as to who's going to pay return shipping. If they refuse to pay return, it will be cheaper to just throw it to garbage. If it croaks after 15 days, - then no warranties, throw it to garbage.

I don't understand the comments about wiring a non-Pedego battery. If it's same or smaller size and same connectors then it will fit, there is nothing to "wire". Built-in BMS might not be the same, Pedego dealer is right about that, but not being the same doesn't mean it won't work, most likely it will. Again, there is a bit of gamble here but if you're saving 30-50% of cost you may consider it.

You will have a chance to try after-market battery when this one dies. With the motor - not so sure. Dapu hub is not available in after-market like Bafang, and the word on the street is that they are costly at dealers'. About 2-3 times the cost of 500w Bafang.
I don't understand the comments about wiring a non-Pedego battery. If it's same or smaller size and same connectors then it will fit, there is nothing to "wire".
Perhaps "wire" was the wrong word. I was trying to convey the technical difficulty without getting into technical details.

I figured there's a good chance the new battery's connectors wouldn't match and something would need to be swapped. That wouldn't be too hard, but the new battery would probably have to mount in a different location, and if the new battery's leads aren't long enough to reach the controller, you'd have to extend them. Then again, you might want to move the controller anyway, since it mounts inside the sleeve (or dock) that the battery slides into, and if you're not using the stock battery, why keep the stock sleeve?

It's all doable, but most people who buy new Pedegos aren't interested in this level of modification. They want them to just work.
Perhaps "wire" was the wrong word. I was trying to convey the technical difficulty without getting into technical details.

I figured there's a good chance the new battery's connectors wouldn't match and something would need to be swapped. That wouldn't be too hard, but the new battery would probably have to mount in a different location, and if the new battery's leads aren't long enough to reach the controller, you'd have to extend them. Then again, you might want to move the controller anyway, since it mounts inside the sleeve (or dock) that the battery slides into, and if you're not using the stock battery, why keep the stock sleeve?

It's all doable, but most people who buy new Pedegos aren't interested in this level of modification. They want them to just work.
THIS! Exactly!
I "think" the OP not just want's it to work, but to save money too :)... Tough luck. That sleeve with controller makes it difficult indeed. Get something with more generic layout.
Perhaps "wire" was the wrong word. I was trying to convey the technical difficulty without getting into technical details.

I figured there's a good chance the new battery's connectors wouldn't match and something would need to be swapped. That wouldn't be too hard, but the new battery would probably have to mount in a different location, and if the new battery's leads aren't long enough to reach the controller, you'd have to extend them. Then again, you might want to move the controller anyway, since it mounts inside the sleeve (or dock) that the battery slides into, and if you're not using the stock battery, why keep the stock sleeve?

It's all doable, but most people who buy new Pedegos aren't interested in this level of modification. They want them to just work.

Thank you for your comments.

My current research has led me to agree with your comments and with other posters to avoid Alibaba and Aliexpress. I plan to purchase a flat rear rack style 21.7 Ah 2nd batt from EM3ev and mount it on top of the Pedego rack and tie it down with bungee cords. Luna Cycle has pigtails with every kind of connector combos to make the connection work. EM3ev has every cell and the pack fused which I doubt Pedego does and much cheaper to boot even with legal HazMat shipping from China. In addition I will charge both batts to 80% with a Satiator to double or triple the batt life which would more than make it worth the initial cost of the charger.

The reason I am going this far is that I am 75 years old and want to do a 50 mile round trip on the Indian Bend Wash in Scottsdale, AZ and then circle Tempe Town Lake.
Prettiest bike trail I have ever seen. Pedego's 10 Ah batt won't hack it.
I wouldn't put words "legal" and "China" in the same sentence :)... There is a common practice to hide batteries shipped from China, to avoid hazmat surcharge. Keep your fingers crossed that US customs won't seize it. Can't say about this particular vendor. There is another one popular, called Bmsbattery. Just like that, one word.

Satiator charger, the one from Grin? It sure has nice display, but for that much greenbacks you could buy yourself one more battery. Luna have programmable charger for half of that price, simpler display, also can be set to 80-90-100%.

Not sure about bungee cords. At some point too much DIY gets in the way of enjoying the bike, but I would better consider some clamps.

Thank you for your comments.

My current research has led me to agree with your comments and with other posters to avoid Alibaba and Aliexpress. I plan to purchase a flat rear rack style 21.7 Ah 2nd batt from EM3ev and mount it on top of the Pedego rack and tie it down with bungee cords. Luna Cycle has pigtails with every kind of connector combos to make the connection work. EM3ev has every cell and the pack fused which I doubt Pedego does and much cheaper to boot even with legal HazMat shipping from China. In addition I will charge both batts to 80% with a Satiator to double or triple the batt life which would more than make it worth the initial cost of the charger.

The reason I am going this far is that I am 75 years old and want to do a 50 mile round trip on the Indian Bend Wash in Scottsdale, AZ and then circle Tempe Town Lake.
Prettiest bike trail I have ever seen. Pedego's 10 Ah batt won't hack it.

Looks like a fine idea, Steve!
I would do the same if I was in your place. Looks like you have done your research.
The only thing I would do is to place the battery in the front triangle. Putting it on top of your rear battery would really displace the center of gravity backwards. When you wire the additional battery, the display battery indicator may not run well as it's not calibrated properly but you should be able to power the motor. For any technical questions, you may contact Matt Huges at https://www.empoweredcycles.com/
Front triangle is where battery belongs. On the downtube, or on the seat tube. Either location will make it easier to use after-market battery and will be better position of center of mass. Now it raises the question why getting a bike with rear-rack battery, to begin with...

In addition I will charge both batts to 80% with a Satiator to double or triple the batt life which would more than make it worth the initial cost of the charger.

The reason I am going this far is that I am 75 years old and want to do a 50 mile round trip on the Indian Bend Wash in Scottsdale, AZ and then circle Tempe Town Lake.
Prettiest bike trail I have ever seen. Pedego's 10 Ah batt won't hack it.
Remember to charge with your Satiator for 8 or more hours at 100% on occasion. Get the pack nicely balanced every 10 -20 cycles. EM3ev has a nice Triangle bag. Pretty cheap when included with
I'm not 100% sure how you're thinking of wiring this up, but I recommend being very careful. I wouldn't just connect two completely different batteries in parallel (and obviously not in series). Be sure you know what's involved and double-check the battery specs. Maybe it'd be better to switch back and forth between them.

You might not need to do any of this if your goal is 50 miles. Are you planning on doing 50 miles often or rarely? If it's only occasionally, you might be ok with just the Pedego 48v/15ah battery. With moderate pedaling, I can easily get 50 miles, including through some decent hills. I'm about 175 lbs; if you're a lot heavier or have a lot of hills, your mileage will likely be less, or you might have to pedal harder. Blue Monkey Bicycles, a store in Utah, did a range test and got 55 miles on the highest level of pedal assist. See their video here...

By the way, you said the 48v/15ah battery is a $400 upgrade charge, but unless someone is offering you a deal on the 48/10, the 48/15 is only $300 more, and definitely worth it.

Oh, and EM3EV is a very reputable company, so if they say they're shipping legally, it's likely true. I believe the owner, Paul, is a Brit ex-pat, so his communication in English is great. I haven't bought from them, but I've emailed once or twice. Come to think of it, that was a few years ago, so I don't know whether he still answers their emails, but I know their rep is still good.
I completely missed any communications about batteries in parallel. THAT IS A REALLY BAD IDEA, JUST DON'T!
Paul still answers email sent to him but the sales mail goes to Joseph. See the latest youtube video for the review of the manufacturing and latest battery upgrades. NO ONE is competing on his level.
I completely missed any communications about batteries in parallel. THAT IS A REALLY BAD IDEA, JUST DON'T!
Paul still answers email sent to him but the sales mail goes to Joseph. See the latest youtube video for the review of the manufacturing and latest battery upgrades. NO ONE is competing on his level.

Let's see, if you put the batteries in series you will be running twice the voltage through the controller and motor, and one or both of them will probably fry in minutes. If you put the batteries in parallel they will eventually get unbalanced and that will probably trigger thermal runaway in the battery with lower voltage. Hopefully you will be a safe distance away and not riding your bike when that happens.

Hooking two batteries up without significant other circuitry (at a minimum a voltage-balancing circuit) and probably substantial controller software modifications is going to be a bad idea. If you were determined to do so, I'd install a lockout switch so you can only draw from one battery at a time.

So, has anyone here used a Satiator with Pedego batteries? Will it work without creating a fire hazard or damaging the battery?
I don't see why a Satiator wouldn't work with most batteries. Unless like Bionx or Stromer you've purchased from a builder that locks you in to proprietary systems. If the battery is a simple neg and pos output with a pos and neg charge connection, you're golden. It's just a matter of an adapter for the plug in. Easy to make or find to buy.
I don't see why a Satiator wouldn't work with most batteries. Unless like Bionx or Stromer you've purchased from a builder that locks you in to proprietary systems. If the battery is a simple neg and pos output with a pos and neg charge connection, you're golden. It's just a matter of an adapter for the plug in. Easy to make or find to buy.

I don't see any reason either. I just would like to hear from someone who has done so so I can be certain.