Help find battery for this Cargo bike rack.


New Member
Im building an Omnium Mini-Max cargo bike from a frame-kit.
As u maybe can se in the picture I've mounted a Bafang BBS01 middrive e-motor.
I know would like to find a battery that I somehow can mount beneeth the front rack of the bike (See attached image).
The battery must be easy to remove and take inside to charge over night. It should have some kind of lock and on/off switch. Almost like a rear rack battery without the rack.

1. Anyone got an idea where to find one. Preferly something cheap from ebay (china). Or something almost cheap from i.e. Germany or G.B. with warranty.
2. How do I connect the battery with Bafangs cable. See attached image.

It should be an 36v, approx 9-12ah.

Can this be something?

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