Helios refund


Well-Known Member
San Diego, CA, USA
@pushkar @ebike_enthusiast where is the refund (requested 2021-09-27) for my Helios order #1046 (placed 2020-04-09)?

It takes 30-60 days for them to process the refund. Here's a snapshot of the reply I got when asking for a refund for my Helios order from a few days ago.
Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 11.02.20 AM.png
Online daddy, did you get the confirmation email? Did you get any of the money that was part of the parts liquidation?
@pushkar - Can you provide me a status on my refund?

(this is my 2nd inquiry as I have received no response prior)
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Helios Founder for 554 days


Helios Founder #1055 - Paid in Full

Order Date: Apr 9, 2020

Full Refund Request: Sep 23, 2021

@pushkar - Can you provide me a status on my refund?

(this is my 2nd inquiry as I have received no response prior)
Have they even acknowledged your refund request? You paid them over 5k for a bike 554 days ago which they have used interest free. A bike that was supposed to be ready that fall roughly 200 days after you paid them. Now onto the 3rd design and frame maker and basically no known timeframe as to when it will be built and they haven't even committed to a timeframe? I believe that on Oct. 10th they were supposed to have more answers on the refund. I know there are a lot of people on here who have been very pleased with their bike and experience with Watts wagon, but the crap they are pulling on the people who actually funded the hydra project is downright dirty.
Have they even acknowledged your refund request? You paid them over 5k for a bike 554 days ago which they have used interest free. A bike that was supposed to be ready that fall roughly 200 days after you paid them. Now onto the 3rd design and frame maker and basically no known timeframe as to when it will be built and they haven't even committed to a timeframe? I believe that on Oct. 10th they were supposed to have more answers on the refund. I know there are a lot of people on here who have been very pleased with their bike and experience with Watts wagon, but the crap they are pulling on the people who actually funded the hydra project is downright dirty.
Do you own a Watt Wagons or do you have one on order?
I too was in the founders group. I waited 16 months and got out this summer when the frames went from being shipped and in customs and we were supposed to be riding within the month to them no longer existing and ww was then looking for a new frame manufacturer. These guys here stayed on even longer. As timeframe after timeframe came and went and the information all but dried up, they decided it was time to bail. Just like the updates, getting updates on the refund seems to have also dried up for these guys.

How would you have like to have paid for a bike in full on April 9 2020 like OUA and had been told countless times that it would be here by such and such, only to be here 554 days later trying to get your money back for a bike that most of them don't think will ever be built. The founders were WW biggest advocates on this board and others, now it seems like some of them are having to leave the private board and come on to here just to see if they can get answers about how many more months they will have to wait to get their money back.
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@Zachdds, @OUA, and @onlineaddy are all founders with access to the founder forum. The options are (1) wait for the bike (2) switch to another bike (3) refund, which will be in installments as inventory purchased for the project needs to be returned or sold. Some opting for (3) have gotten their first refund and some have not (without response in the founder forum), which seems to be why they are escalating here. That's their choice, but why not just be transparent about it? No need to rehash all the other stuff.
@Zachdds, @OUA, and @onlineaddy are all founders with access to the founder forum. The options are (1) wait for the bike (2) switch to another bike (3) refund, which will be in installments as inventory purchased for the project needs to be returned or sold. Some opting for (3) have gotten their first refund and some have not (without response in the founder forum), which seems to be why they are escalating here. That's their choice, but why not just be transparent about it? No need to rehash all the other stuff.
I think Tom the reason to rehash it is that these guys are simply trying to even get confirmation that their cancellation has been processed (from 3 weeks ago). I am sure you have seen them asking the same thing on the founders board. I can't speak for them but I assume they are hoping that a little public shaming will at least get them a response.

As for the other forum, I don't owe pushkar that. I don't feel like he has been honest or transparent with the group. I personally feel like he used them for the last 2 years and is continuing to do that. If I feel like telling people the truth about what happened over there it is my prerogative. Don't come on here and try to shame me about the good of Watts wagon. Pushkar started a business, he made a lot of promises which he then broke, the message board is as good as any for letting people know my opinion about it. Lord knows everyone posts their positive opinions on the company, why is it wrong to be honest about a negative opinion?

By all means if you feel like I am not being honest please point that out and I will be happy to apologize and amend my statement.
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Just saying it would be more transparent to preface the discussion with, "I'm not getting satisfactory response in the founder forum in terms of refund schedule, specifically why I haven't yet seen my initial refund, so bringing it here".
Just saying it would be more transparent to preface the discussion with, "I'm not getting satisfactory response in the founder forum in terms of refund schedule, specifically why I haven't yet seen my initial refund, so bringing it here".
I don’t think anyone in the founders group has to worry about the niceties and posting etiquette after what they have been put through.
True, but for the non-founder audience, context is important. There is a refund schedule, some have gotten their first refund and some have not (for those that did the first installment was sooner than expected). The lack of follow up communication is not excusable, agreed.
True, but for the non-founder audience, context is important. There is a refund schedule, some have gotten their first refund and some have not (for those that did the first installment was sooner than expected). The lack of follow up communication is not excusable, agreed.
Actually Tom there is not a refund schedule. It was supposed to be laid out Oct 10th and was not. All we currently know is that a few people got less then 20% of their money back and the timeframe going forward is basically someday. It sounds like the 2 above cannot even get a confirmation of wanting a refund from 3 weeks ago. They have each asked on the founders forum about it multiple times. Do you know any other business that would treat any customer like that let alone this group that was his most loyal followers? Again please correct me if that is not true.

This would have all been avoided had WW kept their own timeframe that they gave the founders, but as we well know that would have been the first time since it started. Pushkar was on this forum yesterday 3 hours after this thread was started. Would it have made sense to have reached out to online daddy to alleviate his fears about his money? To send him an email to confirm that they had at least processed his desire for a refund?
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A more specific timeline was promised by Oct 10th, but the initial schedule was for refunds to be paid in full no later than 4 months from Oct 10th, with the first credits from vendors available starting Oct 13th.

Sounds like you cancelled a while back. Did you get your money back? Just continuing to vent? Or are you still waiting for your refund?
Tom, seems like you are telling the founders to stop whining. Every single deadline has been missed, deadlines are meaningless, you shouldn’t be quoting timelines as if they are real. You know better. The company isn’t responding. The founder posting here is trying to get his money back. Let the founders do what they need to do. If WW is going to suffer more public bad press so be it. All WW has to do is respond to its customers. The guy is just asking for a response.
A more specific timeline was promised by Oct 10th, but the initial schedule was for refunds to be paid in full no later than 4 months from Oct 10th, with the first credits from vendors available starting Oct 13th.

Sounds like you cancelled a while back. Did you get your money back? Just continuing to vent? Or are you still waiting for your refund?
I got my money back in some parts. So just venting about the whole process that now seems to be really falling apart.

But again, it is a message board. If I say anything that is not true please feel free to correct me, but I don't feel like venting about a company who has done nothing but lead us along for a couple years is in anyway bad. This is where people come to read about the good and the bad. I don't feel it is bad to let people know that this company, while they might be producing some nice bikes for some people, has not been honest or meeting their obligations in a way that I feel is satisfactory. People come on here to read about a potential bike and company. The experience of the founders is as valid as anyone else.

You go to any other brand on here and you are allowed to say good and bad about the company. See Luna for example, but lord forbid you come on WW side and tell people about a bad experience. Oh no, not pushkar. He wouldn't promise a bike date and be off by a year and counting. He wouldn't promise weekly updates only to disappear for a month. He wouldn't promise an Oct. 10th update on refunds only to be still MIA.