Have you seen a ghost


Active Member
United Kingdom
Have you ever seen a ghost or witnessed poltergeist activity? I haven't. I don't know if I believe in them. I'm open to the possibility, but I'd need to see one. I think I wouldn't be scared. I'd be cool and hope to communicate with it. This could be the wrong thing to do as it may 'draw me in' in some way, perhaps i might start seeing a little black cloud in places were i frequent and it might be about five feet off the ground and have 3ft black horns pointing downwards. That could be a problem. Or it could be a legion of Romans marching on a road lower than the ground today so that only their shoulders and heads could be seen. It's difficult to know what to expect, what the apparition would turn out to be. Or maybe an old woman floating up in the top corner of a room, and would she talk? Would she be aware of me? Would she be headless?

I was once walking through a local park with my 12 year old daughter when it was dark. A slither rays of a roadside street lamp had managed to find its long way into the wooded bushy area were we were, falling on a particular bush. I decided to have a laugh and stopped suddenly, grabbing my daughter's arm and pointed at the bush, saying with alarm, 'Look, a WHITE ghost!!!!!!'. She reacted with fright and alarm like a reflex, saying 'Fffffuuuu*********** Offffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!.'. Then we collapsed in laughter.

I did have one very odd thing happen. Basically i was out on my own in the countryside, up a long and lonely lane. I saw no one and no vehicles. The lane was a dead end and i was at the end of it. When I got back to my car I had lost the key. I searched and searched and checked and checked. Eventually I started to make the long journey down the lane on foot. It was autumn and the road was thickly all covered with leaves. I was so fed up I kicked at some of the leaves as i walked and where i kicked, there on the tarmac was my key! I'd never been anywhere near that place, only drove over it on my way up. That was very weird, so I am open to there being 'more than we know'.

Have you experienced any apparitions or odd things 'from beyond' ?
I love the topic of ghosts and such. Although I have the ESP of a cinder block, I cannot discount the experiences of others who are more sensitive or clairvoyant than I am. It is fascinating.

An Australian friend of mine, who is not a liar or a fantasist or a whackjob, visited his grandparents in Kent, England, and they lived in an apparently well-known haunted house that had been some portion of a monastery centuries back. He said he was having his breakfast with his grandfather, and three ghostly monks walked in a line through the kitchen, at about waist height, because the floor used to be about three feet lower. His grandfather said, "Hello, boys," and calmly continued eating his breakfast. My friend was quite serious and swore this truly happened.
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Yes, I should get back into jammin. Have to go to Amsterdam though to get anything good. Plenty, but nothing right around here.

My dad went to a haunted Hall. It was showing a witchcraft exhibition of actual artifacts, pins in mummified hearts and dolls and all manner of things. I saw them. He went pale at one exhibit as it was exactly the same as something he'd found and been keeping in his sock drawer! He was a youngish man with black hair, but he went in to a room and something happened and he ran from the Hall. And in the morning when he looked in the mirror his hair was totally white.

My wife and I LOVE haunted anything! I've never seen a ghost but have a ghost story,

When I was a young teenager a friend, Ian, down the street had an Atari 5200 and we were always at his house playing games. He had a cool grandma from his dads side who moved in when her health started declining. She had a favorite rocking chair and ended up passing in it. So we would be over the house and notice the rocking chair would rock lightly on its own. And if you approached it or sat in it you would get really cold! The family sold the rocker at a yard sale after awhile and what happened? The buyers dropped it back on Ian's porch during the night! So they put the rocker back in the grandmas favorite corner where it would lightly rock away. If I ever bump into Ian I'm definitely asking about the rocker.

That rocker was creepy yet strangely fascinating.
While I’ve never seen a ghost, and remain somewhat skeptical, there was one incident that has me wondering.

About 10 years ago, I was on a work trip, so my wife was home alone. My wife walked into our front room, and a male friend of mine was sitting on our couch. She promptly told him she was home alone, it was inappropriate for him to have just entered our home without asking, and he must leave immediately. He did leave as requested. The thing is, he lived 150 miles away, was quite ill with cancer……and his wife called the next morning to tell us he had passed on that night. So, yeah, I’m skeptical, but not so strongly since then.
While I’ve never seen a ghost, and remain somewhat skeptical, there was one incident that has me wondering.

About 10 years ago, I was on a work trip, so my wife was home alone. My wife walked into our front room, and a male friend of mine was sitting on our couch. She promptly told him she was home alone, it was inappropriate for him to have just entered our home without asking, and he must leave immediately. He did leave as requested. The thing is, he lived 150 miles away, was quite ill with cancer……and his wife called the next morning to tell us he had passed on that night. So, yeah, I’m skeptical, but not so strongly since then.
That would raise my suspicions about the super natural too! He probably wanted to say goodbye.
I actually would rather not see a ghost. Last fall i was on our deck in the wee hours and saw a strange, slilent object travelling in the sky. Low ceiling that night and it came in and out of view. Had three nicely colored lights, was quite fast and totally silent. It was low enough that i would have heard something if it was a conventional craft. The lights made it look triangular though the lights was all i could see. Funny, i just kind 0f forgot about it because there was no way to know for sure what it was and ruminating about it was pointless. Still is.
My girlfriend was asleep, waking up, and she heard, definitely, somebody pottering around the room, and she thought its probably my mum bringing in the washing to my room. Then she thought, 'Hey, hang on, my mum isn't here'. Then she felt a kind and gentle hand stroking her back in a definite way. But there was no one there. She doesn't know why, but she feels sure it was suzanna who lived in the house before her. My girlfriend is incapable of making things up. She swears on it.
There was a second post on this thread about smokin dope and a picture of a ghost ship. I responded to this, as did chezCheese:), but the post has vanished. Spooky.
40 years ago now; I was asleep in my bedroom when I awokened to a silent figure in white at the foot of my bed. Being that I am blind without my glasses I could not make out any facial figures. To my blind-as-a-bat eyes, it was a person glowing white. I am a sober, sane, rational person. I reached out to the figure and it moved back. As soon as I brought my hand in, it came back closer to the foot of the bed. I did this several times with the same action by my visitor. So, I thought I would call it's bluff, whoever this was, by slowly reaching for the nightstand light, while I kept my eyes on this figure.

When I turned the light on.......nothing was there. The feeling I recall was of being disappointed that my night time visitor in the dark never hung around, ever again.

2 years later, Uncle Sam sent me off-shore from the coast of Maine for Lighthouse Keeper Duty. Great Duck Island, Maine...you can look it up here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Duck_Island_Light Our house, the light tower and the generator building were on the east end. On the western end of Great Duck Island was the former site owned by a psychiatrist from Boston who had his patients live in cabins there. Gestalt Therapy; trying to live and function as a group. Since we had tons of spare time, when our work day was over, we'd hike the island, going into those cabins just to look. A few patients left their diaries in place in those cabins and their mental anguish was there for you to read in black and white. Everything was left in place as if the settlement residents just upped and went for a walk; although they were by my time there, several years gone from the island. In the middle of the island was forest; tall pines. 10 miles off the coast. Usually you were paired with another coast guardsman to share the watch, while the other 2 were off island for 2 weeks.

Again, I like to think of myself as rational and sober as anyone. But there was always an uneasy feeling leaving the house to go up into those woods. When the wind was blowing, which was alot, as soon as you got into the woods, it got all quiet and dark, all of a sudden. So.....you got to thinking of those patients. And you remember that two shipwrecked sailors, found frozen to death and buried somewhere on the island in a shallow grave....but no marker of the site was ever found. The mind has a way of playing tricks on you, no?

The worst of the mind games though, came at night, usually after midnight, when the fog settled in. For it was then that it was your job to monitor the weather, record it and telephone the results to Group Southwest Harbor. So, if you awakened at midnight to record the weather and you saw it was foggy outside, you had to make that 400 foot walk from the house, down to the generator room near the shore line, and start up and engage the fog horn.

Our light atop the tower was an old French Fresnel glass light; blood red in color. And in conditions of fog, that red light rotated a cross beam of red light that slowly illuminated the barren landscape around the tower and house.....all the way up to the edge of those woods. Damn it to hell! Why didn't our station mascot dogs follow me down to the generator room instead of being safe inside the house, asleep?

I swear by God, I followed that beam of red light as it lit up that edge of woods, always looking for a solitary figure, just standing there in the rolling mists. I was always thiiis close to screaming a scream to wake the dead........
Mike........Oh, a movie. But what the heck, well written. Nice one. Had me. Haha. It's fun. If we were on a spaceship I'd be glad of that pal. Soooo funny. 'Damn it to hell', 'red light barren landscape', haha. If you want a really great movie, watch 'The Horror of Frankenstein', Hammer House of Horror, starring Ralph Bates. Hillarious. PS I've just sold mi boat n am off canal....no more CRT rip off. Soooooooo happy. You remind me of Fireman Paddy in this song.........good on you man.
Sorry to disappoint, friends, no movie. Kinda wondering what the heck @ChezCheese:) was referring to, there. Not much on movies anymore, although I have a great fondness for those Hammers films. No, my time on Great Duck was very real. Quite enjoyed it, too. Except for those occasional post-midnight walks to the generator room to crank up that fog horn!
I was in my garage working on a scooter one night. I hear movement on the roof and figure it must be something eating the black walnuts that fall on the roof. The sound goes toward the edge of the garage and I look at the roof and a HAND comes in though the crack! I almost pooped my pants! I was a HUGE raccoon on the roof and he reached in where the soffit fell down during a bad storm. To me that was worse than any ghost.

Another night I'm on the garage cleaning a motor. I'm under the vehicle looking for a leak, spraying carb cleaner everywhere. My cat gets up and runs out of the garage, clipping the door on the way out. Weird, as he's usually my garage buddy. So next thing I know I wake up hours later, drool all over my face and shirt. I apparently passed out from poor ventilation. My cat didn't even get help. I almost became a ghost that night.
If I take to many Tizanidine a MS and spinal cord injury muscle, for me that’s anything more than 12mg, Tizanidine is a MS and spinal cord injury muscle relaxant. I see all sorts of things. Like being at the Wadena rock festival in 1970 and ”dropping” a 4 way double dome. Translation available on request...🤪
It's rastafari party "Jamming " is a religious celebration by means of revelry. Love ❤ that song just like Jewel's Song 'Who Will Save Your Soul '
Here on the Island sightings of Pele da 'Volcano Goddess ' have been reported.
There's a lot of sightings here that could be Ghost. Like finding an empty boat middle of the ocean after the tsunami in Japan. Reporters call them Ghost Boats
jeebus. Jammin is dancing and partying or really fun, and a patois (Patwah) word. No reference to Rastafari religious practice. Again two tokes over tokes Over the line...
I posted this in another thread a while back. It's the closest I've come to a paranormal experience:

My brother and I rode the North Bend Trail near Parkersburg WV a while back. He's a paranormal fan so we decided to visit the "haunted" Flineration tunnel #2 near Brandy Gap WV. Some background information on the tunnel is available here:


The trail needs work but it has quite a history.

P1030427a.jpg P1030460a.jpg

The tunnel itself is a difficult ride.

P1030436a.jpg P1030466.JPG P1030435a.jpg P1030445a.jpg P1030464.JPG

What makes the tunnel even more spooky is the fact that it passes under an old graveyard located on top of the mountain. We didn't see any ghosts or hear any voices but oddly enough, we both had splitting headaches by the time we made it through. Believe what you like but I think it was due to poor air quality in the tunnel.
tomjasz.......haha. superstar. I'll probably never meet you, and you me, but in a way we have because my life's been like yours, living mirror lives. we could have dropped into each other's lives in an exchange and carried on as normal, I think.

Mike Towpath Traveller.........It was real! Wow. Soooo funny. Cheers. I have that whole scenario in my being and keep thinking of it with that lonely red warning light and the fog horn house. I went once with a tv crew to a lighthouse and they did the fog horn for us, two big massive diesel engines pressurized an air tank and then it was let fly through two massive horns...........amazing. Soooo funny, man.

Rome.........that's a nice song, I feel. Lots of nice empathy. I good thing in the world. And that's all you need.

scOOter........that hand! haha

I used to have a house with the front door right up to the graveyard. I used to light the fire and have some beers and what with my best mate Barney the cat we used to just relax in the front room. I used to lie on the long sofa and eventually conk out and sleep there. It was off the beaten track, very very quiet. One time at 1am I was asleep and on the door there was a rappid, very rappid, not knocking but battering on the front door...BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG... I jumped up alarmed and thought what the f*** is that! There's no way i'm opening that door. Half an hour later I opened it and there was nothing, just a streetlight. A month later it happened again: BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. I jumper up and dived to the door, unbolted it and flung it open and thrust my head out and looked up and down the terrace............nothing, zero. I was there that fast no-one could have hammered on the door and made it away or into cover.