Have you seen a ghost

6zfshdb...........that looks like a superb ride, and with your brother, too. It's what life is about. The graveyard will have ancient yew trees. The roots grow in a network all through the graveyard and enter the mouths of the deceased to release their souls through the leaves. This would likely account for your headaches.
Weird thing i think, real story. About 5 years ago my dad was in the hospital in ICU and wasn't expected to live too long, but I had just left the hospital and as soon as I got home I got a call that he had just passed on. After I hung up, (i was in my garage at the time) i saw my buffing wheel that was not plugged into the AC receptacle, (buffing pad on one end and a wire wheel on the other end), it started to rotate slowly, it went round a couple of revolutions and then stopped. My dad was an electrician. It's never moved by itself before or since. The timing was a bit weird. Don't know what to make of it.
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Rome........I don't know if you can smell a ghost, but it would seem reasonable that you can. This thread has been fun but also interesting in that the 'ghosts' seem to be not apparitions but in the form of uncanny little events.

Here is one. It's totally gospel and I suppose it is dull and boring in itself; I can't say that I was in a graveyard and looking at a crypt about 8ftx8ftx8f with solid rusted iron doors with no lock handle or inscription and into which I fell down through the earth and found myself in the crypt with no way out except a dug out tunnel and was forced down by chasing mummies and the tunnel was encrusted with massive sapphires, emeralds and diamonds, with corpses surrounded by pots of overflowing gold. That would just be Scooby Do. No this was real. And I will not embellish it. Ads I say, it may sound boring. Well, I was on an evening walk in Skipton, UK, with my gf, around the castle, the partial moat, etc. The history is massive, the town ad hock grown up around it. The massive oak doors have slots for muskets, etc, the civil war of the 1600s as if yesterday, Mary Queen of Scots enprisonment period. the courtyard is small and has a twisted ancient tree with blackbirds. Anyway, we was just on the final leg of the walk which saw us walking between the castle wall an the road. The ad hockness ment that we was walking on a walkway about 6ft above the road with a sheer drop to it, but a railing, no worries. Traffic was constant. Now this is when it happened. I noticed upon the road a small platitc bag, the grip seal type, 2 inch x 2.5 inch, with the two white writing panels. It had been run over many times. It was nothing, just a bit of rubbish, nothing at all, yet my eye was drawn to it as we walked past. Suddenly I was struck with a strange compulsion: to get the bag because it had a fine diamond in it! Crazy. I walked on, but the feeling became so intense and would not leave me that I was forced to, like a stupid idiot, go over the barrier and drop down into the road and retrieve the bag. Madness. But something was....I just knew. I got the bag, got back up to the path, opened it and there was a single solitary diamond, about 9mm dia. I took it to the official diamond-testing lab, the gov one, and it was a high quality clear and white diamond, and they gave me a certified certificate for it. I was very poor at the time. I sold it and paid a bill and bought a classic yam dt 175, which I still have. But I knew, that weird moment. I controlled me. I knew. It wasn't a guess, I knew!
goiflowers' i'll leave you alone pal. cool.

I have to add another incident. We was down in the bottom of Spain and went to the Salvador Dail gallery, a big place with egg cups on the roof, etc. i wasn't buying it, to be honest, just, well, anyone can doodle on acid sort of thing. But the i felt a possesion of my body.......it was the spirit of Salvdor, I knew it. he made me walk around wi very large steps, massive strides. Two hundred meters form the 'gallery/bollocks', i felt, he released me, and we went to a nearby cafe. It was an occurrance of possession, no doubt, crazy long strides as he would want. I'm not kidding, It really happened.
Have you ever seen a ghost or witnessed poltergeist activity? I haven't. I don't know if I believe in them. I'm open to the possibility, but I'd need to see one. I think I wouldn't be scared. I'd be cool and hope to communicate with it. This could be the wrong thing to do as it may 'draw me in' in some way, perhaps i might start seeing a little black cloud in places were i frequent and it might be about five feet off the ground and have 3ft black horns pointing downwards. That could be a problem. Or it could be a legion of Romans marching on a road lower than the ground today so that only their shoulders and heads could be seen. It's difficult to know what to expect, what the apparition would turn out to be. Or maybe an old woman floating up in the top corner of a room, and would she talk? Would she be aware of me? Would she be headless?

I was once walking through a local park with my 12 year old daughter when it was dark. A slither rays of a roadside street lamp had managed to find its long way into the wooded bushy area were we were, falling on a particular bush. I decided to have a laugh and stopped suddenly, grabbing my daughter's arm and pointed at the bush, saying with alarm, 'Look, a WHITE ghost!!!!!!'. She reacted with fright and alarm like a reflex, saying 'Fffffuuuu*********** Offffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!.'. Then we collapsed in laughter.

I did have one very odd thing happen. Basically i was out on my own in the countryside, up a long and lonely lane. I saw no one and no vehicles. The lane was a dead end and i was at the end of it. When I got back to my car I had lost the key. I searched and searched and checked and checked. Eventually I started to make the long journey down the lane on foot. It was autumn and the road was thickly all covered with leaves. I was so fed up I kicked at some of the leaves as i walked and where i kicked, there on the tarmac was my key! I'd never been anywhere near that place, only drove over it on my way up. That was very weird, so I am open to there being 'more than we know'.

Have you experienced any apparitions or odd things 'from beyond' ?
Yes, it happens there are other dimensions. I can tell you from experience there are places you do not want to go.
Weird thing i think, real story. About 5 years ago my dad was in the hospital in ICU and wasn't expected to live too long, but I had just left the hospital and as soon as I got home I got a call that he had just passed on. After I hung up, (i was in my garage at the time) i saw my buffing wheel that was not plugged into the AC receptacle, (buffing pad on one end and a wire wheel on the other end), it started to rotate slowly, it went round a couple of revolutions and then stopped. My dad was an electrician. It's never moved by itself before or since. The timing was a bit weird. Don't know what to make of it.
What else do you need? Repent! God loves you just let Him in,it is more free will then you think,I do not want to spend eternity in Limbo, do you?
Yes, it happens there are other dimensions. I can tell you from experience there are places you do not want to go.
This is what I am trying to penetrate..........before the better weather when i will be out and about on mi bike, haha....there does seem something, and I think you can get in to it, tune into it, some sort of force. All I can think is that they are trying to tell us tuff from the grave, as wise elders and which is sooo important. Don't waste your time must be what they are saying. Extend your life............but how. Our leaders do not have our interests in this way as their first goal, so we have to work it out for ourselves, and as we do, THEY are going to make us feel we shouldn't. We have to smash all that to bits and look at it afresh, lest the turn be ready when the show is over. Now! Live now! Enjoy youth! They don't pay you enough.
Have you ever seen a ghost or witnessed poltergeist activity? I haven't. I don't know if I believe in them. I'm open to the possibility, but I'd need to see one. I think I wouldn't be scared. I'd be cool and hope to communicate with it. This could be the wrong thing to do as it may 'draw me in' in some way, perhaps i might start seeing a little black cloud in places were i frequent and it might be about five feet off the ground and have 3ft black horns pointing downwards. That could be a problem. Or it could be a legion of Romans marching on a road lower than the ground today so that only their shoulders and heads could be seen. It's difficult to know what to expect, what the apparition would turn out to be. Or maybe an old woman floating up in the top corner of a room, and would she talk? Would she be aware of me? Would she be headless?

I was once walking through a local park with my 12 year old daughter when it was dark. A slither rays of a roadside street lamp had managed to find its long way into the wooded bushy area were we were, falling on a particular bush. I decided to have a laugh and stopped suddenly, grabbing my daughter's arm and pointed at the bush, saying with alarm, 'Look, a WHITE ghost!!!!!!'. She reacted with fright and alarm like a reflex, saying 'Fffffuuuu*********** Offffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!.'. Then we collapsed in laughter.

I did have one very odd thing happen. Basically i was out on my own in the countryside, up a long and lonely lane. I saw no one and no vehicles. The lane was a dead end and i was at the end of it. When I got back to my car I had lost the key. I searched and searched and checked and checked. Eventually I started to make the long journey down the lane on foot. It was autumn and the road was thickly all covered with leaves. I was so fed up I kicked at some of the leaves as i walked and where i kicked, there on the tarmac was my key! I'd never been anywhere near that place, only drove over it on my way up. That was very weird, so I am open to there being 'more than we know'.

Have you experienced any apparitions or odd things 'from beyond' ?
I have seen one occasionally on CNN he has White hair.