Actually, you asked people to be critical, (your third post on the thread:
“...we would also appreciate any no-holds-barred commentary concerning the negative aspects of our purchase or any alternative product that should have been considered. We are old and can (somehow) take it!!!. (no snowflake-inspired therapy pony required).
Then you attacked people if they did exactly what you asked of them
This forum is NOT a 'safe space' where all negative replies nor contrary opinions to initial commentary are to be simply accepted as
fact and NOT challenged...wait for it..
.in return.
If you don't like what someone says and indeed challenge same...great.
Yet out here in the big boy world (and has been this way for thousands of years much to today's generation's anger)...when you step forward and cannot defend yourself other than to say:
"...yeah but trikes are pretty scary to me and dangerous because my government says so and they know best..."
"...this reasonably priced trike with groundbreaking features accessible to the common man's budget is not
crap compared to what you can get for spending thousands more (see above)..."
We all receive insight as to what a good portion of this brainwashed nation believes and that is:
" I refuse to think for myself and anyone who
does is my favorite boogeyman so ingrained in to me by my God-less education...a (cough) 'bully'.
As I've related many times above, If many of you guys were all the MEN (and women) that we had here in the United States during both the Hot Rod and Muscle Car let's-see-what-we-can-do-with-this-simple-machine eras?
Car manufacturers would still be producing the Model T...with some of you guys still afraid to get your driver's licenses well past when allowed to (see today) citing how scary that it would be to drive one.
Love my Soletri.