Groundbreaking Trike?

Agreed per how Addmotor has handled the sale to date. :)

Accessories have looked good, were reasonably priced and arrived quickly with free shipping. I'd like to get a few more (larger pedals, foot rests for a passenger, etc.) yet the latter makes it easier for someone who likes to see larger ticket items at just about that amount of money with their own eyes first (old man syndrome).
Still a little surprised that I never ran in to someone else in this small world who took a chance on this Soletri and is excited as me to see if Addmotor built on what I feel is a success in the design of their semi-recumbent:
I'm rethinking the Polaris seat mod a bit until I see how narrow I need to be in the thigh area to pedal...yet am still inspired that the dual rear suspension frame allows just about anything to be fabbed on there.
Also pretty excited about upgrading the front and end rear shocks. Having two in the rear might force me to look beyond Fox's current high end offerings at that pricing times two yet we'll see what's out there and how well the OEM's work with two rear tires versus what is apparently duplicated on their Soletan bike ....🤔
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Seems you have decided on things and your request for an opinion is no longer needed. Thank you for riling up the natives. I hope you learned something that fits your narative.
Sorry that I both missed and did not address your concerns in real time.
When someone asks, as I did, for "no holds barred" opinions...they truly are.
I have never viewed this forum as giving any preference whatsoever to "natives" or for that matter how "riled up" anyone claiming to be one was while tapping out in a simple conversation.
I guess that I'll still keep calling this trike "groundbreaking" in terms of mass production at that price point with the discussed design features included until someone tells me otherwise who can back it up.
Perhaps at least some of you younger guys/gals need to understand a few things about our generation.
We grew up and worked hand in hand with not only both Word War veterans but every singe war veteran in between since the turn of the last century plus every family supporting them here at home. They saw it all.

A good share (not all) of those under say the age of 60 today(?)...wouldn't last 20 seconds with the above heroes in any conversation straying off the path of reality or in to especially "Yeah I just don't like that and you can't ask me why I don't (back)" territory.
"Riled up"(????) (lol)...I wish that you could have witnessed the look on one of my generation's (or older's) face and instant reaction had anyone dared propose the above conversation construct..which we obviously never did...twice. ;)

God bless you my friend and keep the backhanders us old geezers, it feels like nothing but home. :)
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we would also appreciate any no-holds-barred commentary concerning the negative aspects of our purchase or any alternative product that should have been considered. We are old and can (somehow) take it!!!. (no snowflake-inspired therapy pony required)
liar liar 🤥 pants on 🔥

Bone thrown.
I'm beginning to believe that this design is indeed groundbreaking due to the lack of pushback regarding the Soletri's unique features explained in detail above.
Often stunned silence in reaction to indisputable facts brought forward easily answers a forum topic's subject line.
Or... there's just so much to go over people stick with the super-bad, fatal flaws - stuff like snapped fork dropouts at speed. Obvious lies in the advertisement as an indicator of who you are dealing with. And left it at that.

Anyone trying so hard to play buyers for suckers doesn't deserve excuses to be made for them so a buy can be justified somehow.


Who makes the very best front forks? Depends on what your application is. But you also have to look at your form factor: You have a need for a 20" triple-tree fork that fits on a 20" wheel and, more importantly, has extra reinforced dropouts that won't shear off when they are faced with a motor that has a 25a controller mated to a 48v battery. Just for starters only lower-end forks have dropouts at all. EVERY one of the higher quality options uses thru axles because of the vastly increased strength. Also you have a fat front tire so that makes a high quality solution even more out-of-reach. If you want the best short, fat fork with dropouts... there isn't one. They exist for Chinese direct-to-consumer bikes only. So you are left with trying to find the best of a bad lot via trial and error. And that error will happen when the bike breaks at speed and you risk a faceplant. I wish I could say you would be the pioneer on this, but many have tried this before you with a front motor and the failures - and photos of same - are epic. Go to Endless Sphere and try this line of thought on the builders there and see how that goes from a forum filled with DIY experience.

The general consensus on that style of banana seat is it can be comfortable if done right, but many are not. Particularly if the user expects to pedal as the much wider seat 'nose' chafes the thighs and spreads the legs uncomfortably for a pedal stroke. If you aren't pedaling - which is implied by the fact there is a foot rest on the bike - means its got a better chance of working as expected.

Look around at cargo bike applications. You will see VERY few that have suspension at all. Why is this? Because when you load up a bike with extra weight, it compresses the suspension at rest since... you are loading it up. That means the suspension bottoms out really easily, assuming it has any travel left at all. Why not then use really strong springs on a coilover rather than an air shock? Because when a lot of weight is suspended on a bicycle (yes I did not say trike) the bike becomes unstable as a lot of weight is rocking around. What will be the difference on a trike? Good question. Look at some of the box bikes out there like the Bunch and see what they have done with suspension, if anything.

Dual springs in the rear can be a benefit, sure. Expect to need to replace them with something more robust. And hope the shock mounts are robust as well.

You obviously a) want the bike and b) want everyone to know how smart you are vs. people who have been doing this for awhile... so have at it and good luck.

One thing for sure that the Greatest Generation wasn't? Fools for a line of BS... and suckers with their money. The door should have been shut on this idea almost at the get-go.
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Sorry that I both missed and did not address your concerns in real time.
When someone asks, as I did, for "no holds barred" opinions...they truly are.
I have never viewed this forum as giving any preference whatsoever to "natives" or for that matter how "riled up" anyone claiming to be one was while tapping out in a simple conversation.
I guess that I'll still keep calling this trike "groundbreaking" in terms of mass production at that price point with the discussed design features included until someone tells me otherwise who can back it up.
Perhaps at least some of you younger guys/gals need to understand a few things about our generation.
We grew up and worked hand in hand with not only both Word War veterans but every singe war veteran in between since the turn of the last century plus every family supporting them here at home. They saw it all.

A good share (not all) of those under say the age of 60 today(?)...wouldn't last 20 seconds with the above heroes in any conversation straying off the path of reality or in to especially "Yeah I just don't like that and you can't ask me why I don't (back)" territory.
"Riled up"(????) (lol)...I wish that you could have witnessed the look on one of my generation's (or older's) face and instant reaction had anyone dared propose the above conversation construct..which we obviously never did...twice. ;)

God bless you my friend and keep the backhanders us old geezers, it feels like nothing but home. :)
Aww how cute. Using your age as a privilege here thinking that you are talking to a bunch of millennials. Once again, thanks for riling up the natives that are your age or older that has better knowledge than you. You proved my point. Remember this moment and listen to the collective experience being given to you. Some of them are older (more experienced with less of a chip on their shoulder) than you. Me being GenX, I'm loving this.
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Pray tell as to what difference it would make to you or even why you believe that you would need to know any of the above?
I've got a cruiser and an mtb with dead batteries...what in blazes difference would that make to you?
Why would you care whether I had ever ridden a mini-bike period...let alone an electric one?
Do you really care if I can get a refund and why would I give a rip?
I have spent twenty times this much money (or more) without test driving a mile and obviously wouldn't have bought a pedal bike if I didn't care to pedal.

Is our younger generation not even interested in getting their driving licenses really afraid of getting in to a strange new vehicle and simply slamming it in to 1st gear/smoking the tires without Daddy or Mommy on board?

I’m sure Tom’s asking as ebikes are relatively new and can have a WIDE range of even basic ‘feel’ to them.
Ghost-pedaling on cadence-sensing motors and many/most hub drives are a hugely different feeling that a mid-drive torque-sensing bike, the latter feeling much more like ‘you, but more.’ People come to this site and often doing no to little research take something as gospel, spend what may be a big chunk of $ to them, to become disappointed with their purchase…so if anything, he’s trying to help not only you but others pressuring the thread now or at a later date.
What specifically makes this ‘groundbreaking’ which seems to be getting repeated by the OP?
Hub motors in general aren’t hugely interesting to me, while it’s a standard motor and a standard current-enough battery.
The only thing unique here seemingly being the fact it has rear suspension, which I’d warrant aren’t exactly Fox/Rockshox/DVO quality.
Looks like it could be fun enough for a beach-cruiser, light cargo type ride, but what is ‘ground-breaking’ on this?
What specifically makes this ‘groundbreaking’ which seems to be getting repeated by the OP?
Hub motors in general aren’t hugely interesting to me, while it’s a standard motor and a standard current-enough battery.
The only thing unique here seemingly being the fact it has rear suspension, which I’d warrant aren’t exactly Fox/Rockshox/DVO quality.
Looks like it could be fun enough for a beach-cruiser, light cargo type ride, but what is ‘ground-breaking’ on this?
Ground breaking maybe, for those with little/no e-bike experience.
This image is totally made-up. The motor inside - which is a standard-issue Bafang G020 that you have to HOPE is really the big internal 750w and not just a relabeled 500 or 350 - looks nothing like this. When you can spot BS easily it is always a worry that they were more clever about fibbing on something not so easily spotted. Its not uncommon to see sellers claim a 750 is inside and its really a lesser motor core. Rad was infamous for getting caught at this with their fat bike.

View attachment 151571
I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade, but I'm confused. If the photo of 'the motor' is totally made up and I have no reason to doubt
m@Robertson, that would seem to end the consideration for this trike right there ? Obviously the motor and battery are the two most
important components... Is the battery 'made up ' as well ?

I'm at a complete loss with the child-like height of the banana seat where the riders knees would be nearly compressed like jackknife, as previously mentioned.
The max listed rider height is 6'-2", yes 6'-2". How can that be ? That riders knees would be at the height of the handle bars.

The bike weighs 121 pounds with mechanical brakes. Max Capacity 450 pounds ( 50 pounds shy of 1/4 of a ton ) with mechanical brakes ?? Help me on this .
I've never ridden a trike bike, but with almost all of the total weight behind and above the front wheel, should the rider lock up the brakes or heaven
forbid or locks up just the front wheel that would seem a recipe for a major jackknife disaster ??

Lastly, below is the website link labeled UL Certificate ..... There is no UL Certificate shown ??

Just my thoughts and observations,
One thing for sure that the Greatest Generation wasn't? Fools for a line of BS... and suckers with their money. The door should have been shut on this idea almost at the get-go.
Took a quick glance at one more before bed and found the above gem.
What door should have been shut by who "almost at the get go" for what reason...and who are the "fools" here and (again) why?
This is but a conversation involving a trike that no one has ever mass produced before, kids.

I struggled to believe the whole therapy pony thing in '15 when Trump devastated so many until I saw it with my own eyes.
Could things actually have bcomee even worse in simple discourse involving...wait for it...a tricycle?
I'll make it easy on myself and simply repeat post #8 and refer each of you to same. Before doing so, a quick recent (true) story which relates:
A colleague of mine stood up at a company-wide meeting which included higher management. His complaint was not being the 'dinosaur' that he self-admittedly was but for being passed over for promotion/pay raises due to the fact that he could easily test out much better than any younger person in his unit using just about every mechanical or common sense matrix applicable to their jobs. He was immediately told that all such centuries old concepts had been discontinued and would likely never be brought back. In other words, every kid that he works with grew up playing video games while refusing to get heir hands dirty, pick up a wrench, bust some knuckles or frankly sweat...yet nobody appreciated some old man pointing out on paper the fact that their 'leisurely upbringing' was not necessarily serving them very well in their professional careers (comparatively).
Life lesson here...what you have or even your immediate desires are not your limitations...yet you gotta get off that couch and heaven forbid go after it/suffer (no charge for that, btw). ;)
Post #8:
"...I'll take 20ah of battery capacity; a 750W motor; over 80nm of torque, a 25A controller; 7 gears; a torque sensing PAS; 4" Kenda puncture resistant fat tires; a seat that you cannot only easily replace but fab up to your liking both width and height-wise (more frame structure to work with underneath than any other) dual suspension easily upgradeable versus most upright trikes with little to none; a foot platform allowing weight distribution to the front wheel when rarely needed (let alone a looong seat of your modded preference for same); a rear bag; modern lighting and related amenities...over pretty much everything out there at this moment in time.
Sometimes it's not about what you have...but a previously unavailable base design boasting potential qualities easily transformed in to something much better not currently on the market..."

Not groundbreaking?
Then I'll ask again:
Show me the mass produced step through 2 rider trike for $3K boasting similar specs. (don't forget capacity) with this much modding potential.

If you are in to that kind of thing (and in 2023 that's a big If) as we might just be using power tools to create this even better trike and it might just get a bit dusty/noisy (we may even break an old school sweat).... ;)
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Ground breaking maybe, for those with little/no e-bike experience.
I think that I might have explained this before....and that I even may have even penned a post or two up here literally trying to help others with their own e-bike purchases...yet we currently own not one but two: a cruiser of sorts and a MTB (then again...both of those might have been sold to us by Crazy Larry himself back when any 'experience naysayers' up here were still struggling with the training wheels on their pedal bikes). ;)
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Update from Addmotor (delivery promise kept/$200 saved for ordering sight unseen/never reviewed?):
Addmotor sales team (Addmotor)
May 14, 2023, 21:09 PDT
Hi friend,
Thanks for your confirmation.
Your order has been put forward to the shipping team for shipment procedure, an email with a shipping notification will be sent once it is shipped.
I think that I might have explained this before....and that I even may have even penned a post or two up here literally trying to help others with their own e-bike purchases...yet we currently own not one but two: a cruiser of sorts and a MTB (then again...both of those might have been sold to us by Crazy Larry himself back when any 'experience naysayers' up here were still struggling with the training wheels on their pedal bikes). ;)
Well, thought here now (because you've now shared the fact that you are old and have all this experience under your belt), is why you STILL believe this trike is "ground breaking"? You've asked for, and received, examples of other trikes that might challenge your thoughts on this bike, yet you continue to ignore those in favor of this thing - just like you've already made up your mind on the topic and are no longer seeking/ignoring further opinion. That being the case, why don't you just close this?

Topic, and the OP, both on ignore.......
I'll make it easy on myself and simply repeat post #8 and refer each of you to same. Before doing so, a quick recent (true) story which relates:
A colleague of mine stood up at a company-wide meeting which included higher management. His complaint was not being the 'dinosaur' that he self-admittedly was but for being passed over for promotion/pay raises due to the fact that he could easily test out much better than any younger person in his unit using just about every mechanical or common sense matrix applicable to their jobs. He was immediately told that all such centuries old concepts had been discontinued and would likely never be brought back. In other words, every kid that he works with grew up playing video games while refusing to get heir hands dirty, pick up a wrench, bust some knuckles or frankly sweat...yet nobody appreciated some old man pointing out on paper the fact that their 'leisurely upbringing' was not necessarily serving them very well in their professional careers (comparatively).
Life lesson here...what you have or even your immediate desires are not your limitations...yet you gotta get off that couch and heaven forbid go after it/suffer (no charge for that, btw). ;)
Post #8:
"...I'll take 20ah of battery capacity; a 750W motor; over 80nm of torque, a 25A controller; 7 gears; a torque sensing PAS; 4" Kenda puncture resistant fat tires; a seat that you cannot only easily replace but fab up to your liking both width and height-wise (more frame structure to work with underneath than any other) dual suspension easily upgradeable versus most upright trikes with little to none; a foot platform allowing weight distribution to the front wheel when rarely needed (let alone a looong seat of your modded preference for same); a rear bag; modern lighting and related amenities...over pretty much everything out there at this moment in time.
Sometimes it's not about what you have...but a previously unavailable base design boasting potential qualities easily transformed in to something much better not currently on the market..."

Not groundbreaking?
Then I'll ask again:
Show me the mass produced step through 2 rider trike for $3K boasting similar specs. (don't forget capacity) with this much modding potential.

If you are in to that kind of thing (and in 2023 that's a big If) as we might just be using power tools to create this even better trike and it might just get a bit dusty/noisy (we may even break an old school sweat).... ;)
Ok, so tearing this down....
Non-interesting - claims that seemingly no one else has ever welded, fabricated, or what, even sweated? Huh.

So I re-read the post above and looked through most of the linked pages on AddMotor. I still don't see the ground-breaking bits here, as there is literally nothing new here in the broader ebike world, although a couple of things may be 'new' versus electric trikes being offered from what I've seen. It seems your focus is really on the fact it has rear suspension, and the ability to build a custom seat on a minibike frame, with a couple of 'extras' thrown in like the lights and rack cover/bag. I'll throw those up top but here's the list of features from your post.

Ability to build a custom seat
Ok, I guess? But the default minibike seating sure looks like it's near worthless for actually pedaling, so would need more work to make pedaling worthwhile, or you could use a standard seat post mount and tie into the rear rack on a non-minibike-framed trike? Is your goal zero/near-zero pedaling and ride mostly by throttle?

Dual suspension (presumably the emphasis here is on rear and front, not dual likely cheap rear coils?).
Best I can tell this is the only rear-suspension electric trike I've seen. However, considering the front hub cadence-driven motor and OE cassette, as well as the 4" fat tires, I'm not sure this is as beneficial as you might want to believe. Personally, I prefer having working front and rear suspension on my ebikes, but I'm coming from decades of motorcycles and dual-sport, off-road riding, etc. The OE gearing on this along with the front hub drive and no-name suspension components makes me think much more grocery-getter than off-road beast. Too soon to tell if replacement quality shocks can be found, whether coil or air, but this is probably a place where a suspension seat post along with the fat tires would suffice.

Foot pad
It's fine, although nothing earth shattering . If one were so inclined, this could be resolved on other trikes with a pair of U-clamps dipped in liquid plastic and a simple frame and piece of plywood.

Rear bag -I'm afraid to even add up how much I've spent over time on various motorcycle and firearm related bags among others. There are standard connect bag systems out there for bikes and motorcycles, but sure, it's fine it comes with a waterproof bag for the rack as a bonus. The first time you 'overflow' the top of the bag may have you buying a different bag for the rack, but it's a fine freebie/bonus, sure.

'Modern lighting system' - this amounts to ~$30 or so on AliExpress or Amazon. I'm a strong proponent of rear lights, especially those with flashing and brake actions. They have an entire marketing page for what more or less amounts to they added a feed from the battery, or possibly even switched power, for lighting. Note that many/most of the Bafang controllers already have light outputs so you can switch them on from the control, etc. My similarly sized front light on one of the bikes was woefully underpowered, while their 40 lumen stated output is pretty weak lumen-wise. Lights at all on a bike/trike/motorcycle/vehicle are a good thing, but most of us have gone to rechargeable higher-powered, better lighting options. As long as the brake light actually functions off of the brake levers, and is reasonably bright, I'd probably leave the rear and expect to replace the front, pending seeing it's output riding through a tunnel, in the rain, at night, etc.

20ah battery - ok, pretty standard for many ebikes nowadays, but yes, it's fine, and better than those still trying to sell bikes with 14ah batteries.

750W Bafang hub motor - ok, lots of offerings using this in the ebike space, the motors been out for years. Here's a kit with (2) wheels, controller, display, and 20ah battery etc. for ~$900, from Bafang directly:

25A controller - This is somewhat meaningless. Power(W) = I(Current) * E(Voltage). Unless they are over-driving the motor to some ~1250W, which may impact motor longevity (and possibly forks and rest of drivetrain, enough said already on this), all that's needed is technically 750W / 48v = 15.625A. As most of the ebike motors spike a bit above nominal, I'd expect to see 20-25A ratings on the controller and the same or a bit higher on the battery BMS. It's possible they've built a custom controller, but if so, it seemingly has zero programmability/adjustability or they'd be advertising it, so for now at least, I'm guessing it's just Bafang's latest controller, or another generic China controller.

7 gears - literally the cheapest Shimano kit available. There's nothing terribly 'wrong' with it for entry level, but that cassette range makes me twitch a bit considering bike weight and someone pretending this thing might see other than flat roads...Both the high end will be less (14T vs 10-11T) and climbing or starting on hills will be more effort (whether yours, the motors, or both - 28T vs 44-50T).

Torque-sensing PAS
This trike seems to be cadence sensing, literally from their page:

4" Kenda fat tires
These are pretty standard budget-but-above-China-no-brand on fat tire vehicles. My Eunorau came with them as well. See first video of this trike, 4" 20" Kendas.

So basically, it's a standard Bafang hub motor, with an eBike standard 20ah battery (although yay, with Samsung cells and not no-name), with low-end cassette and groupset, some lights and a cover, but on a minibike style frame with unknown quality dual-coil rear shocks, and seemingly cadence-sensing over torque-sensing.
"...Well, thought here now (because you've now shared the fact that you are old and have all this experience under your belt), is why you STILL believe this trike is "ground breaking"?..."
For every single reason in post #8 repeated again in post #52 for apparently your benefit. I then asked for anyone to name a trike which featured all of these OEM or easily moddable features at this price point which was then $2800 delivered...silence.
You've asked for, and received, examples of other trikes that might challenge your thoughts on this bike, yet you continue to ignore those in favor of this thing - just like you've already made up your mind on the topic and are no longer seeking/ignoring further opinion. That being the case, why don't you just close this?
Not a single fellow member named a trike boasting anywhere near the features which I spelled out not once but twice and frankly never tried to. When you explain why something is groundbreaking, are succinct in doing so and no one subsequently brings anything to the table for this long to challenge your reasoning by example...yeah I'll call that groundbreaking (by simple default) all day long.

"Topic, and the OP, both on ignore...."

I am always amazed at those who announce to the world that they are suddenly (now) 'ignoring' if the rest of the world truly cares! :) (yeah, I know, recent generations feel the need to be recognized for even 'participating'...whether they actually do or not).

Sorry to see you go! (I'll post some pics when I get it if you promise not to look....). ;)
If I remember correctly, and to
For every single reason in post #8 repeated again in post #52 for apparently your benefit. I then asked for anyone to name a trike which featured all of these OEM or easily moddable features at this price point which was then $2800 delivered...silence.

Not a single fellow member named a trike boasting anywhere near the features which I spelled out not once but twice and frankly never tried to. When you explain why something is groundbreaking, are succinct in doing so and no one subsequently brings anything to the table for this long to challenge your reasoning by example...yeah I'll call that groundbreaking (by simple default) all day long.

"Topic, and the OP, both on ignore...."

I am always amazed at those who announce to the world that they are suddenly (now) 'ignoring' if the rest of the world truly cares! :) (yeah, I know, recent generations feel the need to be recognized for even 'participating'...whether they actually do or not).

Sorry to see you go! (I'll post some pics when I get it if you promise not to look....). ;)
Not that you are paying attention, but there was a mention to support your ground breaking theory that you ignored. Something about using forks and hubs and said forks snapping. In that possible situation groundbreaking most likely implies some part of a body breaking the ground.
But, let's pivot. Since you made up your mind and are getting this, drop this fight and when you get the trike, let all those that may want to buy this trike know the pro's/con's and the things you did to improve the bike.

You continuing to respond to this thread is just dragging out the many opinions. Let it die. Come back later and if you are right, gloat.
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For every single reason in post #8 repeated again in post #52 for apparently your benefit. I then asked for anyone to name a trike which featured all of these OEM or easily moddable features at this price point which was then $2800 delivered...silence.

Not a single fellow member named a trike boasting anywhere near the features which I spelled out not once but twice and frankly never tried to. When you explain why something is groundbreaking, are succinct in doing so and no one subsequently brings anything to the table for this long to challenge your reasoning by example...yeah I'll call that groundbreaking (by simple default) all day long.

"Topic, and the OP, both on ignore...."

I am always amazed at those who announce to the world that they are suddenly (now) 'ignoring' if the rest of the world truly cares! :) (yeah, I know, recent generations feel the need to be recognized for even 'participating'...whether they actually do or not).

Sorry to see you go! (I'll post some pics when I get it if you promise not to look....). ;)
You've got a keen eye and a knack for understanding what everyone else just doesn't get.
Waiting for your review... I've got 7 ground breakers in my shopping cart.
  • Haha
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