Groundbreaking New Innovation On The E-Bike!!


New Member
Sorry for the clickbait, but we need help!

We are 5 Innovation Management students working on a new concept for the E-bike!

The idea behind the innovation is that we found that people who rides an e-bike or considers to have two primary needs: To get exercise and not sweating! – By measuring the body heat with smart earbuds it automatically reduces or increases the assistance, so you get the optimal solution for exercise and turning up to work, social events or studies with no sweat! The earbuds can furthermore play you favourite music playlist or give GPS navigation when connected to your phone or Smart device on your bike.

Please watch the video below and answer the following question: Would you want to pay for this innovation? and how much? - general feedback is also welcome!


Thank you for your time!
This is an interesting concept which does have some merit. Keep in mind however that there are riders, like myself, who, for safety reasons, prefer to keep their hearing unimpeded. I use my ears to detect oncoming traffic at intersections, bells & horns from vehicles and other cyclists. I have had several near miss accidents when passing other cyclists wearing earbuds who were oblivious to my alerts. Even using one earbud can alter your sense of direction from approaching sounds. For this reason, I use a wrist worn device to aid my exercise routine.

This of course is just my opinion and for those who are used to earbuds, this might be an attractive product. Perhaps another poster can offer a more constructive opinion.
I have no problem gaging my level of exertion when I ride my ebike or do anything else. I have never inadvertently arrived at work all sweaty. If I’m in a big hurry I use a higher PAS level. And, like earlier posters to this thread, I also don’t wear earbuds for safety reasons when walking or cycling.

If I want to sweat I can choose a low PAS level and pedal hard. Mostly I choose not to do that.

A few more comments ...

In terms of automatically adjusting PAS based on body heat I would wonder if that might make the bike hard to control, since PAS also changes the *speed* of the bike on cadence-sensing bicycles. For example, my bike has five PAS levels--level 5 goes up to 25mph, level 4 up to about 22 mph, level 3 up to about 17mph, level 2 up to about 12mph, and level 1 up to about 10mph. PAS level choice is as much a choice about the speed one wants to ride as it is about the effort one wants to expend. On hills, raising PAS can result in keeping a constant speed with the same effort (along with shifting!), but on flats, a PAS adjustment really is a speed adjustment. I tend to use a consistent effort regardless of the PAS I choose, with the exception being when I ride up steep grades which require high PAS a low gear and more effort. My PAS choice often relates to riding conditions, which an auto-select system could stymie--for example, I use a lower PAS in wet conditions, in higher traffic areas, in narrow areas, on mixed-use paths, etc. If the system thought I was using low effort and upped the PAS in these situations it would result in unintended (to me) accelleration that could be dangerous.

I have a cadence-sensing bike, but my understanding is that torque sensors are already responsive to the cyclist's effort, providing more PAS if the cyclist pedals harder, and that some torque-sensing bikes also have levels the rider can manually select that provide less assist overall (like "eco" mode), for when they want less assistance for more of a work-out.

Happy Project!

In terms of a sensor I might like for ebiking, I wonder about a tire pressure sensor that the rider could program with their desired PSI, that would indicate to the rider when PSI dropped below that level? This kind of thing might improve tire wear and riding efficiency, while also avoiding low-pressure problems like pinch-flats. Thoughts?
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Sorry for the clickbait, but we need help!

We are 5 Innovation Management students working on a new concept for the E-bike!

The idea behind the innovation is that we found that people who rides an e-bike or considers to have two primary needs: To get exercise and not sweating! – By measuring the body heat with smart earbuds it automatically reduces or increases the assistance, so you get the optimal solution for exercise and turning up to work, social events or studies with no sweat! The earbuds can furthermore play you favourite music playlist or give GPS navigation when connected to your phone or Smart device on your bike.

Please watch the video below and answer the following question: Would you want to pay for this innovation? and how much? - general feedback is also welcome!


Thank you for your time!

Sounds like an awesome thing to develop, you will learn ALOT in the process which is really what its all about. As to the usefullness, I have no need for it
It seems to me that you can very nearly solve the same problem with a smartwatch and a heart-rate monitor and knowledge of the ambient temperature and humidity. Although knowing the rider's weight, age, and gender might also help too.
Keep up the ideas, but I'm a hard pass as well. I'm in the camp of those who want to sweat and work hard but go faster than is possible without assist.
There's no need for this product. Usually (although not always) the innovation comes when there's a need.

eBikes already make me sweat whole a lot less, and you're trying to cut down even more sweat by setting up this alarm to let me know when I'm sweating.

I don't need that kind of device to know my physical effort, I can just tell. My ebike is simply a commuter, I'm not trying to push max heart rate and monitor my danger zone.

It seems too much of a hassle to set up a phone, put earbuds, etc. Yes, I know it only takes few seconds but it is still annoying. I would rather hop on my bike and go.

If you're trying to charge $ for this app, good luck, because somebody else will make it available for free.

But we're stopping short of saying they're dead to us right?