Going to document my weight loss


Active Member
Milky Way Galaxy
Going to be optimistic and document my weight loss as I lose while riding. :)

So far, 7 lbs since I started riding.

To Be Continued.png
I was much lighter pre covid. When covid hit, me and my wife reacted with frequent wine and food, and I got very heavy. Which then leads to - not wanting to move.

I believe this journey can help me get that weight off.
A couple of years ago, before I went on the Keto diet, I was riding 150-175km per week on a regular road bike.
Weight loss = 0
Why? Because I was hungrier and ate more and I felt I deserved my dessert each night.

I started my Keto diet in the summer of 2020 kept riding the same distances each week, but 3/4 of my rides were now on my ebike.
Total weight loss = 43 pounds (198 then, 155 now) 🥳

For me to lose the weight I wanted I had to radically change my eating habits.
Same journey here but keto is a death sentence for late stage kidney disease. Fork’s over knives diet is perfect for me,McDougal diet rocks my world too. Seems different bodies need different approaches. Congratulations all for your success regardless of the path!
I don't think diets work long term, they deprive you of something, although the "keto" diet is an effective short term way to lose weight quickly, a very low carb diet long term is not sustainable or healthy. Something like the "Mediterranean" diet is a good lifestyle eating plan that is very do-able long term and that is not only delicious, but sustainable and satisfying, and healthy. Coupled with exercise it's a winning formula for healthy weight and overall fitness. IMVHO.:cool:
Forks Over Knives is sustainable. So is McDougall Diet also a lifestyle change for permanent weight loss.
Healthy diets all have on thing in common, they are a good balance of complex carbs (vegetables, whole grains and legumes), lean proteins, and good fats, and shy away from processed foods, sugar, simple carbs and trans fats. Diet sodas are thought to be unhealthy as well, even though they contain few calories, according to experts, they should be off the menu. Again, IMVHO.
If what you are doing has the word "diet" in it, rethink. Change to a new eating lifestyle. The Mediterranean eating lifestyle is a very common recommendation.

For me, weight loss has been enhanced by increasing activity. Calories out greater than calories in is what matters.
Congratulations so far and best wishes ahead, Frank!!

I’ve used My Fitness Pal to track calories (a bit tedious maybe) and that has really helped me stay focused on weight loss when needed.

I know it is said diet soda is not the best for a person….I would sure have a though time giving it up entirely. No soda of any variety is probably the wisest choice…🙂
A couple of years ago, before I went on the Keto diet, I was riding 150-175km per week on a regular road bike.
Weight loss = 0
Why? Because I was hungrier and ate more and I felt I deserved my dessert each night.

I started my Keto diet in the summer of 2020 kept riding the same distances each week, but 3/4 of my rides were now on my ebike.
Total weight loss = 43 pounds (198 then, 155 now) 🥳

For me to lose the weight I wanted I had to radically change my eating habits.
Lifestyle change!
Going to be optimistic and document my weight loss as I lose while riding. :)

So far, 7 lbs since I started riding.

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awesome work.

if you find sustainable exercise you truly enjoy doing, and don’t eat like crazy, you will lose weight!

i didn’t set out to lose weight with eBikes but i did, from 200 to 185 (i’m 6’2) in the first couple months of riding 500mi/month. weight is stable since then but i pretty much eat whatever i want, within reason and vegetarianism ;)