global warming

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Look how hard they try to distract from the great incline of temperature from 1915 or so to mid 1930s. If you drew a line from 1916 to 1936 it would be steeper than the modern 20 year incline they want you to focus on.
From the NASA page

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Hmmmm. During the midst of the 1979 oil crisis John Denver got caught installing a 4000 gallon gasoline tank on his property. That’s a little bit hypocritical many thought at the time. He was also a huge aviation fan “I’m leaving on a jet plane” , and sadly enough died in a plane he was piloting (on an invalid airman’s certificate) because of a fuel starved engine. His father was a record-breaking pilot in the Air Force too. With all of that said I’m a big fan of John Denver. And aviation. And anyways what’s the difference between a private jet and a private car? Is it that most people can’t afford one?
I wasn't aware of the fuel tank, I'll look for some info on that. His and his father's aviation background I am aware of. I've read a couple books about is life. Yes, he had feet of clay. He was, at times a troubled man as well. Aren't we all to a degree? Hopefully we aren't judged by only our worst days. I believe he tried his best.

I can't get on board with jet setters preaching to me about conservation. One year in the life of some can pollute more than others will in their lifetime. Most without a net gain to the world. Do as I say, not as I do doesn't inspire. As for the lavish lifestyle, that doesn't concern me or make me envious. I enjoy a fairly simple country life. Kind of like the description Denver offers in the first video. Take me home, country road. He didn't even write that one😉
Hopefully we aren't judged by only our worst days. I believe he tried his best.


I can't get on board with jet setters preaching to me about conservation.
Yep we’re all flawed. He had an impressive resume not only in ecology but space exploration and child welfare etc. . I’ve got a lot of his records too.

I think jet setters is a cliche but I do believe there’s a whole class of “celebrities” dabbling in a wide range of issues without sincere commitments or work, for their own benefit. I think it’s a symptom of society today. That’s why I keep telling my wife that even if we make it another quarter century it will surely be time to check out anyway haha.
Are you guys tracking Ida?
Yes. It’s a beast. Looks like it slightly veered left/westerly. That is good. My mother has been evacuated earlier. Lives in Biloxi MS. Now it looks like New Orleans will take the Eastern wall of the storm, that’s gonna be a real disaster.



Do your research
Here’s the thing. Research is a learned skill; it is hard, it is nuanced and complex, and it is true that the majority of people would not even know where to begin or even HOW to do [their own] research.

Research is NOT:
Googling, scrolling your FB newsfeed, or watching YouTube or 4Chan to search for the results you are hoping to find to be “true.” These are called confirmation biases, and are quickly and easily ruled out when doing actual research.

A post credited to Linda Gamble Spadaro, a licensed mental health counselor in Florida, sums this up quite well:

“Please stop saying you researched it.
You didn’t research anything and it is highly probable you don’t know how to do so.

Did you compile a literature review and write abstracts on each article? Or better yet, did you collect a random sample of sources and perform independent probability statistics on the reported results? No?

Did you at least take each article one by one and look into the source (that would be the author, publisher and funder), then critique the writing for logical fallacies, cognitive distortions and plain inaccuracies? No?

Did you ask yourself why this source might publish these particular results? Did you follow the trail of references and apply the same source of scrutiny to them? No?

Then you...did...not…research...anything.

You read or watched a video, most likely with little or no objectivity. You came across something in your algorithm manipulated feed, something that jived with your implicit biases and served your confirmation bias, and subconsciously applied your emotional filters and called it proof.”

This doesn’t even go into institutional review boards (IRB’s), also known as independent ethics committees, ethical review boards, or touch on peer-review, or meta-analyses.

To sum it up, a healthy dose of skepticism is/can be a good thing…as long as we are also applying it to those things we wish/think to be true, and not just those things we choose to be skeptical towards, or in denial of.

Most importantly, though, is to apply our best critical thinking skills to ensure we are doing our best to suss out the facts from the fiction, the myths, and outright BS in pseudoscience and politics.

Misinformation is being used as a tool of war and to undermine our public health, and it is up to each of us to fight against it.
I believe that industrial humanity is now impacting global climate. This has become obvious. What to do about it is not obvious. China has like a thousand coal plants and bring one or two additional a week on line. The West has done massive work, both in industry and with hearts and minds, in changing our ways. We have more to do but when China continues on as they are, irresponsibly, the West's efforts make little difference.

Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 9.51.20 AM.png
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I believe that industrial humanity is now impacting global climate. This has become obvious. What to do about it is not obvious. China has like a thousand coal plants and bring one or two additional a week on line. The West has done massive work, both in industry and with hearts and minds, in changing our ways. We have more to do but when China continues on as they are, irresponsibly, the West's efforts make little difference.

View attachment 98170
"Here's the thing" ...hardeharhar...

Obama made a deal that China would increase fossil fuel use as quickly as possible until 2030, and the US would immediately reduce as much as possible. That means that India which will surpass China in population, also gets to increase as quickly as possible until 2030
"Here's the thing" ...hardeharhar...

Obama made a deal that China would increase fossil fuel use as quickly as possible until 2030, and the US would immediately reduce as much as possible. That means that India which will surpass China in population, also gets to increase as quickly as possible until 2030
Yeah, but nobody honors or takes those deals seriously. Ever.
I believe that industrial humanity is now impacting global climate. This has become obvious. What to do about it is not obvious. China has like a thousand coal plants and bring one or two additional a week on line. The West has done massive work, both in industry and with hearts and minds, in changing our ways. We have more to do but when China continues on as they are, irresponsibly, the West's efforts make little difference.

View attachment 98170
I agree that burning huge amounts of coal in China is awful. They have a need for all that power because we have moved most of our manufacturing over there. It is still our demand for products that drives the need to produce cheap power to produce all those cheap goods.

Let's also not forget that most of that coal is shipped to China from the west coast of the USA and Canada. Everyday, four or five mile long Burlington Northern Santa Fe coal trains roll through Bellingham on their way to the coal loading facility just south of Vancouver, bound for China. If Warren Buffett and his ilk were not selling high sulfur Wyoming coal to China they might have to find another way to power all the factories we have moved over there.
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So true about the high sulfur coal…worse is the Koch’s export of coke from Alberta…dirtiest fuel in the world. China is going full bore on renewables esp. since their middle-class in Beijing has put pressure on the autocratic functionaries to reduce the deadly air pollution. The US once lead the world in renewable tech…that changed in the early 80’s with a new administration.
The lack of critical thinking is killing the country, and our democracy. For many decades I’ve relied on the VA for medical care. I’ve known some of my doctors for many years. They are retiring in droves exhausted with dealing with the unvaccinated. One told me…”I’d hoped we were through this…but I find now I’m often just checking boxes. This easily prevented disease is essentially being spread by politics. I no longer can fight this.”
I wasn't aware of the fuel tank, I'll look for some info on that. His and his father's aviation background I am aware of. I've read a couple books about is life. Yes, he had feet of clay. He was, at times a troubled man as well. Aren't we all to a degree? Hopefully we aren't judged by only our worst days. I believe he tried his best.

I can't get on board with jet setters preaching to me about conservation. One year in the life of some can pollute more than others will in their lifetime. Most without a net gain to the world. Do as I say, not as I do doesn't inspire. As for the lavish lifestyle, that doesn't concern me or make me envious. I enjoy a fairly simple country life. Kind of like the description Denver offers in the first video. Take me home, country road. He didn't even write that one😉
If you had to live with Annie Denver, you´d be troubled too. She could spend it faster than he could
make it. My boss went ´round & ´round with her when we landscaped in Starwood. Poor John.
I agree that burning huge amounts of coal in China is awful. They have a need for all that power because we have moved most of our manufacturing over there. It is still our demand for products that drives the need to produce cheap power to produce all those cheap goods.
So the answer is to cut off the Canadian pipeline and use government to force industry out of America and over to China.
Good thinking!
Yes. It’s a beast. Looks like it slightly veered left/westerly. That is good. My mother has been evacuated earlier. Lives in Biloxi MS. Now it looks like New Orleans will take the Eastern wall of the storm, that’s gonna be a real disaster.

View attachment 98142
Have you´ve seen the fleeing traffic running from LA. There goes at least 1/2 million domestic climate refugees.
So true about the high sulfur coal…worse is the Koch’s export of coke from Alberta…dirtiest fuel in the world. his easily prevented disease is essentially being spread by politics. I no longer can fight this.”
High quality product demands high quality ingredients.
I agree that burning huge amounts of coal in China is awful. They have a need for all that power because we have moved most of our manufacturing over there. It is still our demand for products that drives the need to produce cheap power to produce all those cheap goods.

Let's also not forget that most of that coal is shipped to China from the west coast of the USA and Canada. Everyday, four or five mile long Burlington Northern Santa Fe coal trains roll through Bellingham on their way to the coal loading facility just south of Vancouver, bound for China. If Warren Buffett and his ilk were not selling high sulfur Wyoming coal to China they might have to find another way to power all the factories we have moved over there.
I cannot argue with your points. Obviously we need a world where appliances, cars, houses ... everything is not designed with planned obsolescence as the critical path. This is not impossible. I can show you a refrigerator manufactured in the thirties that still works fine. We did replace the little electric fan in it. It's right here on the ranch. It weighs over 300 pounds and the freezer compartment tends to ice up a bit though. I could also show you '50s straight six motored automobiles that you cannot hear the motor idling when you are standing at the front bumper. I warrant they did not pollute much either. We 'could' go back but we won't. Greed runs this world and we all have a heavy dose of it in our makeup. Resistance to change as well.
slowing population growth is an effective way to reduce all the bad things destroying the planet. I’d argue the earth is over populated by our species and cannot sustain this level indefinitely.
How odd is it that the "elites" who insisit that we must depopulate also insist that we all must shut down the western world and vaccinate in order to save Granny?
You Assume a lot... I dont use Youtube (but ther is great info by actual Dr on their if you would have wached the links)
Lived long enough to see through a con and I can read people as is my business. Sometimes OI am not always totally correct but I am close..I will Post some stuff I found laying in the neighbors recycle can.

Paris agreement

Green deal

Masks/ covid

They lost the test data? Wow really? just lost it?

Liars Hmm who would have expected that?

Leakers and shedding

Strange but they said... But they said..

Little oder vaers Data for everyone saying its safe, affective and your Duty

This is bigger than everything you feel is happening but you do not see from your willing blindness

This guy follows the science from Israel where 80% of 60 year olds plus are vaccinated and they are leakign and filling up the hospitals ... When you post truch this is what happens because they control what you read and hear Banned right now..
You know there are only 6 companies that own most of all tv/ radio/ news papers and so on.. They control what you see and your brain digest..
Bible says not to put NO evil thing infront of you.. TV is the worst thing with social media really taking over now.. EVIL

I think this is enough if you actually take the time to read these... or you can say I am stupid or dumb or uninformed and so on.. Seems education is the key.. Little MEMES show how good your argument ISNT..

Whatever happened to My Body MY Choice? What happened to My right afforded by God not man.. what ever happened to FREE choice? Hippa and everything else.. NATURAL IMMUNITY? wow some people are just missing it completely ..

I will leave this with you to actually read or not... Or maybe you can make another "Honey I shrunk the kids" Meme?

I tried to keep it localized on a single site or two to keep it as simple as possible as I know its hard to stay awake at some people age ... But Read and learn or not .. Doesnt really matter to me as I have read and if you stand back... the end goal is POWER and MONEY.
Remind me never to tick you off. 👍 🤣
Just a thought: A nation where half the population hates the other half so virulently that both sides are ready to take up arms .... cannot stand. We won't get a Lincoln this time to save our land.
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