global warming

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I think that is because they are aware of the lies they have been told by authorities. With covid we had way too many doctors and top scientists in their fields and other trained people that began to speak up.
With climate change, there were few who could speak out and they were effectively censored and smeared and the journals controlled.
It's way too complicated an issue to put it down to that as the reason. I know young people, I have family that are young and there are a variety of reasons. Most notably is good health and the invincibility mindset of youth. They know why I chose to get the vaccine and they agree with my reasoning. It doesn't ring true for them.

The biggest doubters of some of the climate change hypotheses are older people and those are the most vaccinated.
It's way too complicated an issue to put it down to that as the reason. I know young people, I have family that are young and there are a variety of reasons. Most notably is good health and the invincibility mindset of youth. They know why I chose to get the vaccine and they agree with my reasoning. It doesn't ring true for them.'s too complicated an issue for rejection to be put down as from knowledge of being lied to by the authorities, but not too complicated an issue for a mindset of invincibility to be used to dismiss it.
Not saying kids are ultra consistent, but that is inconsistent with good reasoning IF they agree with your reasons and believe the reports.
I think you're placing too much weight on your own kids' reasoning vs what other kids are picking up. Have your kids ever been made aware of the lies climate scientists are telling? I guess NOT AT ALL, not once on any part of it.
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It's way too complicated an issue to put it down to that as the reason. I know young people, I have family that are young and there are a variety of reasons. Most notably is good health and the invincibility mindset of youth. They know why I chose to get the vaccine and they agree with my reasoning. It doesn't ring true for them.

The biggest doubters of some of the climate change hypotheses are older people and those are the most vaccinated.
An interesting exploration would be to ask the kids if they believe they have been lied to by the authorities about anything covid-related. Then about climate change.'s too complicated an issue for rejection to be put down as from knowledge of being lied to by the authorities, but not too complicated an issue for a mindset of invincibility to be used to dismiss it.
Not saying kids are ultra consistent, but that is inconsistent with good reasoning IF they agree with your reasons and believe the reports.
I think you're placing too much weight on your own kids' reasoning vs what other kids are picking up. Have your kids ever been made aware of the lies climate scientists are telling? I guess NOT AT ALL, not once on any part of it.
Do they know they have been lied to about covid?
I didn't dismiss it or reject it. I really chose my words carefully. Seems these days if one isn't in total agreement you've dismissed it or you're hater or you're the enemy.

My quote:

"It's way too complicated an issue to put it down to that as the reason. I know young people, I have family that are young and there are a variety of reasons. Most notably is good health and the invincibility mindset of youth."'s too complicated an issue for rejection to be put down as from knowledge of being lied to by the authorities, but not too complicated an issue for a mindset of invincibility to be used to dismiss it.
Not saying kids are ultra consistent, but that is inconsistent with good reasoning IF they agree with your reasons and believe the reports.
I think you're placing too much weight on your own kids' reasoning vs what other kids are picking up. Have your kids ever been made aware of the lies climate scientists are telling? I guess NOT AT ALL, not once on any part of it.
Do they know they have been lied to about covid?
So you don't believe humans have had any impact on the climate? I'm not suggesting we stop all fossil fuel use and coal burning but I'm 60 and have live in Colorado for 53 years and it's not the same climate it was 50 years ago. I don't need a scientific study tell me what I have observed. Natural temperature cycles simple do not change this fast.

Here's an observation. I use to catch salamanders and newts in and around lakes in Colorado as a kid. I have not even seen either one of these in over 30 years as they are very sensitive to changes. Amphibians are simply far less abundant here overall.
An interesting exploration would be to ask the kids if they believe they have been lied to by the authorities about anything covid-related. Then about climate change.
The question is posed to elicit the answer you want, in order to make a point. You could ask any human in the world if they ever felt lied to by an authority about any topic and the answer is always going to be yes. The number one answer I've heard from young people is they are healthy and don't feel in danger of getting very sick. Most think they could get covid, but don't think they will suffer much from it. My sampling is small, YMMV.
So you don't believe humans have had any impact on the climate?
I believe that it's impossible that we do not have an impact. So that is STRONG belief. I just do not believe what a central group of self serving continual proven liars tell us.

I don't need a scientific study tell me what I have observed. Natural temperature cycles simple do not change this fast.
How would you know from such a short span of time, what climate can do? You simply cannot know natural climate cycles from your personal observation.

Here's an observation. I use to catch salamanders and newts in and around lakes in Colorado as a kid. I have not even seen either one of these in over 30 years as they are very sensitive to changes. Amphibians are simply far less abundant here overall.

And nothing else but temperature changed? No invasive species, no chemical changes to the water, no changes to the water course, no increase in small predators, no pulp and paper mills effluent, no crowds of people trampling on their habitat?
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The question is posed to elicit the answer you want, in order to make a point. You could ask any human in the world if they ever felt lied to by an authority about any topic and the answer is always going to be yes. The number one answer I've heard from young people is they are healthy and don't feel in danger of getting very sick. Most think they could get covid, but don't think they will suffer much from it. My sampling is small, YMMV.
The questions are not about any topic. And this is about concerted lying by top authorities. Go ahead and ask them if they know of any climate science lies. I doubt you yourself can identify even ONE lie.
Try. Identify one lie.
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How would you know from such a short span of time, what climate can do? You simply cannot know natural climate cycles from your personal observation.

And nothing else but temperature changed? No invasive species, no chemical changes to the water, no changes to the water course, no increase in small predators, no pulp and paper mills effluent, no crowds of people trampling on their habitat?
I've said that natural cycles take 1000s of years so sensing a clear change over 50 years implies to me it's not a natural's being impacted by humans.

I know of no other factors that have impacted amphibians here as much as what I feel is climate change. It's just an observation as I thought catching salamanders was cool and would liked to have done that with my kid but he's never seen one.
As I understand it, the Australian decline from disease was first suspected when healthy frogs were found in an antibiotic polluted area
I've said that natural cycles take 1000s of years so sensing a clear change over 50 years implies to me it's not a natural's being impacted by humans.

I know of no other factors that have impacted amphibians here as much as what I feel is climate change. It's just an observation as I thought catching salamanders was cool and would liked to have done that with my kid but he's never seen one.
Exposure to warm water could provide a mechanism for avoiding or clearing Bd infection.
Looks like the Vaers was updated again..
Safe? I guess.. jump in.. test the water .. Eric Clapton just came out with a song against it because of his complications ..

you know what they say.. climate change is going to take education (probably some re education camps ) and a lot of money(taxes). Guess next we will telling the higher powder to sop the sun shine .. to many hydrocarbons .. and solar flares.. messes the tin hats up ..

America has cut it foot print more than any country(I believe) and China and India polite more than all combined ... did you know neither are in the Paris agreement.?
wonder why.. maybe they don’t have enough money as they only pay their people in rice ( if they are lucky) or was that apple? Anyone uses a
Or buys from China and believes in climate change is a hypocrite and I guess anything produced in India for they matter..

So many believers but they keep producing so means someone is buying.
I will tell you up front .. it’s a scam in my eyes... if it turns out I’m wrong.. guess my great grand kids can deal with it. Thought the world was ending from climate in 2000? Or was that the 2k bug? OAC said in 12 years.. can’t wait to show she is wrong.. they they will say 2025 or 2055 or .. you get the point. So many wolves crying and have been wrong but in the mean time they have made millions.. how hard is it to see they have a climate change summit and they all fly in their private jets... drive big cars.. and people still stand with them.. it’s a great hoax .. stand back and take you feeling out of it.. take the blinders off and read the other side.. it’s a money scheme plain and simple.. same as the COVID mandate crowd..

They will always have another crisis to empty your wallet in a new tax.
You can say nay nay but I’d gues non of you they say that have never spent any time reading another persons view to see if it even made any sense..

Thanks for listening again.
if you want some things to read I can get a couple things for you to start on.. start with.. when trump took the USA out of the Paris agreement ? Germany backed out because the money machine left and they would have to foot the money.. and it fell apart. Just open your eyes for a few min.. what about the Alaskan pipeline ? Remember ? Bad bad bad for the animals and then they found they produced more babies... wonder why? Black gold must have turned them on.
I'm not sure if there are "cures" for viruses. We just happened to be dealing with one that is far more contagious then most and a more deadly than many.
You do not think it possible that there could be some compound or gift of nature that would prevent a virus from
replicating or even destroy it outright? Maybe we should still be bleeding the ill to remove the evil humors?
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One way to stop global warming or climate change? Since I have hit 50 yet we Eradicate those 60 years and older... seems some just live to long.. sucking up all the good oxygen .. from what I hear in Colorado or maybe it was Washington or Oregon.. I’m getting old.. old people make good compost..

If you let the crazies make the decisions and who and what it takes for civilization to survive ... news didn’t think it would happen either..

I was blind and blue eyed .. still blue eyed but more of a bleach grey ( lol)..

Germans had a fix for their climate. The world didn’t agree so thank god for some people who are skeptics..

We will never know if our lifetime who the scammers were..

Skeptics tend to keep some things at bay.
Wait for universal medical.. then when you don’t get treatment because your not worth it .. you will see..

Or they take the 2nd amendment you will lose your first amendment .. happens in stages .. CRT teaching wouldn’t have survived my day.. it’s all about control and money at the end of the day..

Just saying everyone buys into any idea .. what happened with the comet chasers? Oh that’s right, they caught a ride.. but they believed also.. so many decisions to make .. rude your bike and enjoy your life .. none of this will matter ... again they have been crying about the polar bears and ice caps since 1900... I have the article that was written but I’d really have to dig for it.. never happened .. again a global cooling period is on the way as we just went through a 5-600 year heat wave.. it’s natural
1973. Not an expert, just a really good guy. An inspirational guy. Hey, there's even some biking in there too🙂

I think a lot of people care in the same way, but are turned off by extremists on both sides. Messaging on every issue these days is just off. Is it the social media effect? I don't know. We need more inspirational leaders. All we seem to get is blame and shame. Who is inspired to follow that? Only the ones already following. It's tough to be preached at by some guy that won't hesitate to fly on a private jet to go to dinner.
1973. Not an expert, just a really good guy. An inspirational guy. Hey, there's even some biking in there too🙂

I think a lot of people care in the same way, but are turned off by extremists on both sides. Messaging on every issue these days is just off. Is it the social media effect? I don't know. We need more inspirational leaders. All we seem to get is blame and shame. Who is inspired to follow that? Only the ones already following. It's tough to be preached at by some guy that won't hesitate to fly on a private jet to go to dinner.
Hmmmm. During the midst of the 1979 oil crisis John Denver got caught installing a 4000 gallon gasoline tank on his property. That’s a little bit hypocritical many thought at the time. He was also a huge aviation fan “I’m leaving on a jet plane” , and sadly enough died in a plane he was piloting (on an invalid airman’s certificate) because of a fuel starved engine. His father was a record-breaking pilot in the Air Force too. With all of that said I’m a big fan of John Denver. And aviation. And anyways what’s the difference between a private jet and a private car? Is it that most people can’t afford one?
Richard Somerville: “We don’t understand cloud feedbacks. We don’t understand air-sea interactions. We don’t understand aerosol indirect effects. The list is long.”
Tom Wigley <[email protected]>
To: Phil Jones <[email protected]>
Subject: 1940s
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
Cc: Ben Santer <[email protected]>


Here are some speculations on correcting SSTs to partly explain the 1940s warming blip.

If you look at the attached plot you will see that the landalso shows the 1940s blip (as I’m sure you know). So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 degC, then this would be significant for the global mean --but we’d still have to explain the land blip.

I’ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately. This still leaves an ocean blip, and i think one needs to have some form of ocean blip to explain the land blip (via either some common forcing, or ocean forcing land, or vice versa, or all of these). When you look at other blips, the land blips are 1.5 to 2 times (roughly) the ocean blips -- higher sensitivity plus thermal inertia effects. My 0.15 adjustment leaves things consistent with this, so you can see where I am coming from.

Removing ENSO does not affect this.

It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip,but we are still left with “why the blip”.
selected passages bolded,

they don't understand those things, but
they do understand what not to show to the public; pre-1950 warming
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