Get a good helmet, and wear it.

You should move to Vermont with Bernie the Red, New Hampshire is the "Live Free or Die State"
Freedom doesn't mean being devoid of responsibility. Thus why the know-nothings pissing and moaning about their "rights" these days really grinds my gears, given most couldn't define the word. It's just an extension of this current "me, me, me, me, me, f**** everyone else" attitude that's so painfully prevalent as the "great generation" who made genuine sacrifices fades from memory.

And it's why I'm ok with an adult choosing not to wear a helmet. It's a mind-numbingly dumbass choice, but they're really only endangering themselves. Even the "Live free or die" state has seatbelt laws for minors, because the adult is endangering the child. The moment you're risking harm to others is where rights end. It's how murder, rape, theft, drunk driving, running red lights, and hundreds of other things can all be illegal without being a rights violation.

Hence the anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, and other such sociopathic whackjobs complaining about their "rights" wouldn't know a civil virtue if Nancy Snow shoved her shoe up their backside; because their beliefs if acted upon endanger the well being of others. Wearing a mask isn't about you, it's about protecting everyone else.

Not wearing a helmet -- unless it's a minor who lacks the maturity and education to make such choices -- on the other hand is an allowable "right" because the only person they're hurting is themselves. The very definition of "rights".

Freedom without responsibility to others isn't freedom, it's anarchy.
Yep my Mom and Dad were part of the "Great Generation" and it's all gone to s*it since then. These morons who shout My Body My Choice....need to go live in the mountains or desert somewhere where their choices don't effect and affect others. If you don't want the vax to help organized and sophisticated society....then when/if you get Covid don't expect this same organized and sophisticated to offer medical care to help you out! You cannot have it both ways!
Man I never thought I would read about vaxxing and politics on a Bike forum....It's simply hard to get away from the bullshit!
Sadly it's the same attitude that's poisoning everything. I use the psychological term "sociopathic narcissism" for a reason. So many people these days make everything about themselves, with no care for who they're hurting. It's not political at that point, it's just being a dirtbag. That politicians have latched onto this with demagoguery is a symptom, not the problem. People have made things like safety, well being, caring about others -- or more specifically being AGAINST all of those things -- a political matter.

Things that wouldn't even be a question if we had sane, rational, well educated adults.

It's also fun you mentioned the "greed generation". Ever notice that the "free love" flower children of the late '60's and early '70's, the "me generation" of the late '70's and early '80's, and the "greed generation" of the late '80's and early '90's ARE ALL THE SAME GENERATION OF PEOPLE?

You'd think the hippy generation wouldn't be the greedy jerks, but the majority of them didn't care about building a better society or participating. It was ALWAYS about them and their needs, despite having everything handed to them on a silver platter -- education, housing, wealth -- by post WWII legislation like the GI Bill. It was in their own rhetoric. "Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out". Get wasted, listen to a crunchy groove, and stop participating in real life. It was ALL about their own wants and sure as shine-ola had nothing to do with helping people. The handful who wanted to make a difference didn't go to Haight-Ashbury or join some circle-jerk commune in the woods, they joined the Peace Corps.

With my parent's generation everything was always about them, and to hell with anyone else. That's not political, that's just who these people are. Shallow, self-obsessed, sociopaths bound and determined to destroy anything remotely resembling decency or morality; even as they trumpet those same words as a rally cry.

My generation not being much better, given that we were never offered a seat at the adult table, told that anything we cared about -- like other people -- didn't matter, told to do things like get an education or get a job -- but "not like that" as the constant moving goalpost -- and never having enough numbers to get our voice heard over the cries of "economy first, people don't matter". Hardly a shock the rally cry of my generation ended up "So... like... whatever".
Yep my Mom and Dad were part of the "Great Generation" and it's all gone to s*it since then. These morons who shout My Body My Choice....need to go live in the mountains or desert somewhere where their choices don't effect and affect others. If you don't want the vax to help organized and sophisticated society....then when/if you get Covid don't expect this same organized and sophisticated to offer medical care to help you out! You cannot have it both ways!
So what about overweight people are they entitled to health care? Or the guy that has a wreck with no helmet or seatbelt on they don’t get care either then?
If you got the vax you are covered right? Why do you care if someone else gets vaccinated or not? Like wearing a seatbelt doesn’t matter if the other guy is or not your protected.
I think the problem with that type of logic, it leaves out the fact that as unvaxed people get sick, the virus mutates, and then moves on to others, and in short order a new variant of the virus will emerge and find a vaxed person and will be able to evade the original vaccine, and infect a once protected person. If everyone had been vaccinated the virus couldn't mutate and would be eradicated, like small pox and polio was. It's just science.
So what about overweight people are they entitled to health care? Or the guy that has a wreck with no helmet or seatbelt on they don’t get care either then?
Everyone should be entitled to health care as a right, but personal (poor) health choices SHOULD impact triage situations especially when those choices impact outcome. Medical professionals should make decisions about saving the most people possible. Health care isn’t supply chain. This shouldn’t be FIFO. That’s why people needing minor stitches probably spend the longest time in the ER. Someone in a wreck or amputation are more critical.
There is a thread about vaxxing already. Let’s keep this on helmets.

And yes, you have the right to choose, many of us who have been in accidents are just telling you why wearing one is a good choice.
it doesn’t really bother me at all what other people wear or don’t wear while biking. helmets included.

i don’t wish them harm. but i’m not crying for any of them either. trying to control the behavior of others is too often the first approach when it should be the last resort.
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Thank you for outing yourself as a homophobic bigot, explains your ignorant nonsensical position on masks rather nicely. EXACTLY the attitude I was talking about in my first post. Dirtbags throwing around words like "wuss", "pansy" or even "faggot" at others for wearing safety gear, and how so many out there are afraid of that it's the real reason they won't do it. You'd think fear of death would be stronger than fear of what others think, but demagogues, jack preachers, and snake oil peddlers have known for millennia that's not true.

Typical toxic "big man syndrome" idiocy common to the types who can't leave their front step without a penis extension. Joe help them if they need to go to Walmart as then they'll need their rifle with a half dozen extended magazines so they can scream "stop living in fear" at the people still wearing masks.

But sure, those of us masking up, helmeting up, armoring up, and so forth are the ones who are stupid. Pot? This is kettle. Kettle? Pot. Here sit down i'm sure you'll have lots to talk about.
Well I’m from Canada so no extended mags, no open carry or carry permits what so ever, no assault rifles, I own rifles for hunting purposes, I feed myself, can live off the land, spent my whole life outdoors doing things as a child that would make city living citiots as yourself cringe, like I said I would wear a helmet as I see fit but there is a time or place. The fact you preach everyone should wear a helmet in the same sentence calling people narcissistic for not is plain ironic. You act like your opinion is of a free person when in actuality your mindset shares many traits with totalitarian rule. You type and talk like your straight plagiarising your favourite authors with every sentence. Using a thesaurus to sound smart when you look about as dumb and retarded as an Oklahoma trailer park resident hanging with the Tiger King 😂. Your good for a laugh but be nicer to folks like me, we’re gonna be the types that keep you alive when your defund police, BLM, Antifa rhetoric blows up in your face.

One picture is worth of thousand words.


Our redneck :D No helmet.