GenZe 101

Putting on the 62nd. charge on the battery now=40 miles . Two bars up. Had to cut one ride short, and there is not enough charge for another ride. So I will just charge it now. All is good. Do not get to much of anything ot this bike. Have not even needed to adjust the breaks in a long time.
I guess that is why I wanted the gas bike. Never a ride that I do not have to tighten something up. But that is all part of the addiction ! It is quite a bit of fun to ride and to work on. If anybody is thinking about putting one together , and can do their own work on it, I would say check with your local law enforcement first. Some states make it very hard to run one of these bikes on the streets. If it is Ok , go ahead and build one.
They are a Hoot!
Keep looking up! Ken.
KenM, is the gas bike fun because of torque, speed, ease of filling up or what? Hopefully electric can catch up if it is lacking in a category.
Hi, Jim.
I guess it is fun for me because I get to work on it all the time.
Riding is fun too. It is different , does not feel like a bike,( no pedaling ). Does not feel like a motorcycle either.
It is a lot faster then the GenZe. I have had it to 30mph.
But I know that there are e-bikes that go that fast too.
I think that the e-bikes have more tourqe than the stock two stroke engines .
Yes filling up is one of the easy things. Just mix oil and gas, put in a 1/2 gallon in the tank, go about 50 miles, repeat :p
For as long as gas bikes have been around, I think the e-bikes are way ahead of them. The quality of the Chinese parts are way poor. I think the Whizzers in the 40s, are made better then what we have now.
Hope this helps you. If you have any questions, I will try to help if I can. Ken. Keep looking up!
Putting on the 63rd. charge on the battery=45 miles. Two bars up. Everything is running smoth. It is cool down here in FLA. for a change, 60s in the day mid 40s at night, feels good. Bike runs good it the cool too.
I think the gas bike runs even better it the cool! Better air mix!
Keep looking up! Ken.
Putting on the 64th. charge on the battery now =44 miles . Two bars up! All is working good.
Keep looking up! Ken.
Putting on the 65th. charge on the battery=47 miles. Two bars still up. Running good! A person could fall asleep with these E bikes, nothing to do to them except ride them.
I will have to look back into my posts to see when was the Ladd time I even did anything to it. Well, I did clean and polish it two days ago. Does that count? Had to do something with the left over cleaner and polish from the Gas Bike!
Keep looking up! Ken.
Putting on the 66th. charge on the battery now= 38 miles. Two bars up! Had to cut the last ride short. Things to do , you know how that goes. So rode the 15 miles today in pedal assist 5 , that was fun. And was only a little more then an hour to get the ride in!
Keep looking up! Ken.
Putting on the 67th. charge on the battery=45 miles. Two bars up! All is good,( and Cold)!
I know it is not cold like the NorthLanders are having but still cold for me!=39* for this mornings ride. The battery seams to handle it just fine.
Keep looking up ! Ken.
Pretty chilly morning. The past few days here have seemed very warm. But with the little guy we are not getting out and about until around noon! Most of the snow has melted and he is enjoying getting back on his bike! Here is a little cute photo.
Hi Tara, yes that is a good picture , not much snow, like you said. But very pretty.
Your little hoody looks like he is leaving you in the snow dust!
Is that a pedal bike, or a mini bike? It almost looks like I see a muffler on the rear of the bike. Have fun in the snow, keep warm and safe!
Keep looking up! Ken.
@Tara D.
Guys, I've been wimping out most days since the 32 inches we got and 10 more on top of that on Tuesday. My 80lb Collie loves it though!

mai in snow.jpg

I got out today, but it was COLD! Weather forecast:

cold feb.JPG

I'm not a happy biker! Very jealous of you guys down there....

EDIT, It's snowing again right now:eek::(
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Oh Man JR, you got it rough! You are going to wear out that snowplow !image.jpg
Good looking dog, our dogs all liked the snow too, when I lived in New Jersey.
Better find out who is praying for snow and ask them to stop.
Keep warm and safe! Ken. Only 2 1/2 months to go!
That is a lot of snow! We have been inside mostly this winter but a few warm days really was nice. My bike has been buried under a pretty good sized pile until recently but I'm still not planning on doing any riding yet. Extra cold wind in my face? No thanks!
@KenM. it's a little balance bike no peddles yet. If he had them he would REALLY be leaving me behind!
Putting on the 68th. charge on the battery =45 miles. Two bars up. Hey,Hay!Hey,HEY. Guess What!:rolleyes:

I got to do some work on the GenZe :p
The rear brakes were making some grinding noise. So being that I know nothing about disc brakes on a bike, and there is 3,500 miles on it. I took off the rear caliper and checked it out. Looks like I still have 3,000 miles on them. I still do not have the nerve to try to take the pads out, so I just cleaned them in the caliper. And cleaned the rotor too.
The front brake was working good, but decided to clean it to.
If It Is Not Broke Don't Fix IT:eek:
When I put the front brake on I must of had the caliper twisted . I could see the rotor would twist in on the front of the caliper and twist out on the back side of the caliper. That led to a shutter in the front when braking.
Readjusted the mounting bracket , and all is good now. The brakes are just like new now! No noise at all:D Just the way I like it!:cool:
Keep looking up! Ken.
Putting on the 69th. charge on the battery =46 miles. Two bars still up. All is good.
The brake cleaning job I did worked good. Ask me how I know!
Car pulled out in front of me, had to hit the brakes hard.:eek: They worked good:p!
Now back to the CAR! She had a bike on her trunk rack:eek:
Not safe even from your own kind!:cool:
Keep looking up! Ken.
Putting on the 70th. charge on the battery=44 miles. Two bars up. All is good.
Tried my first try at wheel lacing. Something went wrong.
The tire is to big for the rim now.
Once I get it right , I think I will try it with a 500 what motor.
What do you think?
Keep looking up! Ken.


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Thank you Mrs. Tara D.
Here is my second try!:rolleyes:
What do you think of the HIGH DOLLAR truing stand ?o_O
Putting on the 71st. charge on the battery=45 miles. Two bars still up. All is good.
Down in the middle 40s again at night.
Keep looking up ! Ken.