Hi, Jim.
I guess it is fun for me because I get to work on it all the time.
Riding is fun too. It is different , does not feel like a bike,( no pedaling ). Does not feel like a motorcycle either.
It is a lot faster then the GenZe. I have had it to 30mph.
But I know that there are e-bikes that go that fast too.
I think that the e-bikes have more tourqe than the stock two stroke engines .
Yes filling up is one of the easy things. Just mix oil and gas, put in a 1/2 gallon in the tank, go about 50 miles, repeat

For as long as gas bikes have been around, I think the e-bikes are way ahead of them. The quality of the Chinese parts are way poor. I think the Whizzers in the 40s, are made better then what we have now.
Hope this helps you. If you have any questions, I will try to help if I can. Ken. Keep looking up!