Fortnine study: Are electric bikes more dangerous than motorcycles?

Speed kills. Especially older riders. Who knew?
Sad, but true... older riders don't recover as well as young ones.
Seniors experience 4 times the death rate as those under 30 @ 20mph :confused:

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Another point about eBikes unrelated to speed. When they are on top of you instead of under you they are maybe 50 pounds vs 500 pounds plus for a small motorcycle. ...
In my own crash (related in another thread) the 60 lb.ebike landing on me saved the bike. Not a scratch on it, didn't even spill the 6 pack of beer.
More Dangerous than motorcycling

I come from BOTH backgrounds having riden 1000s of miles on both platforms. And now a new ebike rider.

My wife loves the fact that I have largely given up the moto in favor of the ebike. As she perceives it as less dangerous.

Much like in the video I ALWAYS ride moto with full armor except on the hottest days in the summer but then it is a moto jacket I NEVER squid.

I have 1 left hand turn that requires a higher lean angle that the ebike just cant do at speed so i have the stand the bike up and go slower (due to no sidewall) thru the corner putting me at risk of being rear ended.

I crusie at 20mph and top out at 35 there is far less margin of error on the ebike vs the moto. If a person is new to cycling i do think that the ebike in traffic or on bike paths could get themselves into a situation that is well beyond there ability to control.

However there is also the health gains that the ebike gives that the moto could never achieve.
I've been riding MC's on the street for all my adult years (and still do), and just recently got on an ebike. I find the e bike pretty scary on any roads that don't offer a shoulder to ride on, between inattentive drivers and some that just plain don't like sharing the road, I feel a lot safer on my MC's. I've decided mostly to stay in my neighborhood or transport the e bike to some safe riding areas in my truck, like some of the bike paths around the beach etc. Still lots of fun though, and no dmv cost associated with it.
In 1990, I gave up riding both motorcycles AND bicycles on road at the same time. Too many drunks and lately, distracted drivers out there. I'm strictly a trail rider now.
This has been discussed in a couple of threads if you're interested in the community's responses.

Where are the bodies?

Thanks for the clickbait. Ebikes are safer if only for one reason - they don't go 30+ mph, and speed is what kills.
mmmm i have 34MPH as the top end of my stock Giant Explorer GTS
I've been riding MC's on the street for all my adult years (and still do), and just recently got on an ebike. I find the e bike pretty scary on any roads that don't offer a shoulder to ride on, between inattentive drivers and some that just plain don't like sharing the road, I feel a lot safer on my MC's. I've decided mostly to stay in my neighborhood or transport the e bike to some safe riding areas in my truck, like some of the bike paths around the beach etc. Still lots of fun though, and no dmv cost associated with it.
As a Roadie I just delt with the cages taking the Lane when i have to Around here we can get to almoast anywhere via backroads so i can stay off the beaten path.
I am the Walrus.
Coo coo Ka choo
In 1990, I gave up riding both motorcycles AND bicycles on road at the same time. Too many drunks and lately, distracted drivers out there. I'm strictly a trail rider now.
As a roadie I could never understand why someone would spend soo much money on a Downhill bike that you cant ride uphill. Then one day i went to a Downhill MTB park (Highland NH)

I get it now. :)
No, ride as if everyone can see you and you have a big target on your back and they win a million dollars if they run you over.
Yes, it seems stupidly simple but I never cease to be amazed at how some bike riders think they own the road.
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