Fender flaps or extenders?


I live on the beach. Sand is always an issue. But, I would like to reduce the problem if possible.
Does anyone know if someone makes a flap that you could attach to the bottom of the current front fender to hopefully block more sand from flying into my chain and sprocket? I am thinking of something that almost goes to the ground.
I have looked, but either I am asking using the wrong words or it does not exist. Which I find hard to believe.
Adventon Level 2s.
There are a few options in general, brands like SKS or Fahrer-Berlin make thos attachements to ad to you fender, rather easy to instal. But I do think it would a quest to find those in the US. You could look at some of these designs and make an extender for your fender from a piece of sturdy black plastic.

I made my own extended fenders,
I was riding a section of I-80 and found a section of the brush/whiskered type of ice/rain deflectors that are on all the UPS truck around here. Which look like this,

I measured the radius of my bike fender and cut and formed the splash guard to fit and attached it to the bottom of the front fender on the bike.

Works very well and keep the motor and bottom section of the battery clean and free from water, sand and cow flops etc.
I have enough left over to do my Juggs 4 bike also.

See photo here:
I was wondering what to use to make my own fenders.
All that came to mind is a crazy🤪 carpet.

They call them "Turbo Carpet" now at Canadian Tire,..

It's really durable plastic, and if it's got a bit of a curve to it, it will hold its shape better without being all floppy.


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My dirt bike had a plastic fender and it worked Great !!

I wiped out all the time and constantly got my fender caught on stuff. (Including myself, depending on how I crashed. 😂)
The fender would just spring back into position without breaking or getting bent.
I could grab the fender and twist it upside-down and it would pop right back. It might end up a little crooked, but I'd just twist it backwards to fix the alignment. 😂

It was mounted to the forks with rubber grommets/bushings and big fender washers so the bolt holes wouldn't rip out.


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I live on the beach. Sand is always an issue. But, I would like to reduce the problem if possible.
We're 5 minutes from the beach by bike. I've come to the position that if you don't have sand in your house and cars here, you're not doing it right. But like you, I draw the line at my bikes.


So while you're working the fender angle, I'd like to pass on a tip from member @m@Robertson, who's been dealing with beach sand for years: After every significant sand or salt exposure, do a quick rinse with a dedicated 1-2 gallon garden sprayer, plain water only. Especially the drivetrain — including both sides of the chain. Then drip-dry.

Just stay away from the electricals. You can get quite surgical with a fan spray pattern. Also a good opportunity to inspect for rust and spots needing extra attention.

Our experience with sand actually on the bikes may differ: I commonly ride on roads and trails with at least a veneer of sand and ride low-tide beach sand at least once a month. But short of riding through standing water, I generally don't see a lot of sand on the chain or parts in contact with it. And my fenders offer no more coverage than yours.

This is true of both my ebikes: The Level.2-like hub-drive commuter above, with its 2.3" hybrid tires, and the mid-drive below, with its 1.5" (38 mm) gravel tires.


Does the rinsing actually work? My bike mechanics say I'm getting resonable chain and gear wear for this environment considering my less-than-diligent chain lube routine.
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Presurized water from a garden spray system (intended for chemicals) with tap water is a great idea, we use this already for years when riding MTB trails in muddy conditions (with the companies van of coarse...) with one 3.5 liter version I spray of 2 muddy bikes. Also we have a electrical "presure" washer (max 3 bar) from aqua2go also already for I think 5 or 6 years in usage, that is a 20 liter system so a bit heavier in use and since we live in an apartment with no water outside it is very easy to wash stuf or rinse outdoor gear outside. And if we are going to camp at a spot where there is no shower we can use it as an outdoor shower.
This half gallon version is pretty cool.

View attachment 191239

It's safer to use because it's too much effort to pump it up to 1200 PSI. 😂
Limiting pressure's important in an ebike rinser, but so is the spray pattern — and the more precise, the better. Plus, a wand saves my back.

Also, I generally need more than ½ gallon per rinse. Salt's always in the air near the beach — especially with strong surf. And sand damp enough for good beach riding is also salty sand.

Even stainless steel and nickel plate can rust in this environment, so you really need to rinse everything you can short of wetting the electricals.
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I used Defender Series fenders on my old Specialized Pitch 650B and my wife's Cannondale F9. To keep mud and sand off the crank we mounted Planet Bike mud guards which are designed to be mounted at the top of the down tube. We mounted them in front of the crank instead. The combo worked excellent. We now both have Specialized Turbos with the extended front fenders, but they occasionally get in the way when riding trails while our old setup never did.

Edit: My apologies, the actual name was a Grunge Board. Not sure if they still sell it.
Sand or water will be thrown on a tangent to the tire. Four years ago, I got tired of how high the front tire of my Radrunner would throw grit and water on wet pavement. I bought a stack of polypropylene cutting boards from Amazon. They're like pace mats, 1mm thick. Polypropylene can be shaped with a heat gun. I attached my extension at the top to the fender stay and lower down with pop rivets. It came down far enough that stuff passing under it would have a low trajectory. Being close to the tire, it didn't often snag anything. If it did, the polypropylene sprang
right back.

mud flap.jpeg
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Thanks guys, some awesome ideas. We have dedicated beach cruisers but would love to take the ebikes out there.
At low tide I have about 10 miles of ridable beach, so we are out there a lot.
Beach cruisers are 7 years old and even with a good rinsing they are pretty rusted up.
Thanks guys, some awesome ideas.

One thing I've thought about trying, is to remove the fender and use it as a mold to make a plastic fender.

I could heat up a trimmed piece of plastic and lay it on, or in the fender (with some sort of release agent or parchment paper or something in between) then heat and shape the plastic into a 3D curve to give it rigidity.

I figure if I went at it carefully enough with a heat gun, I could shape the plastic without setting it on fire. 😂