Explore+3 +4 GTS And Sister Amiti - Review • Comments • Q&A

I currently ride a Copenhagen Wheel which I love, but could use additional range, beyond the 40-ish miles I get now.
In looking at the LBS which has a 2020 Giant Explore E+ in stock, I’m wondering if there is an option to replace (or buy in addition) a 500 watt battery to use instead of the standard 400 watt. I thought I saw that option on some of the Trek e-bikes.
Check with the LBS. I think I remember my store saying they could sell me another pack if I needed it, but I'm not sure they'd swap the stock battery for another - even for extra money. If you do manage it the 400W and 500W packs should be interchangeable.

The range on these bikes is fantastic. They can be truly miserly with the watts. I get about ~60 miles on auto from my 500W with no consideration for economy, or up to 120 miles on Eco with the motor just assisting me to sit on our 25 km/h limit. You'll consume more with your 20 mph limit.
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Me and wife went on 40 miles ride today on relatively flat road surface and both on assist level2 all time.
2 'bars/lights' left on our 2020 Explore E+4 and Amiti Liv E+4 at end of ride, I can reasonably assume 60 miles is doable.
New owner of a 2020 Explore E+4 and 2020 Amiti. Love love love these bikes. I notice in the pictures in this that you have installed a bar end mirror. The ends of the handle bars on both of my bikes appear to be solid metal under the grip. What am I missing? Don't want to cut the end of the grip off until I know what I am doing. How do I install these bar end mirrors?
The ends of the handle bars on both of my bikes appear to be solid metal under the grip.
It's unusual for the bar-ends to be solid (the bars are made out of tube). Remove a grip and have a look. (Typically, there is a screw to loosen the hand-grip to remove it).
Right you are Stefan, the bar is of course a hollow tube, the metal I was concerned about is a metal disk inserted into the end of the grip. Once I removed the grip by loosening the allen screw you mentioned I was able so see inside. Thanks
Usually you can drill them out with a half inch bit. Normally the end caps or end of the grip is plastic. Then the Mirrycle mirror slips right in to the bar.
They are a really cool little product - nice when something is so cheap and works so well. They are $20 at your LBS, or about $12 online. 👍

Glad to hear you like the bikes so well. We love ours as well!
I cannot find any discussion on charging practice for our e-bikes. So will ask here. The LBS has stated that the battery should be discharged to 20% each time before recharging. The owners manual states: "After 15 normal charges, or at least every 3 months, discharge the EnergyPak completely by riding the bicycle before charging the EnergyPak again. This will increase the lifespan of the EnergyPak". To the best of my knowledge lithium-ion batteries don't need to be discharged periodically to remain healthy. Does anyone here follow any special charge/discharge practice? Comments?
No George, just charge and go...with a couple of caveats...
1. If you discharge the pack to 2 bars or less, then it's best to charge to about 3 bars for storage. If you're going to ride the next day you charge it all the way up again. You just don't want to store them in a fully discharged state. Once you get the hang of your range verses charge state you'll be able to decide if you need to charge or not for a short trek, or multi-day short rides. Say you want to ride to the store and back 4 miles and you have 3 bars, there's no need to charge - just go. It does take some thought and pre-planning, but doesn't have to be complicated. 40 miles seems to be really quite easy with these, and if you use a lower assist setting and ride slower you can stretch it out much further. Kind of like the fuel tank in your car - full charge is full range, etc.
2. Don't charge to 100% if you're not going to ride them - they should not be stored at full charge. Ideally, 50-60%. Some of the better chargers, like for the Trance, is faster (6ah) and has a 60% setting that does a quick charge then shuts off. The basic 3-4a charger doesn't have these options.
3. Heat is their enemy - if it's hot in your garage or storage area, bring the packs inside. Same for freezing, they'll get pretty lethargic. Li-ion packs really like moderate temps, like 50-80.

There have been some studies that show more charge cycles to reach a degraded capacity if you only charge to 80%. There are several issues with this however, first is that our chargers don't have a way to automatically do this, so it leaves you guessing. Worse, individual cells don't reach equilibrium so done repeatedly can leave too many of them way off from the others and that's a big problem. And then there's the simple fact that it takes hundreds and hundreds of cycles to reach a degraded state, like you might see a five or ten percent difference from charging to 100% over four or five hundred cycles. For the average user that charges their bike once a week or so, it could take a decade or more.

Too many way over-think this. And really, for a person that uses theirs like a car, like daily commuting, are in a different league and have a more complex approach to battery maintenance. For us mere mortals it's a simple charge and go routine, for many years of enjoyable entertainment. ;)
I got my Explore E+ 3 in Jan and have 5,200 miles. I first though about trying to manage charging, but considering price of around 600 for a new battery, I don't even think about it. I have not noticed any loss in battery capacity. When I do, I'll order a replacement battery and use the existing battery for longer rides. It's been a great bike.
I use my Explore E+ strictly as a Plug and Play device. So far it's been uber dependable and it fit's my needs to a T. I really don't have the temperament for anything else at this stage in my life.
I don't drive that much in a year. :) I have some really nice bike trails here in Tulsa which just adds to the enjoyment.

Does any other e bike riders just Strava? I use Garmin to log rides, then load to Strava. I have a nephew and niece that run and use it.

Have a great day. :)
Strava is popular with the mountain bikers. My LBS guy recommended it, but I haven't downloaded the app or dug into it yet. Seems like some useful features and functions.
There are a lot of international rider that like to be followed. :) It's fun to see the rides others do. It at least keeps a record of my miles.

I don't use the Strava app. I use Garmin and Strava has an automated load from Garmin. I'm a retired IT person and love data and tech for tracking it. Grew up with party phone line (shared line with neighbor), BW TV with 4 channels, water cooler for air and had a crystal radio that had no battery, just earphone and requirement to be grounded. It's been amazing 68 years for tech.
There are a lot of international rider that like to be followed. :) It's fun to see the rides others do. It at least keeps a record of my miles.

I don't use the Strava app. I use Garmin and Strava has an automated load from Garmin. I'm a retired IT person and love data and tech for tracking it. Grew up with party phone line (shared line with neighbor), BW TV with 4 channels, water cooler for air and had a crystal radio that had no battery, just earphone and requirement to be grounded. It's been amazing 68 years for tech.
I'm 77 and remember juice cans and string.
Howdy Doody, Ren Tin Tin, Leave It To Beaver. They weren't the good ole days. It's better now and I'm thankful for it. :)
Mr. Keene, Tracer of Lost Persons; Sky King; The Shadow; Gangbusters; The FBI In Peace and War; The Fat Man; Big Jon and Sparky....
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Thought my 2020 Explore E+4 battery went bad on my daily morning ride. I start with a 20 mile out and back, but at mile 14 my power control starting showing the "Orange" warning to shut bike off. I'm usually still on bottom of power level 4. I have 6k on the bike and had been riding in the rain the last couple of mornings. I thought the battery must have shorted. I pedaled the 6 miles home. It's not awful on level, but when I got to the 60ft hill I finish each ride with, I thought my brakes were on. :). I was on the pedals on the lowest gear and just barely made it. I plugged the bike in and started installing the hitch I had gotten for my 2012 Focus Hatchback. Figured I would have to take the bike into the shop.

Putting a hitch by myself took a few hours. By the time I finish installing the hitch and putting the Allen rack together, the bike was showing fully charged. I figured I had to test and put 15 miles on it and it worked fine. :)

Previous day I did a 30 mile ride on level 3 and somehow forgot to charge it. :) The previous 31 mile ride, plus the 14 today totals 45 miles on level 3. That is spot on my regular distance on level 3 of 40 miles.

I feed feral cats in the morning and it's dark when I starting. I didn't even notice the low level. :) Of course the Ok Medical THC was most likely why I didn't charge or notice it had not been charged. :)

Bike is fine:)