Enviolo hub clicking sound


New Member
St Peters
So I have had this bike for 2 weeks and 237 miles. I love the thing so far, but….I am getting a clicking sound (think coasting derailleur) from my Enviolo hub? Has anybody else experienced this? I just finished a 67 mile ride and it worked just fine, oh except it randomly shut off on me twice in the matter of a few seconds and then didn’t again. So 2 possible issues.
Are you referring to a clicking when you aren’t pedaling and just coasting? If so, clicking is normal, just like a conventional derailleur equipped bike.
Are you referring to a clicking when you aren’t pedaling and just coasting? If so, clicking is normal, just like a conventional derailleur equipped bike.
Yes, but it also seems to happen when I am pedaling.
The hub should not click when pedaling. Is it the same exact clicking sound as when you’re coasting or is it different?
The hub should not click when pedaling. Is it the same exact clicking sound as when you’re coasting or is it different?
It sounds the same. I will take it to the LBS Tuesday to be on the safe side (or try to be).
How did you get on at the LBS. Did they find the cause of the issue?

It's not there now. I only hear a quiet clicking when coasting. I think I might have had as leaf stuck in the fender. That said, my radar quit working and the LBS found a bare wire under the fender. Specialized had been contacted on this issue.