eMTB Options For 2024

Went and looked at a Norco Sight today..hell of a bike!

It's winter here, they wouldn't let me ride it. It's got a Shimano steps7000 and Norco continues with that motor on some of their 2021 models.
Wonder why?
The Shimano E7000 is a solid EMTB motor and has some advantages over the E8000/EP8... lighter weight and additional range if you don't need the power of the 8 series. ;)

The best eMTB motor you can buy | Page 9 of 11 | E-MOUNTAINBIKE Magazine (ebike-mtb.com)

"We were immediately impressed with the superb natural ride-experience the Shimano STEPS E7000 provides! Shimano’s “small” drive delivers power inconspicuously, but still offers the level of support you need from standstill, climbs and when cruising just below the 25 km/h threshold. In direct comparison with its bigger brother the Shimano STEPS E7000 feels more natural. It is also quieter and easier to modulate, especially in Boost mode. This allows for lots of rear-wheel traction even in slippery conditions. On the trail, the motor can easily keep up with the stronger E8000 version, even at maximum output. Only when riding in the wrong gear or at too low a cadence will you notice the10 Nm torque less. If you’re good in physics, you’ll know that less power with a same-sized battery means more range. The Trail mode of Shimano’s STEPS E7000 also convinced us with its situation-specific support. Thanks to its accurate sensors and intelligent software it provides the right amount of power in pretty much all scenarios."

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I'm riding a yamaha PW-se with 70Nm of torque and I think I've gone out of Eco or Eco+ mode maybe twice?
I believe the Steps 7000 is 60Nm so I'm not overly concerned about the power.
I tend to set it and forget and shift gears to get the speed/power I need.
If most of them use the e-bikes for touring or displacement and their terrain is flat, anyone will give good results, but if you are already looking to climb technical hills and go down technical trails you need emtb mid-drive.

Trail, emtb, enduro, DH

If most of them use the e-bikes for touring or displacement and their terrain is flat, anyone will give good results, but if you are already looking to climb technical hills and go down technical trails you need emtb mid-drive.

Trail, emtb, enduro, DH

not exactly sure what that means?
2021 update...Covid-19
Been offline for a bit fighting covid-19. Yep, tested positive 5 days ago, about 10-12 days in now. Mild symptoms, probly get back to work late next week.
And wife got it too, a couple of days behind me, fewer symptoms than I had. She probably got it from me.

We now have a fancy digital thermometer, and a pulse-oximeter which I had never heard of prior. My blood O2 never dropped, fever never went over 99 - my normal body temp is 97.7, so anything over 98 I can feel it. Had a half-degree fever off and on the duration, could even just be normal fluctuations. Bad cough subsiding now, bad aches fatigue early on, but everything gone now and feeling like my old self. Even went out and cleaned the pool and the patio yesterday after our winter storms. :)

The standard of temp scans to detect covid carriers is false - don't rely on it. I could have walked into any facility using a temp scanner and be allowed in, even at the height of my symptoms. It's just not a good indicator. And I've talked to a number of people now that had it and never ran a fever. Stats show about 40% of patients run a fever, the rest do not. About one in five have immune reaction complications and end up in the hospital, or worse. Aware of a few deaths now as well. All had co-morbidities.

Can't wait to get back to some ebiking. Good luck and be safe out there!
Glad to hear your symptoms were relatively minor. Lots and lots of variations in impacts for people who get impacted by this bugger. I certainly hope you have no long term effects.
Oh my! So good to hear that you are better.
ya that's part of the scary stuff. Some people don't even know they have it and others die.
Take it easy, I have a couple friends that have had it. They said one day they feel great, the next they are wiped out.
Glad to have you back. Have always enjoyed your posts.
2021 update...Covid-19 Been offline for a bit fighting covid-19. Yep, tested positive 5 days ago, about 10-12 days in now. Mild symptoms, probly get back to work late next week.
And wife got it too, a couple of days behind me, fewer symptoms than I had. She probably got it from me.

We now have a fancy digital thermometer, and a pulse-oximeter which I had never heard of prior. My blood O2 never dropped, fever never went over 99 - my normal body temp is 97.7, so anything over 98 I can feel it. Had a half-degree fever off and on the duration, could even just be normal fluctuations. Bad cough subsiding now, bad aches fatigue early on, but everything gone now and feeling like my old self. Even went out and cleaned the pool and the patio yesterday after our winter storms. :)

The standard of temp scans to detect covid carriers is false - don't rely on it. I could have walked into any facility using a temp scanner and be allowed in, even at the height of my symptoms. It's just not a good indicator. And I've talked to a number of people now that had it and never ran a fever. Stats show about 40% of patients run a fever, the rest do not. About one in five have immune reaction complications and end up in the hospital, or worse. Aware of a few deaths now as well. All had co-morbidities. Can't wait to get back to some ebiking. Good luck and be safe out there!
Chris, sorry to hear this news, and we hope you recover quickly without any long-term effects.

I thought something was up when I had not seen any new posts from you in 2021... get well soon and ride on!
Chris, sorry to hear you and your wife have been sick - I've feared that was why you weren't posting.

It's a relief to hear you seem to be recovering well , just don't go rushing back. There is no shame in using more assistance when needed - DO NOT stress your system during the early weeks, I don't want to read cardiomyopathy in one of your posts!
Yesterday was jjst a little too hot at home so we opted to drive 2 hours and gain 1500 m elevation....a lovely 8 degrees c temp drop and some magical scenery at Mt Baw Baw. My wife and kids slogged up the " easy" summit trail on their non assisted bikes - a gentle 100 m elevation over 2 km to some lovely scenery.

Super wife rode her step through, it's not exactly a mtb.....but I'd slipped in the front wheel from her mtb so she was only a little terrified on the way down.....meanwhile I took sprogette down the adjacent intermediate route which was MUCH more fun!

At the bottom,I was able to justify my motor by towing sprogette back up for a second run. About halfway up, we came across my youngest blasting down the easy trail. I bet he was embarrassed to skid past us...


Sitting in the cafe afterwards, super wife offered her services as driver so we could do some shuttle runs on the gravity trails. I can't imagine why she thought her step through wasn't an optimal choice....
I'm starting to wish that I had invested the extra $ in an electric version of her norco scene. It's a surprising bike, much more capable than it has any right to be, and super wife much prefers it to her old hard tail mtb.
Unfortunately the electric norco scene only omes in frame sizes up to large, and her xl regular scene is arguably a bit cramped for her (6'2") .

Do you ride one?
I’ve been riding my Motobecane Elite emtb with the Shimano E7000 since April and have 1000 miles on it. This is in no way a low power motor. Been riding with other EMTBers using various motors. I usually ride in ECO mode set (via the app) to the mid range level but with other EMTBers I ride in TRAIL mode set to the lowest power setting which seems to match the other riders well. The Bosch riders favor the eMTB mode on the newest CX motors. I love the E7000, and my 418wh battery lasts as long as the 600wh plus batteries paired with the more powerful drives. It may be a different story riding long steep tame fire roads, but that’s not what full suspension EMTBs are built for. I give the Shimano E7000 two thumbs up in 2021.
I’ve been riding my Motobecane Elite emtb with the Shimano E7000 since April and have 1000 miles on it. This is in no way a low power motor. Been riding with other EMTBers using various motors. I usually ride in ECO mode set (via the app) to the mid range level but with other EMTBers I ride in TRAIL mode set to the lowest power setting which seems to match the other riders well. The Bosch riders favor the eMTB mode on the newest CX motors. I love the E7000, and my 418wh battery lasts as long as the 600wh plus batteries paired with the more powerful drives. It may be a different story riding long steep tame fire roads, but that’s not what full suspension EMTBs are built for. I give the Shimano E7000 two thumbs up in 2021.
Thank you for that review. I appreciate it. I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the Norco tomorrow.
Now just have to make sure I have clean sheets for the dog house! This isn't going to go well with the Long Suffering!