eMTB Options For 2024

Yamaha now produces a PW-X2 45 pedelec with a maximum of 45 km/h.

Thanks for the heads up. Just more exciting news from a great company indeed. A Yamaha speed motor ticks all the boxes for me if it is sold on a eMTB. However, it may be unlikely based on what I have seen in the eMTB market. We shall see.
Instead of buying the next e-bike (even with the new Yamaha motor) I prefer seeing California together with my gf. Just saying.
Thanks for the heads up. Just more exciting news from a great company indeed. A Yamaha speed motor ticks all the boxes for me if it is sold on a eMTB. However, it may be unlikely based on what I have seen in the eMTB market. We shall see.

I agree the Yamaha OEM 28 mph speed version sounds great.

I couldn't wait and went ahead and added a BadA$$ Box for a 40 mph maximum speed limit. ;)

It's nice to know that the design of the PW-X motor can handle the additional speed without missing a beat.
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Instead of buying the next e-bike (even with the new Yamaha motor) I prefer seeing California together with my gf. Just saying.

We have guest quarters. The west wing of the house. And a Winnebago in the drive. ;)

EDIT: And four taps in the living room slash beer parlor. 🤣
Sometimes we even park the bikes in the main part of the house. My poor garage is packed with camping gear and a boat. 😏

We are set for the stay-at-home order. A month worth of food, just kegged 10 gallons of craft brew, an english pale and a blond ale, both at 6%, and bought another keg - Downtown Brown from Lost Coast Brewery up the CA coast. Fantastic beer.
We have friends coming over Saturday to brew another batch, and smoke some meat on the Traeger grill. Life is grand. I'm going out with a bang. :cool:
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We would be very grateful to be your guests Chris and we're very excited to meet you in person! Let us just wait until the pest is over and hopefully all of us survive the bad times in good shape!
The Big Crash

Well I guess it was inevitable, and why I sourced protective gear early on. Yep, went down HARD!

On the 22 mile loop yesterday, a little over half way around, road shoulder trail, plenty wide, two pedestrians taking up the whole trail. But enough room on the right to easily pass, so I call out a couple of times, "on your right - on your right'. At the last second the girl on the right steps right, right in front of me. I basically I had a split second choice to hit a fire hydrant or clip her - so you hold your breath and pass. Yep, the bar end clipped her and instantly knocked me down. Bars turned 180, skid on right side, down hard on my right side.

The bike is tough - frankly I'm shocked there's no damage, some scratches on the left bar end cuz it hit the dirt first, pedal had some dirt on it, but otherwise it survived unscathed.

Me, not so much, dear lord the pain. Cracked ribs, hamburger knuckles, shredded forearm. I'm very lucky I was wearing elbow and knee guards or it could have been much worse. Not a nick on my helmet, so at least it didn't rattle my brain. But oh boy, it hurts to breathe. I did get good sleep last night, but only on one side. LOL

There were two or three of those yesterday, I'm not sure what people are thinking, but there is a steady stream of bikes on this path, pedestrians are well aware as they're zooming by. Instead of walking to one side or the other they take the whole trail, or split, or step in front of your path. Obviously I need to slow way down and give a wide berth, they're unpredictable, unreliable as to what they're going to do at the last minute.

It took ten minutes or so for the pain to subside enough to ride off. I finished the loop and rode home, still in record time! Other passersby wanted to call for medical emergency, I said no, nothing is broken. I asked the girl if she knew her right from her left, she said she tried to move quickly, I said yes but you moved quickly into my path. She was unhurt, I was thankful for that. Had I hit her full on it could have been much worse. It's very unnerving - I've been getting along just fine in all the terrain, and then to have something like this. :rolleyes:
Heal up big guy, and BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! Not a time to have to go to the Urgent Care or ER due to a bicycling accident.

Things sure happen FAST when riding e-bikes. On my first exercise road ride after getting back into e-bikes after a LONG hiatus, a momentary lapse of concentration purely on my part (while looking over my shoulder for cars before making a left turn - I now have a MIRROR), I suddenly found myself down on the 'soft' shoulder of the road. Didn't seem to be much damage to me or the bike so I rode home. Sure was painful to raise my right arm while taking off my jersey - until it made that little 'pop' as the shoulder got itself back into its proper location. So, slightly separated shoulder which was a real pain while sleeping, but worse, kept me off my new bike for a week. :( Amazing the distance we cover on these bikes in that short time we take our eyes off the road.

I don't ride much on trails at the moment, but I guess that pedestrians are much like deer - never know which way they are going to leap.
So sorry @Browneye, get well soon!

I'm always surprised, dismayed, and almost always eventually angry at walkers on the paths around here. I've lost count of how many people going the opposite way will stare me down as I approach and not make any effort at all to move out of the way. I have to come to a stop and say "Excuse me". Unbelievable!
Oh, Chris, what a sad accident! Perhaps you should fit yourself with some body protectors for the future? What were you wearing on that ride?

Which reminds me of my fall at 30 km/h on a bike path with my Lovelec. By stupidity, I didn't wear the helmet on that very ride (I normally always wear the helmet). It was just centimetres away to get a serious head injury... I was bleeding like a pig from my forearm; luckily the local clinic was very close (I asked a pedestrian where it was). The I rode quite a huge distance to get home; luckily we ride e-bikes. The next day I visited the hospital. An ugly scar is the reminder to drive slower, not to race and be very careful.

Get well soon, Chris!
Well, I got about eight pops out of my spine, all the way up. Out of my eight or so back and neck injuries, lumbar 4-5 has been herniated, and 8-9 gets way out of alignment. So instant pain relief, and I think it is more my shoulder pulled and my spine out of alignment that was hurting so bad. If it gets better quickly I'll know it isn't a cracked rib. At least it's manageable now without pain meds. Breathing is fine, coughing or sneezing is pretty tender yet. I have had my back knocked out of alignment before. It usually entails a few visits to a chiropractor.

Detailed and tuned up the bike, fixed the road rash and got the sand out of the grips - they are sticky! Lubed the chain, test-ride hot lap around the block and it's all good.

I don't like to denigrate pedestrians too much, after all I are one a lot of the time, and really we're supposed to yield to them. In hindsight I should have just jumped off the curb - no problem with suspension, that way I would have gone around them instead of crashing.
Definitely a wake-up call.

Wifey feels bad but is pissed off all at the same time. 🤪 She made me a nice breakfast though. 🥰
Sorry to hear you're hurt. Why did you shred your forearm with the g forms on? Did they slide up?
Sorry to hear you're hurt. Why did you shred your forearm with the g forms on? Did they slide up?

I am SO thankful you made the recommendations you did. I would have a lot more injuries if not. I'm used to suiting up for offroad, so if I have gear I always wear it. It has saved my butt too many times, so I know better. Yes, g-form arm guards and the IXS knee guards.

Remember, I'm 63, my skin is paper-thin, so rocks cut thru my skin UNDER the fabric part of the sleeve. Where the rubber guard was, no problem. There are blood spots on the fabric from the inside, no holes! I just checked. Pretty remarkable actually.
I was glad I had my boots on, they have a lot of gravel marks on them, but they're leather so no problem.

I think the impact on the right side of my rib cage cracked at least one, right under my nipple. it's very tender there, so coughing or blowing my nose is very painful. I have a fear that getting a virus could result in a lot of pain. I'll know more in a week for sure.

I wear fingerless bike gloves, so all my injuries is where there was no cover. I think I'll get a pair of lightweight mx gloves with full fingers. I got rid of all that stuff when the dirtbikes sold, but that would be the ticket. I had a dozen or more pairs of gloves, every style and weight, warm, cold, light, heavy, etc. Gloves protect the first thing that hits the ground when you go down.

If your body contacts the dirt while you're still moving it's gonna shred your skin anywhere it's not covered, and sometimes even if it is. o_O
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Coughing with brocken ribs us NOT fun, so despite the pain make sure you take a few really deep breaths every hour - keep those lungs clean.

Good luck with the recovery.
Well, I got about eight pops out of my spine, all the way up. Out of my eight or so back and neck injuries, lumbar 4-5 has been herniated, and 8-9 gets way out of alignment. So instant pain relief, and I think it is more my shoulder pulled and my spine out of alignment that was hurting so bad. If it gets better quickly I'll know it isn't a cracked rib. At least it's manageable now without pain meds. Breathing is fine, coughing or sneezing is pretty tender yet. I have had my back knocked out of alignment before. It usually entails a few visits to a chiropractor.

Detailed and tuned up the bike, fixed the road rash and got the sand out of the grips - they are sticky! Lubed the chain, test-ride hot lap around the block and it's all good.

I don't like to denigrate pedestrians too much, after all I are one a lot of the time, and really we're supposed to yield to them. In hindsight I should have just jumped off the curb - no problem with suspension, that way I would have gone around them instead of crashing.
Definitely a wake-up call.

Wifey feels bad but is pissed off all at the same time. 🤪 She made me a nice breakfast though. 🥰
actually a good reminder for all of us, riding in an area nobody is around I have been ignoring my helmet and gloves - what could go wrong? oh soft shoulders, gravel pile and on and on, thinking about the walker - often they will move to right so we can pass on left - I also think about walking with the better half - every time we need to move over she will always go in the opposite direction from me - and after 40 years I give up on trying to 2nd guess those situations, experienced the cracked rib thing recently as well, I thought if a soft roller works well rolling out the kinks well not try a pvc pipe - not a good idea - later went to Home Depot, sneezed and dropped like I got shot, poor employee gal thought I was having a heart attack I pretended I needed to see something on the bottom row very closely until pain subsided, take care, I envy your kegs of beer situation, we are in day 9 of isolation from travelling out of country and the booze cupboard seems to be drying up - even all that stuff that's hung around for ever not really liking seems fine now,