Still in a 2007 Prius hybrid (non-plug-in) here... But my sister just got the Kia EV6. I had a chance to drive it and it was just fantastic. Of course she got it loaded out with everything, so who knows how many bells and whistles I didn't discover. Loved the front-view parking camera (to see the curb / wheel-stop you're approaching, head-on) and the "aerial" view of your parked car with neighboring parked cars when you're in a row of cars.) The acceleration on it (in "Sport" mode) was just insane!
After only having 4-cylinder, smaller cars from the start (a '76 Celica (non-GT of course) was first, then hatchback Civic, then sedan Civic, etc.) I finally got a 6-cylinder Accord coupe, "wanting more power" for a change... Well, a few years into that Accord, there was no question it had transformed me into a far more aggressive / impatient driver on the road, having "so much" power on tap (vs. those Civics!) The Prius then, was my atonement for all that gas burning and aggression behind the wheel... a "cold-turkey" break from those Accord habits (and saving a boatload on gas costs was great too!) But the Kia's acceleration puts everything I remember, firmly in the shade!
As much as I thoroughly enjoyed driving it, I think I'd have to resist my sister's top-power model purely as an act of self-preservation! Yes, it was fun, the visceral thrill of being pressed into the seat-back by the acceleration was remarkable... but I suspect I'd inevitably give in to those same temptations/behaviors and become an even more aggressive driver than before... (There are already too many aggressive, impatient, distracted drivers on the main roads without me deliberately adding to the numbers!)
But wow, it was fun to drive!