Electric Car thread

This is just one minute example of the demands put on our energy grid. Putting more load on the lines is not a simple equation. Everything must be balanced.
This also played out in the centuries before when the horse provided the main power for just anything that required big energy needs. The infrastructure to supply the ongoing needs to this source of power was immense, complex, interconnected. Distribution required housing, food, supplies, manual labor and an economy capable of supporting all of the above. As civilization expanded, thanks to the horse, the need to support it grew as well. From the companies procuring hides to be tanned, cut, sewn into harness, to the steel mills obtaining raw materials to make and distribute millions of steel bars ready to shape into horse shoes to millions of farriers who had to obtain the knowledge, supplies (anvils, hammers, forges) to make the shoes for millions of work horses that required a regular 6 week cycle of trimming, re-setting/new shoes, or emergency repair/replacement of shoes. It's a fascinating study when you dive deep enough to understand how complex it was to sustain just one working horse in a world that required thousands if not millions of them to fill the energy supply needs. Water and wind helped share the burden, although they were tied to inconsistent sources that were not 100% reliable. Once electricity was harnessed (pun intended) and society could leave the horse behind, civilization took another big step forward.

Interesting to study how the transition from the horse to the Grid took place. Small steps over decades. It will be interesting to see how the Grid will be modified to incorporate successfully an ever increasing supply of solar and wind into a mix that is still reliant on fossil fuels. I suspect small steps once again.

Tomorrow, when I check my house's smart meter showing me my solar array's production and my consumption of electricity that the Grid is managing for me, especially when I plug in my EV to recharge, I'll do so with a deeper appreciation of the massive workings hidden behind the power lines lying underground connecting me and my house to the worldwide energy industry. (Thank you @Sparky731 ☺)
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@Mulezen - Well, your comment regarding your grandfather's love for his Stanley Steamer sent me down a fascinating internet rabbit hole reading about those cars. I'm going to look up one of Jay Leno's episodes for his Steamer to see one in action.
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An interesting read:
The distance to the Moon and the length of the day 2.46 billion years ago

The last sentence in this paragraph, based on what these ancient 2.46 billion year old earth records reveal, is very telling:

Short day

Over time, the rotation of Earth around its axis has also slowed down. This was known since long, but Lantink has now found a way to establish how long a day lasted on the early Earth: 17 hours, rather than the current 24. In an earlier study she conducted together with colleagues from Switzerland, she already showed that the Earth’s climate underwent regular changes 2.5 billion years ago due to periodic changes in the shape of the Earth’s orbit. Lantink clarifies that today’s climate change does not have an astronomical cause: it is occurring at vastly shorter time scales, and we humans are responsible for it.

Sources included with the article.
Think about what you just said . Can you explain to me how they went this far back in time to know this ? It's just speculation based on made up data charts and numbers . Plus there's no evidence earth is 10,000 years old let alone billions of years old. It's rather telling that Bible gives us a basis of post flood around 4500- 5000 years ago. Now I know there's scientists not science that attempt to make claims things are older . But what we have of recorded dated historical accounts starts no farther back then 5000 years ago.

It's kinda hard for me to take a claim as though fact from 2 billion plus years ago . When we have no records . NONE........ Look what the evolution scientist's claim . That we have recorded Pre-historic proof?? That's impossible . Pre-history means before records . Before His story of accounts . :)
Think about what you just said . Can you explain to me how they went this far back in time to know this ? It's just speculation based on made up data charts and numbers . Plus there's no evidence earth is 10,000 years old let alone billions of years old. It's rather telling that Bible gives us a basis of post flood around 4500- 5000 years ago. Now I know there's scientists not science that attempt to make claims things are older . But what we have of recorded dated historical accounts starts no farther back then 5000 years ago.

It's kinda hard for me to take a claim as though fact from 2 billion plus years ago . When we have no records . NONE........ Look what the evolution scientist's claim . That we have recorded Pre-historic proof?? That's impossible . Pre-history means before records . Before His story of accounts . :)
One problem with many proxy studies is that you can make them say anything you want them to say, even without evidence that they "work"...that is, you need to explain the mechanism of how it does what you claim it does...for example, you need to demonstrate that larger pebbles rather than smaller ones. in a river, are evidence of glacier melting or growing vs evidence of construction dumping. Once obtained and accepted scientifically, then you have to stick with that meaning of the evidence and in each sample, you have to be consistent. In other words, tree rings wider or thinner can't be changed from temperature up or down, to fertilization up or down, or disease or injury or shade differences or water supply differences. Climate scientists ignore the rules and will use the inverse of the scientifically accepted orientation, using whichever they prefer in whichever section of the graph they prefer, and by cherry picking the samples that agree with the picture they are painting from a preconceived notion.
They also can attach hugely different weightings of samples, to paint a picture . They also can use bundles of proxies and as one "stick" ends at a date, that alone can produce a sudden difference, a jump in the averaged value. So easy to paint pictures, it's ridiculous, and becomes storytelling rather than science.

P.S. >you can't argue against one "just so" story with another. You argue against a "just so" story with evidence of how they did what they did, if they cheated like they do year after year, get caught, admit error, then do it again next year.
Also you cannot cherry pick your samples to agree with your ideas. Climate scientists actually boast that their specialty is the only science where cherry picking is permitted.
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She emits a poopstain on Science; even IPCC doesn't attribute 100% of warming to humans in their consensus opinion reports. She has no expertise in attribution.
As best as I can tell this is the car ~ 1915-20
@Mulezen - Well, your comment regarding your grandfather's love for his Stanley Steamer sent me down a fascinating internet rabbit hole reading about those cars. I'm going to look up one of Jay Leno's episodes for his Steamer to see one in action.
Jay also has an electric "ladies car" from that same era that looks a lot like a phone booth and seems like it corners about as well.
Jay also has an electric "ladies car" from that same era that looks a lot like a phone booth and seems like it corners about as well.
I watched that episode. I believe he said that electric car was one of his favorites in his collection because it was so simple, quiet, easy to drive. Looked so very "antique" going down the road.

Electric bikes might be off topic but…
Just read about this the other day. No question I'll have to get one for my R1T!!😄 Also lots of chatter from Rivian about the company developing a new battery technology for future vehicles. Smaller packs, lighter weight, more energy dense.

Heard yesterday on the Leaf forums about a range extender for the Nissan Leaf being offered from an European developer Muxsan. This is a cell pack that fits in the bottom of the car's hatchback boot that can extend the current milage range up to triple depending upon the wattage chosen. Right now the extenders are just being offered in Europe which has the majority of Leafs. Pricy, but a technologically smart product to counter the natural degradation of the car's original batteries without the cost of removal/replacement of the main battery pack. It may well be just the ticket to keeping an aging electric car on the road and viable for decades beyond the normal shelf life.

I like having a front row seat to watch the development of electric cars and electric batteries for this new century we're living in.
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She emits a poopstain on Science; even IPCC doesn't attribute 100% of warming to humans in their consensus opinion reports. She has no expertise in attribution.
Have you ever read Dane Wigington's Geo Engineering? We will all be dead by 2030 . Doesn't appear to be conspiracy . He supports it with all sorts of factual science and the side effects of what they are doing to earth . ON PURPOSE . All this Global Chaos Green energy is really all about is creating opposing sides . Wigington shows all kinds of evidence . It's not what's going up into the sky that's destroying the planet. It's what is coming down from it . He shows we've lost 75% of Wildlife populations since 1976 .
Have you ever read Dane Wigington's Geo Engineering? We will all be dead by 2030 . Doesn't appear to be conspiracy . He supports it with all sorts of factual science and the side effects of what they are doing to earth . ON PURPOSE . All this Global Chaos Green energy is really all about is creating opposing sides . Wigington shows all kinds of evidence . It's not what's going up into the sky that's destroying the planet. It's what is coming down from it . He shows we've lost 75% of Wildlife populations since 1976 .
I am still betting the dinosaurs will be back some millions of years from now. Other than insects, dinosaurs have the greatest longevity so far. And they were not even responsible for their demise, unless methane gas was a contributor. Unfortunately, I probably won’t be around to collect on my bet.
We like EVs because they are quiet and don't stink up the garage. Instant torque is great and not having to pay insane Cali gas prices is greater.

It's just like how I prefer my ebike over my ICE (inferior cycling engine=my old knees) bike.
Last night I was chilling out in my EV which was plugged into one of the free Level 2 charging stations at a local grocery store, and I was asked the ever-favorite question by the person in the car next to me - "How long does it take to charge up your car?"

I've learned over time the simple answer is to say "it depends upon how low my battery is, and if I'm using a Level 2 or a Level 3 charge." I always use the "charging up your cell phone" analogy in regards to time, explain there are several ways to charge up (time management again), and say that almost all Level 2s are free. That last bit gets everyone's attention, and starts a real flow of questions. Most people aren't aware of how much time they spend at a busy gas station waiting in line for their pump to be open except that it is annoying and time consuming when they can't just pull straight up to a pump. They are always intrigued when they find out EVs are generally charged at home. It's a whole different mind set of fueling a vehicle.

The cost factor doesn't seem to be a huge issue, I've noticed. Except for a few people who've focused on the cost of charging, most seem to be more concerned with the "time to charge" aspect.

We're a very impatient society, or so it appears.
Yes, the biggest thing people dont realize is that for most electric car owners, the time to charge is irrelevant.
When they get home at the end of the day, they plug in, and the car is full in the morning.
So they never suffer the inconvenience of an attended refill period like on a gas-powered car, whatever that time is.
@Mulezen - Well, your comment regarding your grandfather's love for his Stanley Steamer sent me down a fascinating internet rabbit hole reading about those cars. I'm going to look up one of Jay Leno's episodes for his Steamer to see one in action.
Check out the one with a gasoline boiler that would start to move in a few seconds.
I watched that episode. I believe he said that electric car was one of his favorites in his collection because it was so simple, quiet, easy to drive. Looked so very "antique" going down the road.

Just read about this the other day. No question I'll have to get one for my R1T!!😄 Also lots of chatter from Rivian about the company developing a new battery technology for future vehicles. Smaller packs, lighter weight, more energy dense.

Heard yesterday on the Leaf forums about a range extender for the Nissan Leaf being offered from an European developer Muxsan. This is a cell pack that fits in the bottom of the car's hatchback boot that can extend the current milage range up to triple depending upon the wattage chosen. Right now the extenders are just being offered in Europe which has the majority of Leafs. Pricy, but a technologically smart product to counter the natural degradation of the car's original batteries without the cost of removal/replacement of the main battery pack. It may well be just the ticket to keeping an aging electric car on the road and viable for decades beyond the normal shelf life.

I like having a front row seat to watch the development of electric cars and electric batteries for this new century we're living in.
After the stinking "atomic bomb" do not know which one, was detonated at "Trinity" we were given a gift to back engineer( somebody is paying attention) after the large "craft" crashed( I believe it was staged) it had a propulsion system which had power off the scale about the size of a large refrigerator, plus many other goodies.I sincerely believe whoever gifted us this miracle was saying in effect" Here, skip that nuclear junk, too dangerous- there is unlimited power here that will not destroy your biosphere" well now on to the present day, "We can't meter it and it would free mankind from war and poverty- we would lose our Military -Industrial wealth. Keep it under wraps". To this day we still have the 'Nuclear sword of Damocles" hanging over our heads as our biosphere is passing the tipping point. Do you want to save the environment? make everyone well off then we can worry about eating up all the 'hagfish' or whatever( Yes these things are eaten in the Orient, about the only commercial fish left after the Cod fisheries were depleted)
Keep on Ebiking, a saner more efficient mode of transport.
My brother in NJ bought an 2023 Hyundai Ioniq 5, an electric suv. Benefits : quick, 300 mile range, charges to 80 per cent on fast charger in less than 30 minutes, lots of safety features, nice, big enough ( my brother is 6'5"), in NJ no sales taxes on ev's, no annual inspection, includes 2 years of charging at charging stations, power company (JCP&L) paid for installing a level 2 charger in his garage, good warranty on car. Dealer did add some markup because of scarcity of cars. $44-45k, but did qualify for NJ ev incentive of 2K or so. He is pleased. I am waiting for the 2024 Chevy Equinox at a more affordable $30k price and eligible for Federal and MD State tax incentives.
LOL The Left Coast ??? That's a good one . But they aren't all lefties .
I helped Brother erect 2 two plastic greenhouses before I retired, the couple seemed to have sticky fingers, the wife was a "treehugger" of the first order, they had some big poodles that looked like "afghan rugs". They were in a hurry to erect these greenhouses before the gov't subsidies ran out( with no thought as to they would be growing for if SHTF (there I said it again) our fair county is turning into a gated community with the capacity to have the mtn pass roads shut down in 2 hours or less( Oh the couple?They were from California) and our former County administrator thought She was really on the ball when She pushed through ordinances concerning wind turbines and the "Viewshed"we cannot build anything over 35 ft tall either, meanwhile back at the thoroughfare ugly as sin solar panels are being erected on former good farmland( the good people or county of the community next door wouldn't let the utility erect these ugly things on a vacant, shale barren lot( out of sight) . As Gillette sez[in the neck].
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Recently read an newspaper article re: How renters deal with EVs. Given they have no “home” in which to charge, they are at the mercy of universal charge stations that renters bemoan as always in use. Given the extremely high percentage of residents in apartments, high rise condos, etc., e-bikes vs. EVs may be the most practical for now.