Ebikeselector - ebike online app


New Member
I would like to announce a site http://www.ebikeselector.com, which is now avaiable as beta version. it's interactive ebike aplication, which should help people to quickly orient in world of ebikes. Any comment or feedback would be really welcomed! If anyone is interested into betatesting of the site, please let me know.
Attempted to use it. Confused by results. Advanced user interface is not the most intuitive.
Displays overlapped, misspelled words and in some cases in the advanced setup, it would be nice to choose 'both' rather than an either or. Example, throttle or pedal assist. I wanted both, not an option. Interesting concept.
Right off the bat nice looking website aesthetically, its nice and clean. I found that it was easy to read and maneuver on the desktop version and contained a lot of easy to understand information for someone not familiar with e-bikes.

I did notice also some grammatical errors and spelling errors.
On the desktop not all parts of the bike that are highlighted can be clicked on which should be fixed but it wasn't a huge issue because there was the other tab to click on at the bottom which brought up the information.
Also if I click the advanced set up and want to go back on my browser and select the easy or vice versa I am unable to and have to instead click refresh. I can see that being annoying to someone if you are using the site and try to click back one on the browser and accidentally get the refresh and have to input all of your choices again.

I'm currently working with a designer for my website so I know it can be a long process to get everything just right. Good luck with your site and I like the idea behind it!
Right off the bat nice looking website aesthetically, its nice and clean. I found that it was easy to read and maneuver on the desktop version and contained a lot of easy to understand information for someone not familiar with e-bikes.

I did notice also some grammatical errors and spelling errors.
On the desktop not all parts of the bike that are highlighted can be clicked on which should be fixed but it wasn't a huge issue because there was the other tab to click on at the bottom which brought up the information.
Also if I click the advanced set up and want to go back on my browser and select the easy or vice versa I am unable to and have to instead click refresh. I can see that being annoying to someone if you are using the site and try to click back one on the browser and accidentally get the refresh and have to input all of your choices again.

I'm currently working with a designer for my website so I know it can be a long process to get everything just right. Good luck with your site and I like the idea behind it!

I`m sorry for grammatical and spelling errors, i know that my english isn`t perfect. I plan to review most texts by someone with good english,i`ll try to do this step soon. Bug with highliting parts - you are right, it can be problem to get info about part when clicking on interactive image, i`ll try to improve this. About posibility to switch back to Easy selector from Advanced version - I didn`t add this feature yet because switch between easy and advanced version is made little bit complicated in code.. (i use some hacks). But i`ll try to solve it somehow, i agree that page refresh is not a good solution..I`m glad you like site design, i have put lot of effort into GUI design (although there is still lot to improve,For example problems with mobile version etc). Otherwise many thanks for your feedback! Milan, Ebikeselector
Displays overlapped, misspelled words and in some cases in the advanced setup, it would be nice to choose 'both' rather than an either or. Example, throttle or pedal assist. I wanted both, not an option. Interesting concept.

Thanks for feedback. About display overlapping, can you please describe what platform and browser do you use? About ebikeselector question concept . It`s of course a form of simplification behind program question idea, and i hope users of ebikeselector will be aware of it. About your example of throttle -Or- pedal assist - this form of stylisation is used broadly in ebike comunity, for example this article uses "vs" junction http://electricbikereport.com/electric-bike-throttle-pedal-assist-pedelec/. But i can mention fact that throttle can be used together with PAS in texts, to be more clear..
Graphics overlap , can't move options around...gave up...ipad2
Program work best on desktops, it should also work on Android platform (although it need to be polished). Unfortunately i don`t have apple, so program is not tested on apple platform this time, i am sorry..
Unable to set question importance. I can't move items in the list. Also there are no instructions on exactly how to move the questions around in the list.

Tested on: Macbook Air 2013, Browsers: Firefox and Safari

When I try and move one of the items in the list, the entire list gets highlighted (in pink) and nothing will move.
Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 8.17.34 PM.jpg
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It selected for me:

24" tires
balloon tires
mid drive
full suspension
48 watts

And I did not want or need full suspension (I indicated bike would be on road only).

I don't understand how it's coming up with the various recommendations. 24" tires?

I thought this was supposed to select an actual ebike brand/model?

Okay I give up. Someone else can test it out.
Program work best on desktops, it should also work on Android platform (although it need to be polished). Unfortunately i don`t have apple, so program is not tested on apple platform this time, i am sorry..
App did not work on Kindle Fire Android.
App did not work on Kindle Fire Android.
To use program on Android, device have to support javascript and html5. ( modern android devices mostly support these features) I dont` have Kindle Fire, but according some pages ,javascript is disabled by default on Kindle Fire, but it`s possible to enable it in settings.
It selected for me:

24" tires
balloon tires
mid drive
full suspension
48 watts

And I did not want or need full suspension (I indicated bike would be on road only).

I don't understand how it's coming up with the various recommendations. 24" tires?

I thought this was supposed to select an actual ebike brand/model?

Okay I give up. Someone else can test it out.
Thanks for reporting a problem. Unfortunately i couldn`t comment program results if i don`t see questions you have selected, but let me quickly explain how priorities influences question selection. Here is a little example. User wants motor for both flat terrain and offroad use, so he check both options. But Problem is that program recommendation for flat terain is Direct drive motor, but program recommendation for offroad is Mid drive -two totaly different motors. (reasons of recommendations are explained in program texts). So how should program recognize which motor he should put into results? It`s solved with priorities. If user decides that offroad ability is more important for him, he can prioritize this question and winner component will be mid drive, if he prioritize flat terrain driving , Direct drive will be a winner motor.. It may sounds complicated, but i suppose that system work similar way how people think in real life before buying something.. Of course there still can be non-logical results - if recommendation itself isn`t logical.. We can for example discuss if Direct drive motor is good recommendation for a flat terrain. I will welcome feedback regarding this topics, because recommendations, questions, component ratings and content can be easily changed, changing program core functionality would be much harder.
But Problem is that program recommendation for flat terain is Direct drive motor, but program recommendation for offroad is Mid drive

I think the problem is the underlying assumptions and choices you have programmed. For instance, someone who has to deal with hilly terrain (regardless of whether it's smooth or offroad) may be best served with a mid drive motor. A full suspension bike is good for offroad, it's not necessary on smooth roads.

Direct drive hub vs geared hub. There are reasons to pick a geared hub. Hill climbing ability is one such reason.

I think your program shows promise, but the choices each selection translates to in terms of what is suggested needs to be reconsidered.

Good luck!
Unable to set question importance. I can't move items in the list. Also there are no instructions on exactly how to move the questions around in the list.

Tested on: Macbook Air 2013, Browsers: Firefox and Safari

When I try and move one of the items in the list, the entire list gets highlighted (in pink) and nothing will move.
View attachment 3995
Moving question should be done simply by clicking onto source and then target question in "Priority list". (A little hint should appear after onmouse action on the question). I presume that purple areas are caused by some platform/browser incompatibility. I hope that problem will be solved in some future versions, but currently i don`t have Mac, so i couldn`t test it.. I`m sorry for this incompatibility..
@ebikeselector, I am using Windows 8 with Firefox browser. The different areas where you need to make selections seemed to be overridden by the next area below and there was no way to scroll through the area that was overlapped.
I think this product needs a little more testing in house before it is published, too many users have platforms you haven't taking into account, everyone likes the idea and appreciates the effort but it does not appear ready yet based on all the responses
and choices you have programmed. For instance, someone who has to deal with hilly terrain (regardless of whether it's smooth or offroad) may be best served with a mid drive motor. A full suspension bike is good for offroad, it's not necessary on s
@ebikeselector, I am using Windows 8 with Firefox browser. The different areas where you need to make selections seemed to be overridden by the next area below and there was no way to scroll through the area that was overlapped.
Thanks for reporting a problem.. Can you please describe a screen resolution you are using for running ebikeselector?
New updates are online. Thanks for your visit or possible feedback!
Milan, Ebikeselector admin

Grammar correction - Many thanks to my friend Standa, who did language and grammar review of most important texts (mainly in ebike Advisor). There may be still errors in rest of texts, so sorry for my poor English.. Maybe you may have already noticed that I'm not a native English speaker ( i`am from Czech Republic, small country in central Europe)

Bug fixes:
Internet Explorer compatibility - Ebike Selector is now compatible with IE 9 (or newer versions). Program should be fully functional, there are only small issues (like font colors) which will be fixed in next versions.. Unfortunately IE8 and older versions will not be supported.

Facebook login initialization - In previous versions, Facebook login window appeared immediately after application start, which could be confusing for most of users.. Now FB login window starts after clicking on "Share results button".

Posting results on Facebook works again! - Posting function didn`t worked from April, when Facebook changed policy for developers. After small fix FB posting should work again now!.

Mobile GUI fixes - GUI should now work better on mobile devices (there was problem with scrolling or adjusting size of GUI). Tested on Android devices.