Ebikeselector - ebike online app

I would like to announce a site http://www.ebikeselector.com, which is now avaiable as beta version. it's interactive ebike aplication, which should help people to quickly orient in world of ebikes. Any comment or feedback would be really welcomed! If anyone is interested into betatesting of the site, please let me know.
I looked at the selector site. It is a good idea... but I think it is too advanced for someone who is new to ebikes.
I wouldn't have known the answers to the first questions, to move on to the next page.
I suggest that you explain what those categories mean. Pedal assist, throttle, voltage, I wouldn't have known what they mean, relative to an ebike. If you would like me to make any further comments, start a conversation. Nice work!
Using Samsung Galaxy S4.
I looked at the selector site. It is a good idea... but I think it is too advanced for someone who is new to ebikes.
I wouldn't have known the answers to the first questions, to move on to the next page.
I suggest that you explain what those categories mean. Pedal assist, throttle, voltage, I wouldn't have known what they mean, relative to an ebike. If you would like me to make any further comments, start a conversation. Nice work!
Using Samsung Galaxy S4.
Hi Irene. Ebikeselector should be understandable to ebike beginners, so Your feedback is valuable. One of goals of site is to give users information’s they are looking for in a quick way. This is the reason why application don`t include longer texts. And it`s sometimes hard to explain a complex problems in few sentences. But there is still space for adding/improving texts, So I’m open to feedback in this area! First question in Ebikeselector ( throttle/pedal) is especially problematic, so I’ll try to make text more clear. I`m also thinking about moving this question on last position. It would be very helpful if you will send me further comments.. thanks for your feedback! Milan
Hi Irene. Ebikeselector should be understandable to ebike beginners, so Your feedback is valuable. One of goals of site is to give users information’s they are looking for in a quick way. This is the reason why application don`t include longer texts. And it`s sometimes hard to explain a complex problems in few sentences. But there is still space for adding/improving texts, So I’m open to feedback in this area! First question in Ebikeselector ( throttle/pedal) is especially problematic, so I’ll try to make text more clear. I`m also thinking about moving this question on last position. It would be very helpful if you will send me further comments.. thanks for your feedback! Milan
I will start a conversation. I am very new to ebikes, i just bought my first about a month ago.

Hi Irene. Ebikeselector should be understandable to ebike beginners, so Your feedback is valuable. One of goals of site is to give users information’s they are looking for in a quick way. This is the reason why application don`t include longer texts. And it`s sometimes hard to explain a complex problems in few sentences. But there is still space for adding/improving texts, So I’m open to feedback in this area! First question in Ebikeselector ( throttle/pedal) is especially problematic, so I’ll try to make text more clear. I`m also thinking about moving this question on last position. It would be very helpful if you will send me further comments.. thanks for your feedback! Milan

Have you seen this site?

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Registered twice in a row, two different names and emails. At login, both immediately reported name or password is incorrect. I gave up.

I had to attempt the profile several times, before I got it right. It's not very intuitive, and forces too much info from the start. I put in the info for a local bike trip. It's just a 12 mile ride around a lake. The finished data, estimated my battery should be at 27%!
Maybe I'm missing something :oops:
New updates are online. Any feedback will be more than welcomed!
Milan, Ebikeselector admin

  • Question selection changed radically - Question selection "priorities" were replaced with "rating" system. Currently Three types of rating are assigned: Best rating ,Good ratting ,Blocked component. Program should now excludes components that are marked as "blocked" for some questions. (It works for most of question combinations ). System is now more logical (i hope) and results should be more accurate.
  • Simplified GUI - Final button was removed, program is now using only two operating modes: PREVIEW mode and COMPLETE mode. I hope program is now more user-friendly.
  • Quick tooltips - Quick tooltips should inform you what to do next, or it can show miscellaneous warnings.
  • New component added - seat suspension - This part should be cheap "full suspension" alternative.
  • Final statistics - Final statistic should give overview about rating system and conflicts.
  • Skip from Easy Selector to Advanced Selector and vice versa Added possibility to quickly switch between Easy and Advanced selector. Also removed save load after switch from Easy to Advanced.
  • Easy Selector - quick navigation toolbar Now it`s possible to quickly switch between pages..

  • Product link - Amazon product link - this feature is under construction, currently is available only in Advanced Selector..
new version is online, you can check it out at http://www.ebikeselector.com
i`ll be glad for any feedback!
Milan, Ebikeselector admin

  • Added 2 wheel drive (also called 2WD ) motor simulation - 2WD can be selected in "Motor position" component in Advanced Selector. Currently two identical motors are supported, but this may be improved in future versions.
  • New conflict type "tool". This conflict type ( marked with "tool" icon) appears if some components is not possible to put together because of some technical aspect (size, compatibility). For example some wheelsize does`t fit into some frame types, or if user pick rear battery but doesn`t have any rack selected..
  • Center of gravity conflicts - In the previous version this conflicts type appeared when some combination components was detected, for example Lead Acid Battery and rear hub. Now it works with results of CG calculations, so it really takes into account weight and position of components.
  • New Physics status icon. This Small icon with "bulb" informs if ebike physic is ready or not. list of components needed for activating ebike physics appears after "onmouse" action on icon. Icon will change color to green, when physics is ready.
  • Country restriction improvements - Speed Restrictions - if country restriction include speed limit, speed is restricted directly into physic calculations (in previous versions there was only information provided by ,conflicts, window). This restriction is marked with "shield icon" placed on speedometer.
  • Country restriction - added new countries - Australia, China, Canada.
  • Component selection- After selecting component in Interactive Image, equivalent component is selected in component list.

Bug fixes:
  • Lot of bugs fixed, so many that i`ll not list them all. This time i have put more attention into testing the app, so i hope that you shouldn`t expect some fatal bugs.. Of course it`s still beta, so some minor bugs present (i have about 60 bugs in my buglist).
New update is online, you can check it out at http://www.ebikeselector.com
Feedback would be appreciated!
Milan, Ebikeselector admin

  • More ebike setups as result can be displayed - This is important improvement. Ebikeseletor now displays ebike setups not only made from "best rated" components, but it will also display lower rated (but still good or usable) components.

    Currently three setups are available, first setup is usually most relevant. Setups can be changed by clicking on "rotate" button. After onmouse action on this button you can see graph that shows ratio of best/good/usable/blocked components.
  • Detailed information about component rating - onmouse action on rating icons (
    ) reveals tooltip with detailed information about component rating in Question selection. This info is different in Final/preview mode. In Preview mode you can see basic component rating chart (how components are rated in relation to selected question). In Final mode you can see a list of winner rating components from all selected questions. This information should give you detailed information how components are rated and allows you to understand how Ebikeselector rating system works.
  • Conflicts in easy selector improved - conflicts now appears in small popup boxes. This will make conflict solving easier, no need to skip to "conflict page" and then back to the question.
  • change way how to work with PHYSICS SETTINGS in easy selector - Physic setting can be now accessible from any page in Easy Selector so it allows you to quick access to physic settings.
  • Easy selector - add presets and LOAD function - In previous version this function was available in Advanced selector only.
  • Rename and adjusting of Preview / complete switch button - In advanced selector, button was moved to the right menu. This was more logical, because switch is not connected to "questions", but it can be also used generally for switch on ebike physics. Preview / complete was changed to Preview / Final - shorter name was needed to better fit redesigned button.
  • Easy selector GUI redesigned and improved Improved intro help popups, this steps should let users to better orient in easy selector. Added "bulb " icon that informs about physics state. (in previous version this icon was only in Advanced selector)
  • Advanced Selector - Question Selection hidden by default Some users was confused from dual functionality of Advanced Selector, where is possible to use Question selection and component configurator together. I hope that without question selection it should be little bit easier to orient at start of using program. Question selection can still be used, after unfolding menu.
  • Amazon product link removed - i had to focus on bug fixes and polishing of important features, so i have to temporary removed this feature. Maybe it will be added back in future updates..
Main bug fixes:
  • Fixed throttle middle drive - decreasing Throttle didn`t work properly when middle drive motor was selected. fixed now.
  • Share results fixed - Sharing ebikeselector results by using of generated link should be fully functional now. Use Share result function (Advanced selector main GUI or at bottom of summarize page)