Ebike counting ... how many today?

FYI, as I posted the other day...
"Just back from a vacation in East Hampton New York. Gorgeous as usual. And just such fun. Rode my ebike all over. But here's the thing: of the many many bikers I passed or came across, not one was on an ebike. Where the heck are they?
And frankly, it's the same thing in Connecticut. They are absolutely rare. It still amazes me because, I'm so crazy about mine."

Maybe it's the cost. But really does surprise me. People are really missing the boat. Whatever. I got mine!

Btw, was in Charlotte recently. Geez, the electric scooters are everywhere!,
This probably cheating but I was in Bengbu (population 1 million), China recently. While waiting for a taxi to take me to my business appointment, I was passed by hundreds of ebikes.
The laws have not changed according to the New York DMV web site. People like ourselves are voting with our wallets and that is changing things. We are creating a demand and Bike stores are filling that demand, legal or illegal. NewYork city stopped its war on E-bikes because people voted with their wallets. It also helps that state lawenforcement and judges will not enforce the DMVs ruling. A state trooper who was looking at my bike told me. We have better things to do then harass a bunch of people doing nothing really wrong.

The term that NY DMV uses is "
  • "Motor-assisted Bicycle - a bicycle to which a small motor is attached. A motor-assisted bicycle doesn’t qualify for a registration as a motorcycle, moped or ATV and doesn’t have the same equipment."
I believe this is another NY law that has not been revised in a dogs age. A better term would be engine, they used "motor" before electric bikes were really much of a thing. Basically it just means you are unable to Register a bicycle.
I've only seen one so far outside of bike shops, it was a recumbent 3-wheeler at a road opening event. Days before the road opened they allowed people to run/walk/bike the road. I did try looking for ebikes, but only saw that one.

I use Strava, and I like looking at the at the flybys. If you aren't familiar with Strava Flybys, it lets you see a real time map of you and other Strava users that were close by you at one point or another. You can filter by only ebike users, and sometimes i'll find that another ebike was nearby me but I never intersected their path.
Thursday I took a pretty long ride and saw eight ebikes. That's my record.
Something like that. Very, very few - I believe less than 10% of total ridership here (climate similar to Seattle). Rarely take long rides, so on many days don't see any ebikes, just non-powered bikes.