e-bike model popularity


Well-Known Member
simple question, but I've never seen an answer.

What's the single most popular/best selling e-bike model ever? maybe some model of the Pedego? but that would be US only.

What's the single most popular e-bike model and brand on this forum?

It's clearly not one of the e-bikes I've had. BMW Cruise and Trek Crossrip+
Hard facts 😊

eBikes are trendy, "evolving" , fads, or revolving fast and it seems that most "models" are limited production & a rare ' big hit.'
A growing market with hundreds of models, all styles & price ranges it seems.
I imagine mobile assembly and repair shops must be an entrepreneurial opportunity.
Thanks, but I"m not sure the number of messages in a thread is necessarily an indication of how many members own that particular bike. It might, however, be as good
any measure we might have.
I've heard that e-bikes sold by the major bike companies dramatically outsell the "newish" e-bike companies. Are there public sales figures somewhere? fwiw there are roughly 100 Pedego stores vs. 17000 Trek stores, though those stores sell a lot of conventional bicycles.
The # of unsolicited messages must be valid measure and you can weight them at least - ,0 , +

Sales by volume? , the US does not YET again bicycle, even by 'fad' so far this year
? First quarter 2020 Sales up? That would be encouraging. Health fad during these times

Kids play VIDs. Shoot 'em up games
store shelves are full of bikes dusty & cheaper than dirt.
motorize 'em for xMas in July
I've heard that e-bikes sold by the major bike companies dramatically outsell the "newish" e-bike companies. Are there public sales figures somewhere? fwiw there are roughly 100 Pedego stores vs. 17000 Trek stores, though those stores sell a lot of conventional bicycles.
Total opposite. Inside industry figures showed for 2018, that the big 3 sold less than 5000 units each, versus Rad selling north of 40,000 that year. Big 3 being Trek, Giant, Specialized. Pedego is maybe in the 15,000 range. There are many so called 'newish' brands or ones you never heard of 5 years ago, selling well North of 5000 ebikes per year. Trek store by me, sold a whopping 25 ebikes last year.
Interesting, that surprises me. The local "brand" stores have told me that their e-bikes outsell their conventional bikes. If it's as low as 2 a month, I assume they'd be out of business. The price difference between "name" bikes and new brands though is pretty steep. Had no idea that Rad was that popular. I've actually never seen one here (North Carolina). Of the other e-bikes, I've seen it's been more Specialized than anything else.
Anecdotally I really only see the big names in any volume on the trails. I bought a Giant recently - I've seen one other one on the roads. The salesperson mentioned they've sold about a dozen the last few months. I'm not sure who is riding them or where. When I was shopping around the Specialized salesperson I spoke to had to look up what a Vado was. Needless to say they didn't have any floor stock to ride. Same for the Allant at another store.

I see around a very high proportion of the entry level hub motor bikes (Velectrix, Smartmotion, Leitner), a lesser proportion of good mid range, mid drive bikes ridden by the retiree set (Gazelle's, Lekkers and the like), and single units of everything else. I haven't spotted a single electric road bike yet but I'm sure they're around as all the big LBS's stock them. There's a few DIY bikes kicking around too. They're all dwarfed by the number of analog cycles. I live on a road with dedicated bike path and sometimes sit and watch everyone ride past (there's more time for that these days). At a rough guess I'd say it's 100:1 analog to electric.
In America I would think a good candidate for highest sales number of a single model would go to Sondors Fat Bike. They sold something like 6,000-7,000 on their first Indiegogo crowd funding, then did a Kickstarter, and continue to sell them today. But I have no other sales models or numbers, so not a scientific analysis. Hard to imagine how many of any certain model gets sold in China. https://www.electricbike.com/sonders-electric-bike/
Riding around home I see quite a few Rads, mostly Rover and City models. I also see a few Treks because the local bike shop carries them.

On my travels I have seen a bit more variety, including quite a few Vados and some Bike Fridays. At places with e-bike rentals I still see mostly Rad Rovers and some Volt bikes.

I've never seen an R&M in the wild except for the one I am riding.
The most popular ebike sold in the world will be some sort of Chinese market ebike. The Arrow brand models are popular among delivery riders in NYC, but my understanding is it's the heavier moped style electric bikes that are more popular in China, so probably something like a TAIL-G with vestigial pedals. >15 million e-bikes are sold each year in China, source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/255662/sales-of-electric-bicycles-in-china/ According to another thread there are tens of millions of ebikes in use in China from 900 manufacturers, although the China Bicycle Association report the top 10 account for 47% of sales.
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Quite possible. Weird thought that the most popular e-bike in the world isn't even available in the U.S. While there seem to be some folk in the U.S. using an e-bike to get to work, I'd guess the number of people here using an e-bike for work is quite small. Cargo bikes definitiely seem like one realm that the e-bike could dominate and make sense in high traffic cities like New York, D.C. , Miami, San Francisco.

I do see other e-bikes on the bike path. Generally when I'm out on country roads, I'm the only one out there. On the path, it's a lot of flat bar city and mountain bikes. On the road, it's definitely mostly people in lycra on road bikes.