E-Bike hatred is out there!

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Minimum wage in Washington State was $2.00/hr back when I was selling movie tickets in 1974. Tipped wages were about $1.85. That's why I call it backward. Half a century.

Naturally, for Californians, it's like moving to a third world country, in terms of how far their money goes. With all those Californians moving in with their silicon wages, your housing market will become more and more difficult for local earners, too, and you will enjoy the benefits of yet more economic inequalities.
Yet I managed to buy my first home in 1978 making $1.65 and hour and my wife the same . My Father died when I was 16 . At 17 my brother and myself moved out because my Mother couldn't afford it . Did I mention I also paid my way thru 4 years of college at the same time I bought a Home . That home cost me $21,000. The last 2 generations are still living home in Mom's basement where I was moving into my second home by that time . Still not making a whole lot more an hour . But we worked hard . And saved . Then finally it paid off . My wages doubled in one year.
There's no Economic inequalities . The 2 states you use in your example are run by Who ?
I'd argue that the attraction is that they feel like they are going from a third world country in California where they have open defecation in some areas to cleaner Texan suburbs where for the price of a run down dilapidated trailer mobile home in California they can get a larger property and house of higher build quality and amenities. One of the differences too in Texas is that as the population increases they have this revolutionary means of adapting by, get this, building more housing. In California they create artificial housing bubble prices by making it so difficult to build more homes and apartments, abusing "green" regulations.
Just remember that all those California "refugees" you're crowing about are going to want the same level of government services and same culture they enjoyed in California. Taxes in Texas are going to increase because of them. The price of housing is going to increase because of them. The education system and the health care system are going to change because of them. Your gun laws are going to change because of them. And, most importantly, the political control of the state is going to change because of them. You're happy now, but just wait ...
Just remember that all those California "refugees" you're crowing about are going to want the same level of government services and same culture they enjoyed in California. Taxes in Texas are going to increase because of them. The price of housing is going to increase because of them. The education system and the health care system are going to change because of them. Your gun laws are going to change because of them. And, most importantly, the political control of the state is going to change because of them. You're happy now, but just wait ...
I only said that I understand why they are moving, not that I love it, lol! Warning heeded about the concern once they reach "critical mass", but not much I can do about it other than to talk some sense and like you say remind them not to try and replicate what they fled from. Speaking of, I think many understand what they are leaving though, as I met a couple just before COVID at the grocery store that were yacking my ear off. I was helping an elderly man with one of those massive water cooler jugs they keep at the front of the store since the baggers were all busy, and they had just moved here and commented about how much more helpful people were in the area as they had seen a lot of what they apparently don't get back home in LA in just the few months they were here. If it gets bad, we're looking to move up to North Carolina to a more rural area by some relatives once we can anyway.
Just for the record, a lot of people like living in California, me for one. I won't be moving anytime soon. I like the all year MC (and e-bike) riding the weather allows me and also my proximity to the Pacific ocean, the SoCal high desert, and the Sierras, all within a few hours of each other. I also like the multi cultural diversity here as well as the politics in this state. If you like it here, stay, if you don't, leave, or if you want to move here, I say welcome. It stands to reason that in a country as big and diverse as the US one should be able to find their place without impugning others choices.
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Just for the record, a lot of people like living in California, me for one. I won't be moving anytime soon. I like the all year MC (and e-bike) riding the weather allows me and also my proximity to the Pacific ocean, the SoCal high desert, and the Sierras, all within a few hours of each other. I also like the multi cultural diversity here as well as the politics in this state. If you like here, stay, if you don't, leave, or if you want to move here, I say welcome. It stands to reason that in a country as big and diverse as the US one should be able to find their place without impugning others choices.
I thought I read your Governor had been re-called . Like isn't Catlynn and some black guy going to run for his position ? It's next to impossible to recall a public Servant . They must have had many people want him gone to get that done. I know he's been relentless on keeping things locked up until recent .
many ppl misunderstand min wage. min wage for servers and other tipped employees is essentially the same or higher than the regular min wage because if tipped employees do not make enough in tips to cover the difference between the non-tipped mon wage and the tipped min wage then the employer has to make up the difference.

So for most servers snd other tipped employees they will usually average a real wage higher than the minimum and not a wage lower than the non-tipped minimum.

in MA those wages are currently:
$13.50 (going to $15.00 jan 2023) for non tipped employees

$5.55 (going up to $6.75 jan 2023) for tipped. if tips do not raise their avg income to $13.50/hr employer may cover diff.
I only said that I understand why they are moving, not that I love it, lol! Warning heeded about the concern once they reach "critical mass", but not much I can do about it other than to talk some sense and like you say remind them not to try and replicate what they fled from. Speaking of, I think many understand what they are leaving though, as I met a couple just before COVID at the grocery store that were yacking my ear off. I was helping an elderly man with one of those massive water cooler jugs they keep at the front of the store since the baggers were all busy, and they had just moved here and commented about how much more helpful people were in the area as they had seen a lot of what they apparently don't get back home in LA in just the few months they were here. If it gets bad, we're looking to move up to North Carolina to a more rural area by some relatives once we can anyway.
We live part time in NC so we can spend time with the grandkids, but would never consider becoming residents there. We'll stick with western WA - I don't think I could make it through a summer in NC 🔥🔥🔥!
I have been riding E-bikes for the last six plus years and just had my first experience with a hater. Yesterday i went cycling on the D &L Trail with three friends on regular bikes. We had a shuttle from Jim Thorpe to White Haven reserved and paid for with Pocono Bike Rentals owned by Tom Williams. He pulled up with the van and trailer which already had at least six rental bikes laying all over the trailer in a disarray. Two other girls were also waiting but never made reservations in advance so the driver was already annoyed by the cancelation and the new people that hadn't paid in advance. After getting the trailer in order, he started to load our bikes and when he saw my Turbo Levo went into a rant about those awful e-bikes! First of all he was mad they were not made aware this bike was being shuttled and it was $5 more, not because it was a problem, but because he hates them. He went on and on about how people are running all over the trail out of control going 23 mph crashing into everybody and how the state should not allow them on any trails. I tried to explain to him how it is pedal assist only and it only goes as fast as I pedal. I also made it clear that the majority of people riding electric bikes very well, like myself, are doing so due to medical issues. He said I shouldn't waste my time discussing this with him. He hates them. End of story.
I gave him the extra $5 for his trouble which he took and thanked me. When we got to our destination and were ready to depart, he came to me and returned the money. Sorry, too late.
I am posting this to make other e-bike riders aware of the poor service I received from this business and recommend looking for a different shuttle service if you are interested in doing one of these trips.
Sadly, I let this ruin the rest of the day for me.

I'm late to the party but I appreciate knowing about this person's business practices. Then I could follow other posts here about how to enjoy the area without using this business.
The Washington Post publishes another moan about those darn ebikers. Boo them I say
Not sure. Based on the examples given it's another case of the few abusing the privilege by riding too fast, riding in the wrong direction etc. rather than the bike itself. As I said in another post it's the reckless few that will wind up getting EBikes treated more like other powered transportation out there than like bicycles.
Americans like to whine, or winge as the Brits would say. The concept of considering how you got into a bad situation and what you need to do to change it escapes most people. There is a phrase with treatment of drug problems referred to as 'pulling a geographic' where people think that moving to a new state is going to make everything OK and do not realize that they are carrying their personal baggage wherever they go.
I try to avoid political posts, especially when someone says "wake up" at the end of their rant as if anyone who doesn't agree with the rant is misinformed/uninformed or stupid. Sad
In past years, most of my encounters with non e-bike riders had been negative and sometimes hostile. Within the last year or two, I'm seeing this negativity soften somewhat. Perhaps it's the sheer number of e-bikes out there now that's changing the tide. Of course, this is just my own observation based on experiences at the places I ride here in the northeast.

For example, I was riding the WMRT in western Maryland two weeks ago. As I approached the western terminus of the trail, I rode up to two spandex clad riders on road bikes comparing notes on their respective rides. As I approached, I expected the usual derision that I normally got from hard core bikers on this trail. Instead, they were both friendly and actually asked questions about my e-bike. I still get the snide comments from roadies on this trail but it was nice to have a positive encounter for a change.

I've had similar experiences lately on the Pine Creek and GAP trails here in PA. Maybe there's hope for the future?
Americans like to whine, or winge as the Brits would say. The concept of considering how you got into a bad situation and what you need to do to change it escapes most people. There is a phrase with treatment of drug problems referred to as 'pulling a geographic' where people think that moving to a new state is going to make everything OK and do not realize that they are carrying their personal baggage wherever they go.
Yep you take the same person and attitude with you it just adds misery to your new residence( told my wife that a few years back and She came back the same person.)
I haven't experienced any haters where I live in rural country and just one older lady on a pedal bike that called me a cheater when she was riding the opposite way.

Many people have asked me about my Ariel X and a few have taken pics and asked where I got it. Guys looking for off road ebikes for hunting have shown a lot of interest. I sold off 3 of my older ebikes cheap to older locals that have been very pleased and that has helped in the community.

Lots of farmers and guys in trucks and most wave to me as they see me riding every day. They ride ATVs and UtVs on the roads here so not a big deal to see an ebike. Maybe the fact that I am older and wear camo a lot and people in the area are friends and neighbors helps.
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